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Topic: Church History

Episode Topic Audio

No Specific Dates in Scripture: Why are there no dates for significant events recorded in scripture?
Location of the Sepulcher: Why do we not have a record of which is correct The Garden Tomb or at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was located? [John 4:21, Acts 7:47-50, Luke 3:1, Psalm 24:1].

Slavery: Why isn't slavery more absolutely condemned in the Bible? Could you talk about slavery in the 1st century?

Dispensationalism's Seven Dispensations: Is it valid for Dispensationalists to divide up history into seven dispensations?
Second Coming in Ephesians: Is Ephesians 1 referring to the Second Coming and the rapture of the church? What does the reference to "times" mean? [Ephesians 1:10].

Atheist-Apostasy: Do you think I am stupid and deserve to go to hell?
Atheist-Theological Disagreement: Do you think that theological disagreements are a good enough reason to send someone to hell?
Atheist-Hinduism Predates the Flood: Atheist caller claims that he has seen evidence that proves that Hinduism predates the Flood. He also challenges Steve's claim that he has evidence that Jesus and the gospels are true.

After Jesus' Resurrection: What can we learn about the 40 days following Jesus' resurrection and the time He spent with His disciples? Is there anything to be learned from extra-biblical sources? [Acts 1].
Fleeing Jerusalem: How did the Christians know to flee Jerusalem before the Romans destroyed it? Did Luke inform them? [Luke 21:20].

Daniel's Timeline & 70 Weeks: Could you help me sort the timeline in Daniel and the 70 weeks? [Daniel 9].
Jesus' Baptism: About when would you date the baptism of Jesus?
Calculation of the Day of Crucifixion: Could the day of the crucifixion be Wednesday?

The Apocrypha (Eastern Orthodox Church): If the Apocrypha was in all Bibles up until the 1800s, then did everyone have defective Bibles?

The Lives of the Twelve Apostles: Beyond Acts, is there additional reliable information about the lives of the rest of the apostles and what happened to them? Rec: "The Search for the Twelve Apostles" by William Steuart McBirnie
Thomas & Nathanael (Bartholomew): Do you think that Thomas and Nathanael (Bartholomew) went to India? [Galatians 2:9, 1 Peter 1:1].

Dispensationalism: What is "Dispensationalism" and do you think it is valid? Rec: "Deconstructing Dispensationalism (YouTube) and website: When Shall These Things Be?" and "What Are We to Make of Israel?"

Nicean Creed: Is the Roman Catholic Church responsible for the Nicean Creed?

Missing Years of Jesus' Life: Is there anything out there that tries to cover the missing years of Jesus' life? [Luke 2:49].

Visions of Mary & Mary in Church History: How important was Mary in the history of the church? What about the visions of Mary? [Acts 1].

James' Leadership in the Church: How did James (brother of Jesus) become so prominent and such a notable leader in Jerusalem?

Dispensationalism: What is Dispensationalism and what do they think about the Book of Revelation?
Historical Setting of the Book of Romans: What was the historical setting of the Book of Romans? [Acts 18, Romans 11, Romans 14:5-6, Romans 1-4].

False Doctrines Developed Outside of the Bible: Could you survey significant false doctrines that have developed that are not really in the Bible?

Christian Counterculture: What do you mean by "Radically Christian Counterculture?"
Dispensationalism's Evolution: Has Dispensationalism evolved from its inception?
Shroud of Turin: What do you think about the "Shroud of Turin?"

Creeds: Why are there creeds (Apostles' & Nicene)?

Government Authority: Were Christians protesting the government authorities? [Romans 13:1-3, 1 Peter 2:13-14].

Apostle's Creed: Where did the "Apostle's Creed" come from?

Hell is Eternal: Caller warns callers that there are many verses that make it clear that hell is irrefutably eternal. Rec: Steve's Book; "Three Views of Hell" or topical lectures on the "Three Views of Hell." [Genesis 2:17, Ezekiel 18:20, Revelation 21:8, Revelation 20:14].

