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Topic: Gnostic (Gnosticism)

Showing 1 to 40 of 40.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-06 Gospel of Peter (Gnostic Gospel): What do you think of the "Gospel of Peter," because It was so disturbingly different from the Bible?
2024-04-18 Gospel of Thomas: Has not the "Gospel of Thomas" been authenticated?
2024-04-01 Yahweh as the Devil (Modern Gnosticism): What do you know about this modern belief about Yahweh being Satan and other seemingly gnostic views about Jesus? [John 8:54, Psalm 110:1].
2024-02-02 Debate with Atheist: Are you going to debate with an atheist soon?
Science, Creation & Age of Earth: If you are convinced of the science that says the earth is a globe (rather than flat), then why don't you accept the science that says that the earth is old? Why do you reject the Gnostic gospels based on the first line lying about the authorship, if the first lines in Genesis are a lie, but you accept it?
Globalist vs Nationalistic Views: Why do Christians seem to support more of a nationalist view rather than globalist?
2024-01-16 Book of Enoch: Can we trust the extrabiblical gospels, like "Book of Enoch" (Gospel of Mary, Philip, Thomas), etc.?
2023-07-17 Endless Genealogies: What does "endless genealogies" mean? [1 Timothy 1:4].
Baptism & Regeneration: Why don't evangelicals see baptism as part of regeneration?
"Sound of Freedom" Movie (Criticism) What do you think about the criticism of the movie, "Sound of Freedom?"
2023-06-30 Books Not Included in the Bible: Is there any value in reading the books that were not included in the Bible?
2023-06-20 Selection of Books for the Bible: How did they decide which books to keep in the Bible, like when they omitted "Nag Hammadi" (Gnostic Gospels)? Should I read these books or should I avoid them? Rec: Topical Lecture; "Authority of Scripture." [Ephesians 4:14].
2023-05-02 The Water, the Spirit & the Blood: Would you talk about "the Water, the Spirit, and the Blood" in scripture? [1 John 5:6-8, John 15:27, John 19:34]. (Caller's audio is very poor.)
2023-03-14 False Teachers in 1 John: Are the false teachers in 1 John denying that Jesus came in the flesh? Could you explain the context? [1 John 4:3].
2023-02-21 Disagreement or Unity in Doctrine: Is there any scripture that suggests that there can be disagreements about some of our doctrines? [1 Corinthians 13, Ephesians 4:13].
Calvinism is Evil: Do you think that Calvinism is evil because it distorts the character of God having come from Gnosticism, such as James White saying that rape is from God?
2023-01-05 Calvinism Should Not be Allowed in Christianity: Why is Calvinistic (Gnostic) theology accepted in Christianity, when other mistaken views, like Jehovah Witnesses, are not?
2022-10-27 Gnosticism: Why is Gnosticism and the Demiurge a heresy?
2022-04-25 Predesdination: Is "predestination" in scripture more about God determining how people would be saved through Christ? [Ephesians 1:4-5, Ephesians 1:11, I Peter, Romans 9:29-30, I John 3:2, Romans 8:14-16].
Augustine, Predestination & Manichaeism: Doesn't the misunderstanding that Calvinists have about predestination actually come from the Gnostics (Manichaenist)?
2021-09-21 Muslim View of Jesus for the Sacrifice for Sin : How do you respond to the Muslim when they question why God doesn't just forgive without requiring a sacrifice?
Gnostic Gospels: What do you know about the Gnostic Gospels?
2021-09-08 Gnostic Gospels: Steve makes a correction about the source for the Gnostic Gospels being the "Nag Hammadi" library, rather than the "Ras Shamra".
2021-09-02 Mithraism & Other Pagan Religions & Sources: Could you talk about Mithraism and the other Pagan Religions and their beliefs?
Gnostic Gospels: Is there a possibility that the Gnostic Gospels could be trusted?
The "Gospel of Judas": What do you think of the "Gospel of Judas", and the idea that Judas might have been a good guy? [John 6:70]. NOTE: Steve misspoke the source would be Nag Hammadi instead of Ras Shamra.
2021-09-02 Mithraism & Other Pagan Religions & Sources: Could you talk about Mithraism and the other Pagan Religions and their beliefs?
Gnostic Gospels: Is there a possibility that the Gnostic Gospels could be trusted?
The "Gospel of Judas": What do you think of the "Gospel of Judas", and the idea that Judas might have been a good guy? [John 6:70]. NOTE: Steve misspoke the source would be Nag Hammadi instead of Ras Shamra.
