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Topic: Commandment (The Great)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-17 Commandments of Jesus vs of God: Do you see a difference between the commandments of God and the commandments of Jesus?
2023-05-12 The Command to Love: Why would we be commanded to love, if there is no law against love? [Galatians 5:22-24]
2023-04-28 Commands of Jesus: Do you know of any resources or study that would teach how we should view and understand the commands of Christ? [1 Corinthians 11:1, Romans 2:15, Ephesians 5:1., Matthew 28:20].
2023-01-27 Obeying the Commandments: Is serving God in the Spirit, rather than the letter, referring to same commandments as The Law? Is it applicable to us? [Romans 7:6. Matthew 7:12, Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:31].
Law or Punishments Removed: Where the commandments taken away, or just the punishments? [Luke 12:13].
2022-08-11 Following Jesus: What are we to do now ... and to follow Jesus? [Matthew 19, Mark 10, Luke 18].
Losing One's Salvation: Does one lose their salvation if they break the commandments?
2022-04-14 Loving God and Others: What do you think about my take on loving God, self, and others? [Ephesians 5:29, Mark 12:30-31, Matthew 7:12, Philippians 2:3].
2021-01-19 Christians Bound by the Law: Are today's Christians bound by the Old Testament Laws, if so, why? [Hebrews 8:13, Luke 16:16, Matthew 5:20].
2020-12-04 The Ten Commandments: Are The Ten Commandments included in the new covenant? Should they be in our legal buildings? [Jeremiah 31:31, Exodus 31:16].
2020-08-27 Defining Love: Can you help me understand the full definition of love? [John 14:15, John 15:13]
2020-08-13 Commandments of Jesus: What are all the commandments that we are supposed to obey from Jesus? [Matthew 28, Acts 2:42, Galatians 5:14].
2020-07-17 Various Biblical Views Causing Confusion: How do I become less confused about all the various and conflicting views among different denominations on biblical topics?
2020-07-07 The Ten Commandments Not for Christians Today: Did I misunderstand what you said about Christians today not having to obey the Ten Commandment? [I Corinthians 9:21].
Sabbath Day: Do we not have to set aside a Sabbath day for worship?
2020-04-09 Law of Liberty & The Ten Commandments: Is the "law of liberty" in James the same as The Ten Commandments? [James 2:11-12, I John 4:8, Galatians 5, Matthew 5].
2020-04-09 New Commandments: Did anyone else, besides Jesus, give new commandments? [John 13:34, Proverbs 2:1, Matthew 28:19-20].
2020-04-08 Stones of the Ten Commandments: What was written on each of the two stone tablets of the ten commandments? 5 & 5 or 4 & 6?
2019-11-19 Love Your Neighbor As Yourself: Jesus said He was giving a new commandment, "to love your neighbor as yourself", but since it was already in the law, what was new about it? [Romans 12:10, Philippians 2:3-4, I John 3:16].
2019-07-18 Commandments: What is meant in James 2:8-11, about the royal law, and how is it related to breaking all the laws if you break one? [James 2].
2019-07-09 Loving God: What does it mean when it says love your God with all your heart? [Like 10:27, John 14:15, Matthew 7:12, I John 3:18, Colossians 3:17]
2019-07-08 The Great Commandments: Are the two great commandments part of The Law?
Double-minded Man: Is the double-minded man in scripture referring to schizophrenia? [James 1:8].
2019-05-17 Ten Commandments: Does Exodus 34 indicate another whole set of commandments? [Exodus 34::27f, Exodus 21-23].
2019-03-26 Ten Commandments: Since Jesus indicated that there were only two comprehensive commandments, how then do we know which laws were abolished with the New Covenant? How do we know which are ceremonial and which are ritual laws?
2019-03-11 Incest: Didn't Adam & Eve's children have incestuous relationships?
Polygamy: Where does the Bible indicate that we should not practice polygamy? [Ephesians 5:22-32, Matthew 19].
2019-01-22 Command Love-Fruit of the Spirit: Why would God direct us to love, if love is given in the gift of the Holy Spirit? [Romans 5:5, Galatians 5:22, Luke 6, Matthew 7:12, Hebrews 10:16].