Getting out of Hell: Could you spell the names of the teachers from church history that taught one could get out of hell (Origen, Clement of Alexandria)?

"Book of J" or "Documentary Hypothesis": What is the argument for the Mosaic earlier date regarding the Pentateuch as opposed to the "Documentary Hypothesis" (origins and authorship of the Pentateuch)? Rec: Verse-by-verse lecture series, 3rd lecture under Genesis, "Introduction to the Pentateuch."

Revival: Could you talk about "revival"? What causes revival and what kills it? [Acts 2].

Economic Sanctions in History: Could you speak to historical examples of sanctions limiting "buying and selling" of the past in relation to the predicted "mark of the beast?" [Revelation 13, Revelation 14:1].

Church Stage & Altar When did we establish the church traditions with the stage and altar?

Bible Mistake?; 70 or 75 People: The number of people of the house of Jacob, and where they were taken in Stephen's testimony was called into question. [Acts 7:14-16, Genesis 46:27].
The Masoretic Text: Why is my copy of the English version of the Masoretic text not consistently in English and sometimes inserts Hebrew? [Isaiah 9:6].

Fallen Angels & Nephilm: Were the angels in Genesis 6 actually fallen angels? [Genesis 6].
Nephilim, Demons & Fallen Angels: Were the Nephilim actually demons that inhabited other bodies? Are demons and fallen angels two separate things? [Genesis 6:4-6, Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4].
Holy Bible's Canonization: Did the Catholic church canonize the Holy Bible?

"Not Peace, but a Sword": Why would there be this passage about not coming to bring peace, "but a sword", when it is so frightening? [Matthew 10:34-36, Micah 7:6].
The Bible's is Incomplete: Was there more that could have been included in the Bible that was not written? [John 21:25].

Nestorius (Church of the East): What do you know about Nestorius and the controversy in the Church of the East?

Premillennial Church Fathers: Were the early church father's premilliennial? Did they believe in the pre-trib rapture?

The Church Fathers: Should we be reading the church fathers? How important are they and how should we view their writings?

Sunday Worship & the Ten Commandments: When someone indicated that I worship on the wrong day (Sunday), would be shocked how Sunday became our day of worship, and questioned whether I believed the Ten Commandments-I wasn't sure how to respond. [Hebrews 8:13, 2 Corinthians 3:6-7, Romans 14:5, Acts 20:7, Acts 2:46, Romans 9:5]. Topical lecture recommended; "Torah Observance."

Choosing the Books in the Bible: How were the books chosen for the Bible and what standards were used? [John 13:20].
Bible Books Selection-Accurate?: How do we know with certainy that the books we have in the Bible are the correct ones? [2 Corinthians 12:12]. Recommended topical lecture; "Authority of Scripture."

Christian Books: What are the top five books Christians should have and read, especially any that would help understand the historical setting and the life of Christ? Recommended: Bible Handbooks or Bible Introductions. "Pursuit of God" by Tozer, "Mere Christianity" by CS Lewis, "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1 & 2) by Steve Gregg, "Pilgrim's Progress" by Bunyon, "Of the Imitation of Christ" by Thomas A'Kempis, "A Christian's Secret of a Happy Life" by Hannah Whithall Smith.

A Better Resurrection & Future Rewards: What is meant in Hebrews by "they might obtain a better resurrection"- perhaps an implication of varying degrees of rewards in the Resurrection? [Hebrews 11:35, John 5:28-29].
Monarch as Head of Church: Is declaring a monarch as "Head of Church" an afront to Christ, or simply harmless tradition?

Why God Forgot the Jewish People: Why did God forget the Jewish People for 400 years?

Pentateuch's Origins: Could you talk about the records that Moses used for the writing of the Pentateuch?

The Law of the Old Testament: When were "the laws" initiated, were they still being made later, and is the authorship disputed?

Study Bibles: How would you find a study Bible that is not Dispensationist?