2021-04-16 Satan-God of This World: Is Paul's reference to Satan being the "God of this world" somewhat gnostic? [2 Corinthians 4:4, 2 Thessalonians 2:11, Romans 11:10, Matthew 28:18].
2020-06-09 Diotrephes: Do we know anything about the doctrine of Diotrephes? [3 John].
2020-05-14 The Water & The Blood: What do you think that the water and the blood stand for in I John 5? Does the blood represent baptism? [I John 5:6-8, John 4, 15, 19, I Corinthians 15}
2020-02-12 Gnosticism, Calvin & Election: If Paul is correcting Gnostic teaching about election to include everyone for salvation, then how can Calvinists not also be corrected? [I Timothy 2:1-6].
2019-07-31 Gnosticism: Why are Gnostics considered heretics?
2019-07-22 Gnostic Gospels of Thomas & Jasher: What is the background and relevance of the Gospels of Thomas & Jasher? How does one contrast them to our accepted gospels?
2019-03-07 Gnosticism: Were the Gnostic Gospels around at the same time as New Testament writers (1st century)?
Defining "Sin": Can you offer fuller meaning to the word and concept of "sin"? [Romans 3:23, Romans 7, Romans 8:2]
2018-09-25 Refuting Arianism & Gnosticism: Refuting Arianism & Gnosticism, was Jesus God? (trinity doctrine confusion)
2018-09-24 Paul as Opposed to Gnosticism: Paul talking about the spirit and the flesh warring against one another, wasn't the idea of the flesh being sinful more from the Gnostics?
2018-08-30 Gnostic Gospels: what is the Gnostic gospel?
Epistle of Barnabus: What is the gospel (actually epistle) of Barnabus?
2018-08-06 Gnosticism: When did Gnosticism begin? [Acts 8]
2018-03-13 Walking in the Light: Walking in the light & living a sinless life, is he talking to Christians or non-believers? [1 John 1:9]
2018-01-31 Apocrypha: The Books of Jasher & Thomas, how come they are not in the Bible?
2017-10-25 The Ladder of Divine Ascent: Has Steve ever heard of the book called, The Ladder of Divine Ascent (caller calls it letter of divine ascension)?
Gnosticism & Asceticism: There's a lot of talk about Gnosticism in the Bible, but Christians don't have to practice Asceticism, even though people like John the Baptist & Paul seemed to practice asceticism, since Jesus didn't, & we are supposed to follow His example!
2017-06-27 Jesus & Reincarnation: Didn't Jesus seem to teach re-incarnation? [Galatians 6:7-8]
Book of Enoch: How are the other books any different? Caller doesn't think it should've been taken out, & it's a good source to prove that Reincarnation & Karma is taught in the Bible.
Gnostic Gospels, Gospel of Thomas or Magdalene: What about all these other Gnostic gospels such as the Gospel of Thomas & Mary Magdalene?
2016-11-11 Gnosticism: How should we witness to Gnostics?
Wise Men, Magi: Where did the wise men come from?
Time Between Daniel & Jesus: Wasn't there a prophecy that gave the amount of time between Daniel & Jesus' birth or life?
2016-03-11 Heresy: What is heresy, & can you give me an example of it in church history? Are elements of Calvinism heresy?
2016-02-22 Testing the Spirits: Can you explain what John meant by "testing the spirits"? [1 John 4:1, 1 Corinthians 14:29, 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21, Deuteronomy 13:1-4]
2014-02-25 Canonicity of Scripture & Peter: Do you believe Peter wrote the 2nd epistle of Peter?
The Nag Hammadi Library - Chenoboskion Manuscripts: Was this just a collection gnostic books or books of the Bible also?
James & Jude & Hebrews: Authorship of James, Jude & Hebrews, & how do we know to accept those books?
2014-02-07 Gnostic Gospels - Gospel of Thomas: A lengthy discussion about the Gnostics gospels, inspired by a previous call.
Dead Sea Scrolls: What about the Dead Sea Scrolls?
2014-02-06 Gnostic Gospels: Caller has people telling him that he needs to believe in the gnostic gospels. What does Steve think about them?
2013-04-22 Jesus Came by Water & the Blood: What is meant when scripture indicates that Jesus came by water and blood, and why does some manuscripts add some words? [I John 5:6-8, John 19:34, John 15:26].
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