2019-01-11 Commandments of God: What are the specific commandments he is talking about here in these passages? [Revelation 14:12 & 12:18].
2018-11-26 Disagrees about the Trinity: I disagree about the Trinitarian doctrine (she was very articulate, organized in her thoughts). [Mark 12:28-34]
2018-11-13 Jesus' actual Commandments: What are Jesus' actual commands?
2018-07-25 Believing in the Name of Jesus: What does it really mean to believe in the name of Jesus? [John 1:12, Acts 5:40-41]
Ceremonial Law or Moral Law as our Tutor: What was paul talking about in Galatians 3, the ceremonial or moral law or both? [Galatians 3:24-25]
2018-05-08 Suicide: I was listening to a couple callers talking about Suicide, & I think it's a little different than murder or stealing, but just a desperation move.
2018-04-10 Rich Young Ruler: When Jesus was talking to the Rich Young Ruler, is there a reason He specifically listed the 5 commandments that He did? [Matthew 19:16-30, Mark 10:17-31, Luke 18:18-30]
2018-03-16 Idolatry in Restaurants: What is your take in eating in restaurants with Idols & Statutes in them?
2018-01-01 Laws/Commands from Jesus: What laws has Jesus given us in the New Testament? Are the old laws done away with?
2017-08-25 Law Written in our Hearts & the Sabbath: I've been studying w/ the Seventh Day Adventists, & they say Sabbath keeping & the 10 commandments are for now, law written in our hearts, but the commandments were changed from the Old to the New, so the ultimate question is, WHICH commandments are still binding?
2017-03-07 Jesus Coming up with a New Commandment: Why did Jesus come up w/ this "new" commandment about loving your neighbour as yourself? [Matthew 22:39, John 13:34, Romans 12:10, Philippians 2:1]
2017-02-27 Loving God & your Fellow man, & loving Self: loving God w/ your whole heart, mind & soul & loving others, self-love?
2017-02-27 Golden Rule: Self-love, & love for your neighbor (agape), & in john 13, & is this only to be given to believers or everyone? (follow up to a call he heard earlier.)
2016-01-15 Lists in the Bible: Are the things listed in the Bible more important by the order they are listed?
1000 Commandments in New Testament: How many Commandments are in the New Testament?
2015-06-02 "Sliding Away Backwards": Where can I find that phrase in Isaiah, "Sliding Away Backwards"? Turn away backwards! [Isaiah 1:4]
"It Is Written": Does Steve have a count of how often the phrase, "It is Written" is used in the Bible?
2015-05-13 Jesus Doing Away w/ the 10 Commandments: Jesus didn't do away w/ the 10 Commandments, but as a matter of fact, ENHANCED them, made adultery even MORE than just the act.
Binding of Satan: All the Binding of Satan is is him being alone for 1000 years by himself. [Revelation 20:1-3]
Hell not being Forever: Caller believes that we don't burn forever, but are annihilated.
2015-02-25 Humanism & Christian Love: The Christian standard of "Love one another" is a much higher standard than just Humanism.
2014-07-29 Saturday verses Sabbath: God named the 4th commandment Sabbath, not Saturday, so it doesn't matter what day the Pagans named the days of the week!
2014-07-23 Sabbath: If Jesus had broken the law, His mission as Saviour would've failed so He only broke man's added laws to it, according to this listener. [Matthew 12:1-8, John 5:18]
2014-06-05 Gambling a form of Stealing: Is Gambling a form of stealing?
2014-03-10 Least of these Commandments: Are the "Least of the Commandments" talking about the Law & the Prophets, the law of Moses, or is it talking about Jesus' instructions in the Sermon on the Mount? [Matthew 5:17-20]
2014-01-14 Keeping His Commandments: If you don't LOVE doing Jesus' commandments, you might not really love Him, but are in fact a legalist. [1 John 5:3]
2013-07-19 Doing the Will of God: What is the will of God besides accepting Jesus as our Lord & Saviour? [Matthew 7:21-23]
Being Saved: What exactly does "being saved" mean?
2013-02-08 Obeying the 10 Commandments, Pride & Reading OT: What do we take from the Old Testament to the New Testament? The 10 Commandments? [Romans 6]
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