Dipsensational Views in Early Church History: Is there any documentation about typical Dispensational views (millennium, pre-trib rapture, restored Israel), about eschatology held in the early church (before 1800s)?
Kingdom Passages Fulfilled Chart: Where can one find the chart you made showing the new testament writers indicating the Kingdom passages that were fulfilled?
First Appearance of the "Antichrist" in Church History: Didn't the first appearance of what we think about the "anitchrist" show up about the 1500s with Francisco Ribera?

Beginnings of the "Church:" Could you clarify exactly when and how the "church" began, as the Catholics claim that Mary started the church when she gave birth to Jesus?

Bible Books: How did we get to what we accept as authentic Bible books, in contrast to the books that the early church accepted?
Book of Wisdom: Is "the Book of Wisdom" actually the same as Solomon? Ref: The Book of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus.

Early Church Compared to Modern Church: Could you clarify what you meant by your critique of modern day church and pastors in contrast to the early church?

What Kind of Book is the Bible?: Someone said that the Bible just a history book? Isn't it the Word of God?

Archeological Discoveries: What do you think of the claims of Ron Wyatt, who reportedly found the Ark of the Covenant and Noah's Ark? [Jeremiah 3:16].

Atheist Caller-Grounds for Rejection of the Bible: Atheist responds to the claim that atheists hold the Bible to a higher standard than other historical records.
Atheist-The Bible as Myth: Athesist Caller; Why not call the Bible stories as myths?
Atheist-Different Conclusions about God: Atheist; Do you think that two intelligent people can look at the same evidence and conclude differently.

God's First Religion: Did God give a specific religion when He created Adam and Eve? (Jeremiah 31:34, I John 2:27].

Trinity: Did you say that the trinity doctrine began about 300 years before Christ?
Trinity-Praying to the Father & Son: Were the early disciples praying to Jesus and the Father, rather than the Trinity?

Joseph of Arimathea: Did Joseph of Arimathea got arrested, was retrieved by Jesus and had him with Him for 40 days?

The Value of the Protestant Reformation: As Evangelical Protestants, how much do we owe to the Protestant Reformation and would we not all still be Historicist and Catholic?

Chloe and Church Contentions in Corinith: Who was Chloe and what was the contention about-leadership or baptism? [I Corinthians 1:11-13, I Corinthians 7:1, I Corinthians 10:2].

The Essenes: Why do the gospels not mention the Essenes?

Missions & Missionaries: Where in church history did we start sending out missionaries? [Acts 13].

Talmud & Synagogue History: Could you talk about the origins and history of the Talmud and the synagogue? [Deuteronomy 24:1].

Paying the Tithe: Was paying a tithe under the ceremonial or moral law?
Tithing Not for the Church Today: Where and when did we start wrongly teaching about the tithe for the church today?

Jesus' Existence: What is your argument for the historical existence of the man, Jesus?

Praise for Steve Gregg's Ministry: Caller very enthusiastically shares his gratitude for Steve's ministry on The Narrow Path radio program and website:
More God-fearing Christians in the Past: Were people more God-fearing throughout the 1800s than they are now?

History of AD 70: Listener recommends Christian historian, Dr. Paul Maier's book, “In the Fullness of Time”, in relation to church history and the Jewish War of AD 70. Recommended additional book, “Josephus-the Essential Works”:

More of the History of AD 70: What would you recommend and what to you have on your website that would help me to learn more about the history of 70AD?
AD 70: Would it not be more difficult to properly understand the Bible without knowing some of the history surrounding the events?

Inspiration of Scripture: Can you clarify your position on the "inspiration of scripture"? [2 Timothy 3:16].
Automatic Writing from God: Do you think that the Old Testament was written with automatic writing from God?
Moses' Source of Information: Do you think that Moses got his information from God about Genesis, etc.?

Josephus' Historical Accuracy: Is it possible that some of what Josephus wrote could have been exaggerated to puff up the Romans? How do we know we can trust what he wrote?
Augustine's Value to Christian History: What was good about Augustine? [Romans 5:12].
Isaac Newton's Commentary on Revelation: Why didn't you use Sir Isaac Newton's commentary on Revelation when you did your commentary, "Four Views of Revelation"?

