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Topic: Pre-existence

Showing 1 to 13 of 13.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-03-30 Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is it wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods?
Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is is wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods? [Revelation 12:11].
Distancing Oneself from One's Family Member: Is is wrong to distance myself from my brother, if I don't think he is a good influence around my family?
2020-03-30 Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is it wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods?
Plea the Blood of Jesus: Is is wrong to "plea the blood of Jesus" over your house or other goods? [Revelation 12:11].
Distancing Oneself from One's Family Member: Is is wrong to distance myself from my brother, if I don't think he is a good influence around my family?
2020-03-04 Pre-existence or Premortality of the Human Being: Could you help me understand Jeremiah 1:5, and in what way God knew us, or our souls, before?
2019-05-15 Reincarnation - Man Born Blind: Is the story of the man that was born blind, evidence for reincarnation? [John 9].
2019-04-25 Reincarnation: Edgar Cayce indicated that the Bible supports reincarnation. What are those verses? Lazarus and the Rich Man [Genesis 9:27, Luke 6].
2019-02-21 Reincarnation: What does the Bible say about reincarnation?
God Speaking to us: Does God speak to us through other people?
2019-01-08 Grounds for Divorce: Is actual adultery, as opposed to carnal knowledge, desertion & physical abuse, grounds for divorce?
Date of Writing of the New Testament: Were all the books of the new Testament were written before 69 A.D.?
Reincarnation: How do you view reincarnation?
2018-11-12 Pre-existence for Jeremiah: God knew us before we were born, does that mean we had a pre-existence? Did Jeremiah know God before he came down here? [Jeremiah 1:5]
Speaking in Tongues: Alternate viewpoint in speaking in tongues.
2018-06-15 Proof of Pre-existence: Does this supposedly talk about our pre-existence because the disciples thought he supposedly could've sinned himself to cause his blindness? [John 9]
2018-02-19 Broken and Fallen World: We were not given a choice to be born. Why do you think God chose to put us in this fallen world?
2017-04-13 Pre-existence of Humans: Since are an extension of God, did we have a pre-existence? (Buddhist caller)
2015-09-09 Past Life Regression: The caller's father SORT'VE believes the Bible, but he's also heard about people in their past lives where they are pretty accurate w/ stuff that happened to them, can describe stuff that really happened in history.
Judaism: Judaism believes in reincarnation also, the caller's father believes.
Reincarnation: Is there a place where the caller can find more Christian resources on the reincarnation?
2013-06-10 Jewish Race Insignificant: The ethnic race of Jews doesn't matter!
Pre-Existence of the Soul: Are our souls in heaven before we come down to earth?
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