Last Event in the Bible: What is the last documented historic event recorded in the Bible and why do you think that there has not been more? [2 Timothy, Acts 28, Luke 19:41-44, Luke 21:5-6].

Knights Templar: What do you know about the "Knights Templar" and their effect on church history?

Book of Enoch: What do you think of the "Book of Enoch" and why isn't it in the Bible? [I Corinthians 14:37].

Contradiction in Jesus' Journey to Egypt: Can you harmonize what seems to be contradictory information that would not allow for their journey to Egypt? [Matthew 2:14, Luke 2:22, John 21:25].
Census in Jesus' Birth Year: Is there any extrabiblical or secular documentation for the census in Jesus birth year?

Church History: Could you tell me the reference material from which you drew the information for your church history lectures? References; "Church History in Plain Language" by Bruce Shelley, "The Story of Christianity" by Justo L. Gonzalez.

Chronology of Bible Book Writings: Were the gospel books written after the epistles? [Matthew 28:20].

The Kings & The Little Horn: Could you tell me who the "ten kings" and the "Little Horn" are in Daniel 7? [Daniel 7:24].

Persecution of the Early Church: Was the persecution of the early church limited to certain localities, or was it more widespread?

Augustine Persecuting Other Believers: Did the church father, Augustine, cause people to be martyred, using the parable of "The Wedding Feast"? [Luke 14:23].
William Tyndale: Was William Tyndale martyred?

Eastern & Western Doctrine of Christology: Could you help me understand the differences between the eastern and western doctrines of Christology, like Monophysitism and Neophysitism?

Units of Measure in Exodus: Could you talk about the units of measure in Exodus? [Exodus 30:22].

Actual Body of Christ in the Eucharist: Caller argues that his actual body of Christ is in the Eucharist and that the view was held by the church fathers from the earliest dates. [Acts 20:29,l Act 20:26, Mark 10:43, Isaiah 8:20].

Catholic vs Protestant: Could you clarify your view about the origins of the church (Protestant or Catholic)?

Catholic vs Protestant: Caller posits that because Jesus started the Catholic Church and Martin Luther started the other churches, Protestants are wrong.

Jesus' Life Before His Ministry: What was Jesus doing during those earlier years, and before he entered His ministry? [Luke 2].

Prophet Daniel and the Jewish History: Do you think that Daniel may have been somewhat unclear about the ramifications his prophecy and that Chapter 12 could have been about the New Covenant? [Daniel 11-12, Matthew 24:21, John 5:28-29, I Peter 1:10].

Gap in Church History: Why do you suppose there is such a gap in church historical records from about 70-120 AD or so?

Cremation: What do you think about cremation? Does the Bible say anything about it?
Christianity Alone has Witnesses: Is it true that Christianity is the only faith that actually has witnesses?

Arminian vs Armenian: Caller confuses Arminian vs Armenian? Where does Arminianism come from?
Creation Just Taking it's Course: Did God create the sun and earth, and then just let it go functioning on its own?

History of Water Baptism: When did the practice of water baptism begin? Where did John the Baptists get that idea? [John 3:26].

Chronology of the Writing of the Gospels: What order were the gospels written in, and did the later gospel writers get some of their information from the earlier?

Authorship of the Gospels: What do you think of the theory that the writers of the gospels were not the actual authors?

The Term, "Early Church Father:" Why do you use the term "early church fathers", when the Bible says not to? [Matthew 23:9].

Premillennialist Church Father's Beliefs: Did the early Premillennial church fathers believe in the tribulation, the pre-trib rapture, and the antichrist?
Satan's Released & Loosed: Are there any signs to tell us what it will look like when Satan will be released and "loosed for a little while"? [Revelation 20:3-7].

Family Curses & Divine Counsel for Prayer: Have you heard of bringing prayer to a "counsel of divine judges" which may be tied to Genesis? He feels he may have a family curse. [Genesis 1:26-28, I Corinthians 6:3].
The Didache: What do you think about "The Didache"?

Various Views in the Jerusalem church: What are the different views of those in the Jerusalem church?
Senior Pastors in the Jerusalem Church: How did the hierarchy of the Jerusalem church compare to those that would be considered senior pastors in churches today? [Galatians 2:12, Acts 15, Matthew 23:8].

Amillennialism, Rod of Iron, Inquisition & the Persecuting Church: Is not the Amillennial view responsible for the persecution of the church in the Inquisition", because of claiming to rule by the "rod of iron"? Books on Amillennialism recommended- author, Sam Storms. [Revelation 2:26-27, Matthew 20:25].

Calvinism vs the Alternates: What is the difference between Calvinism and other denominations? Recommended lecture; "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation."
Steve Gregg Leaving Calvary Chapel: What lead to your departure from Calvary Chapel?

Apostle John: Could you help me fill in some missing information and gaps in his history of the apostle John?

The Millennium & Partial-Peterism: Are we in the millennium now? And how does that relate to Partial-Preterism? Recommended lecture by Steve Gregg; When Shall These Things Be?

Qualifications for Apostles: What are the qualifications for an apostle? Should I be at a church that calls some there apostles? [2 Corinthians 8:23, John 13:20, Ephesians 4:11, 2 Corinthians 12:12, Matthew 23:10].

Blood Spoken of Frequently in Scripture: Why does the Bible speak so much about blood? [Leviticus 17:1, Hebrews 9:22].
The Baptist Denomination: What are the pros and cons of the Baptist denomination?

Church in the Gospels: If you say that the word "church" was only found two times in the gospels, how did we come up with our liturgy and how did they conduct church in the early church [Matthew 16, Matthew 18, Acts 2:42-49, I Corinthians 14, I Corinthians 11, I Timothy 3, Titus 1, 2 Corinthians 3:17].

Greek Rule in Bible Times: Comment about the Greek rule in Biblical days.
Revelation & New Age: Caller comments on the harlot in Revelation its relationship to the New Age Movement. [Revelation 17:6-8].

Premillennial View of Christ's Return: Could you explain why you reject the premillennial view of Christ's return?
F. F. Bruce & Amillennialism: Was F. F. Bruce an Amillennialist?

Apostolic Succession: Would you talk about Catholic "apostolic succession" and the early church fathers? [Acts 12].

The Holy Spirit & Oil: Is there a connection between the Holy Spirit and oil, or is there an inappropriate conflation of the two? [Zechariah 4:6, John 7:37-39].
Books on Church History: Do you have any particular recommendations of primary books on church history?

Church Persecution: Could you share some thoughts about the persecution of the church today, and if the early church relied on the government to assist them? [Mark 12:30-31].

Good Books About Satan: Caller offers book suggestions on the topic of Satan: by Michael Brown.
Christian Fundamentalism: How would you define Christian Fundamentalism? Is is a good thing or a bad thing?

Believing in God-Without Doubt: Should we not know that God is real with every fiber of our being, rather than related to the saying, "I would rather live as if there is a God and be wrong ..."?
The Value of the Church Fathers: Why are the church fathers important to us, since we are all fallible?

Small Church Meetings: What do you think about smaller church gatherings, attempting to emulate the early church. Is there enough time and attention on the sermon, rather than eating and visiting?

Pre-millennial & Anmillennial Church History: When did the church transition from Pre-millennial to Amillennial? [Revelation 2:6, Matthew 20:25-28].

Why is Not More Being Written in the Bible Today: Why are God's people not still writing more to add to the Bible?

Augustine & Calvinism: Did you say that Augustine was the father of Calvinism?
Calvinism Origins & Manichaeism: What is Manichaeism?
Calvinism, Church Fathers, Alternate Views: Did the church fathers that introduced Calvinism have any opposition?

Petra, Edom, Bozrah, Moab: Could you discuss Petra (Bozrah) and if it was in Edom & Moab?
Temple Servants-Gibeonites: Were the temple servants Gibeonites?
Is There an Actual Rapture: What is the background of the word used for rapture? Do we really have a biblical basis for believing in the rapture, or is it metaphorical? [I Thessalonians 4:17, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Acts 28:15, 25:1, 2 Corinthians 12:2, 15:52].

Church of Christ Origins: Could you clarify the origins of the Church of Christ? [Romans 16:16, Hebrews 12:23].
Church of Christ & The Way: Do you think that the Christian assemblies in 33A.D. would have been called "The Way", rather than the Church of Christ as the denomination contends?

Church after the Book of Acts: What happened to the church after the book of Acts? [Matthew 20:26].

Authority to the Popes to the Apostles: Do the popes have the authority of "binding and loosing" that Jesus promised to the apostles? [Matthew 16:19, 18:18, 2 Corinthians 8:23].
Mary & the Saints Perfected in Righteousness: Relative to the Catholic claim that Mary and the saints are prefected in righteousness, are we not already prefected in righteouseness in Christ? [3 John].

Jesus as the only Way: Can we absolutely prove that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven amidst all the world religions that are out there?

Hell & Catechetical Schools of Theology: What are the historical centers of theology you were talking about in your book on hell, and where can I find more information about their views?
Hell & C.S. Lewis: What was C.S. Lewis' view about the Doctrine of Hell? Was he an annihilationist?

Bodies in Hell: Do we know what kind of bodies the wicked will have at the resurrection, and would that have any effect on one's view of hell?
Warning of Destruction in AD70: Did the warning in Revelation for the believers to flee, have any effect on the churches in Smyrna & Philadelphia? [Revelation 2:9, 3:9, John 8:44].

Early Church Variations & Denominational Splits: Would you clarify the denominational splits in the early church and how it has affected our contemporary Christian faith today?

Churches in Revelation: Why were there only seven churches addressed in the book of Revelation? [Revelation 1:4-17].
Second Coming: Could you help me with understanding the second coming of Christ?

Church Structure-Institutionalization: Can you talk about church structure and how it had already become institutionalized by the time of Augustine?

First Gentile Convert: Who was the first gentile convert the Ethiopian Eunuch or Cornelius?
Evangelism: Should we give the Jewish historical background and genealogies when evangelizing - as they demonstrated in the New Testament?

Christianity's Beginnings: When did Christianity begin?
Denominations: What are denominations? Are we not the one body of Christ?

Escaping Jerusalem AD 70: How and when did the Christians get the warning to leave Jerusalem prior to A.D. 70? Pray that it will not be on the Sabbath or in winter? [Eusebius].

Notre Dame: What do you think about the relics that were in Notre Dame (cross, crown of thorns)?

Church: What prevents the modern day church being like the early church? Why there much church discipline anymore?

Church Membership: A pastor presented a lecture on why church membership is biblical. Is this true?

Holy Roman Empire & other Church History: Are these other events are going to be future in Ezekiel? What about the White Horse in Revelation? [Ezekiel, Revelation 6:1] (junk call)

Bible History, Manuscripts: Discussion of Biblical history and manuscripts.

Purgatory: Where does the doctrine of purgatory come from?

Steve's Gregg & his Beliefs: Can you delve on your journey again of how you came to what you believe? How you went from Dispensationalism to Amillennialism?

John banished to Patmos: Is there any evidence when John was actually banished to Patmos?

Augustine: So Augustine mixed Greek philosophy with Christianity.

Losing your Faith: Just repent, start obeying Jesus again, if you find yourself start falling away.
Acapella Music: Caller thinks it's Church History that the church didn't use musical instruments for the first few centuries, but it was just for singing & making melody in their hearts.

Tithing in Christian History: When did tithing start becoming a thing in the Christians church?

Martin Luther: Was Martin Luther King saved? Was he led by God?
The Persecuted Church: Are Christians still persecuted around the world as much as they were in the 1st century?
Movies about Jesus: What did you think about some movies about Jesus, such as, Last Temptation of Christ, Jesus Christ Superstar or The Passion of the Christ?

The Ladder of Divine Ascent: Has Steve ever heard of the book called, The Ladder of Divine Ascent (caller calls it letter of divine ascension)?
Gnosticism & Asceticism: There's a lot of talk about Gnosticism in the Bible, but Christians don't have to practice Asceticism, even though people like John the Baptist & Paul seemed to practice asceticism, since Jesus didn't, & we are supposed to follow His example!

Paul & Timothy: Paul was a mentor to Timothy, so do you know what happened to Timothy after paul died, did he keep the faith? [1 Timothy, 2 Timothy]
Luke: What about Luke? Whatever happened to him?
Paul's defectors: Did anyone who worked with Paul end up leaving the faith?

Building the Church: "upon this rock I will build this church", is this an ongoing thing or something that hasn't been fulfilled yet?
Unity of Faith in the Church: Has Jesus' prayer been answered yet that the church would become unified as one to glorify God?

Apostolic Doctrine: Apostolic Doctrine related to Calvinisn & Arminianism

Christian Church Established: When did the church begin> At Pentecost? [Matthew 16, Matthew 18, Acts 2]

Heresy: What is heresy, & can you give me an example of it in church history? Are elements of Calvinism heresy?

Hell & the Early Church: What was the view of the early church about Hell?
Roman Catholicism: Is the Catholic Church Christian?

Church History & Church Fathers: Who is the first Church father that you attribute spiritualizing Scripture to, especially eschatology? [Romans 2:28-29, Romans 9 - 11]

Day of a Christian in the Early Church: What were the daily concerns of the body of Christ at that time? What would be the daily life of a Christian during the Apostolic times be?

Josephus & other 40 Historians: Why wouldn't all these Historians who were OUTSIDE the Bible mention Jesus if He really existed?

Understanding Prophecy: Caller is advising Steve that in order to understand prophecy, especially concerning the Beasts. Then they discuss historicism.

Church Growth in Dark Ages: How was the church growing in the Dark Ages during the monopoly the Catholic Church had on the Bible, on the Truth? [Matthew 13:31-32]
Materialism: Western Society seems to have lost their way, the husband & the wife both working, undermining the family by being taught by schools & daycares, ignoring Christianity.

Technical Difficulties of Broadcast: Follow-up of Technical Issues.
Pastors in the Bible: When you said the other day that there was no "Pastors" in the Bible, I remembered a verse in Ephesians. What about that one? [Ephesians 4:11]

The Narrow Path Forum: Some very good, thought-provoking questions on that forum!
Calvinism: Caller thinks Calvinism is getting stronger & stronger in churches, & we need to be aware of it.

Seal the book until the end: What does it mean when it says in Daniel to shut the book & seal it until the end? [Daniel 12:4]
Understanding Daniel: So do you understand everything in Daniel? [1 Peter 1:10-12, Romans 16, 1 Corinthians 2, Colossians 1, Ephesians 3]
History of the church throughout the centuries: What do you consider as "the church" throughout the history of time?

Church History - Eusebius: There's a story that Eusebius tells about King Abgarus writing a letter to Jesus about his sick son, wanting Him to come heal him, & Jesus replying that He'd send one of His disciples to heal him. Do you know anything about that?
Sanctification - Protestantism vs Eastern Orthodox: Do you know the difference between the Protestants concept of Sanctification verses the Eastern Orthodox perception?

Studying Early Church: Studying Early Church History is so beneficial.
Forgiveness: Supervisor has a shady character. How do you deal w/ somebody who is very questionable?

Persecution: What would the first century church or the apostles do if a group of people, such as Muslims, came to a town & said either convert or die?

Church Fathers: Who are we calling the "Church Fathers"?

Church History Books: Does Steve know any good books on Church History?
Teachers Ignoring Truth: What if someone is persuaded that a new view they are learning other than what they believed might be true, but just wants to ignore it & not research it to see if it might really be true because they are afraid of losing their job, should we still consider them a reliable teacher? Is it a sin?

Persecutions in the Book of James: Do we have any idea what trials or persecutions the Book of James was specifically talking about? [James 1:1]
Eating Unclean Animals: When did Peter's Vision about the sheet involving unclean animals relate to the council about avoiding blood, strangled animals & meats sacrificed to idols? [Acts 15:23-29]
Prophets-Judas & Silas: John the Baptist was the last of the Old Testament prophets, but two new prophets follow; Judas & Silas. Are there more prophets? [Acts 15:22]

Jesus' Glorified Body: Why didn't Jesus appear in His glorified body after His resurrection as He had appeared glorified during the Transfiguration?
Jesus' Post-Resurrection 40 Days: Why were there no records of Jesus' teachings during the 40 days after His resurrection?

Roman History-No Mention of Jesus: How come there are no ancient Roman manuscripts mentioning Jesus in their history?

Josephus-Historian: Was Josephus a good historian? Did he write any scripture?

King James Bible: How was the King James Bible constructed? Why were the books limited to 66? What is wrong with the Catholic books (Apocrypha) that they are not included?

Jesus' Birth (The Nativity): Regarding a previous call today, there is a good book about the nativity- "Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels" or "The Manger and the Inn: A Middle Eastern view of the Birth Story of Jesus" by Kenneth Bailey.

Church History, Order & Structure: What would you expect from an ideal church structure? [I Timothy 3:1, TItus 1, Matthew 20:26, Mark 10:43, Mtthew 23:8-9, I Thessalonians 5:12, I Corinthians 11:3, 2 Corinthians 1:24].

"Seasoned with Salt": What does "seasoned with salt" mean in Colossians 4? [Colossians 4:6, Mark 9:49].
Dispensationalism: Have you heard of the connection between Sir Isaac Newton's and "Dispensationalism"?

Titles for Those in Leadership: What is your take on using titles for the leadership in the church? [Matthew 23:8-10, Romans 4:1, 1 Corinthians 4:15].
Church History: Caller recommends Steve lecture on Church History (30 lectures).

The Apostles' Martyrdom: What happened to the apostles? [John 21, Acts 12].

Divorce & Remarriage: Is there earlier consensus on the Christian teaching on marriage than about 1500 (Reformation)? why do we see it now so differently? [Matthew 5:32].

Anabaptists & "Separation of Church & State": Was it not the Guelfs that were the first ones to try to separate "church and state", instead of the Anabaptists?
Christian Responsibility in Government: Is it not the Chrisitan's responsibilty to participate in government? [Daniel 7, Isaiah 42:4].

Hell-Catholic View: Could you talk about the Catholic Church determing the church's "Eternal Torment" view of hell? [I Peter 4:12].

Catholic Guest: Tim Staples: Steve introduces Tim Staples, host of the "Catholic Answers" radio program ( Steve and Tim discuss opposing views in the Catholic and Protestant Views.
Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-Spiritual Authority: Steve and Catholic Tim Staples discuss the difference in views about the spiritual authority of the church. [2 Thessalonians 2:15, Matthew 18:15-18, Matthew 21:23-27, Isaiah 22:16-22, Acts 15, Matthew 23:2, Matthew 15, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Deuteronomy 17:8, Matthew 18:6, Matthew 20:25-29, 2 Peter 2:10, 2 Peter 3:15, 1 Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 23:10, 1 Samuel 2:2, Isaiah 51:1-2, Luke 10:16, Matthew 23:8, Ephesians 4:11, James 3:1, 1 Corinthians 12, Matthew 16:19].
Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-The Stakes: Steve and Catholic Tim Staples discuss; If one doesn't think Catholics are correct but can be saved, then what is at stake? What is the benefit of being Catholic or Protestant? [Hebrews 13:17, Matthew 23:10].

Missing Books (Mentioned in the Bible): Where are the missing historical books referred to in 1-2 Chronicles?

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