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Topic: Drunkenness

Showing 1 to 47 of 47.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-20 The Flood Cleansing the World of Sin & the Curse on Noah's Sons: Why is the story about Noah getting drunk told when the world has just been cleansed of sin? What did Ham and Canaan do that deserved a curse? [Genesis 9:20].
2023-12-27 Homosexual Unions in Church: What justification do churches use to support homosexual unions? [Luke 5:30-32, Matthew 15:18-19, Matthew 18:15-18, 1 Corinthians 6:9].
2023-09-29 Water into Wine: Why did Jesus turn the water into wine, especially if people were already drunk? [John 2:10, 1 Timothy 5:23, John 15:1].
2023-08-16 Water into Wine: It doesn't seem like a sinless God would make wine. [Luke 10:33-34, 1 Corinthians 11:21].
2023-07-17 Succumbing to Alcohol: What can I do if I continue to struggle with alcohol? I am losing faith. Rec: Topical lecture; "Biblical Counsel for a Change" and Free audio book, "Empire of the Risen Son (Vol 1 & 2).
2023-06-19 Baptism & The Plan of Salvation: Caller comments on baptism in Jesus' name and its inception after the death of Christ. [Acts 2:38, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, 1 John 5:12, 1 Corinthians 6:20].
Wine or Grape Juice: Dr Vernon McGee said the wine at the wedding was really not wine, but good grape juice. Does that sound right? [1 Timothy 5:23, 1 Corinthians 11:21, John 2:10].
2023-05-03 Divorce & Reconcilation: Can the offending party or the one at fault in a divorce ever get married again? [Matthew 19].
Getting Married When Drunk: Is a marriage that takes place while the two are drunk, is the covenant still binding?
2023-04-19 Noah & His Sons: Why was there such upset about Noah's sons seeing their father drunk in his tent? Why was this story included in scripture? [Genesis 9:21-25, Leviticus 20:11, Exodus 20:12].
2023-04-18 Marijuana (Cannabis): How does one compare the use of alcohol and the use of marijuana (cannabis)? [Ecclesiastes 10:19, Proverbs 3:6-7, Psalm 104:15, Ephesians 5:18].
2023-04-17 Drunks Inheriting the Kingdom: What if a person is saved, but continues to drink, will they inherit the Kingdom of God? [Galatians 5:19-21, I Corinthians 6:9-11].
Christian's Suicide: If a Christian commits suicide, will they still go to heaven? [1 John 3:15].
2023-04-12 Drunken Wife: Do I have biblical options rather than living forever with a wife who is a drunk?
2022-10-17 Drinking Alcohol: Is it a sin to drink beer? [Galatians 5:19, I Corinthians 6:9-10].
2022-07-07 Wine Cheers both God and Man: Could you clarify the meaning of the verse abut how wine cheers the heart of God and man? [Judges 9:8-13, Psalm 104:14-15, Proverbs 31:4-6, I Corinthians 6:9-10].
2022-07-06 Abusing Alcohol: Could you explain the passage about those that sin (fornicators, drunkards, etc.) will not inherit the Kingdom of God? [I Cor 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, James 3:2, Galatians 5:16].
2022-04-12 Conservative Drug Use: How do we assess the reasonably conservative use of some drugs that were formerly unacceptable, but are being used by many within the church?
2022-02-21 Twelve-Step Programs: Do you think that the "Twelve-step" program is biblical? [John 8:31-32, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Matthew 16:24-26].
Knowing Every Doctrinal Position before Salvation: Why do some think you have to know every little doctrinal position correctly to be saved? [I Corinthians 13:9, John 8:31, Matthew 11:29, Hebrews 11:6].
2022-01-24 Canaan Cursed by Noah: Why was Canaan cursed because of Noah's drunkenness and Ham's response to it? [Genesis 9:20-27].
2021-05-13 Lot's Drunken Incest: Could you bring clarity to the passage about Lot being so drunk that he didn't know he was having sex with his daughters? [Genesis 19:30].
2021-02-09 Alcohol & Addiction (Twelve Steps Programs): Do you think that drunkeness is an addiction, as they say in 12-step programs, or it that an inappropriate term? [Galatians 5, I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2020-12-28 Drinking Alcohol for Better Health: Should I take a shot of whiskey every day, as it seems to be suggested in Proverbs? [Proverbs 31:6].
2020-10-16 Hypnosis: Is the use of hypnosis for overcoming bad habits or for health reasons acceptable for Christians? [John 8:31-36, I Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:16].
2020-10-05 Drugs, Occult, & Old Testament Prohibition: Where would I find Old Testament Law about prohibiting drugs and occult potions? [Galatians 5:20, Deuteronomy18:10, Hosea 4:11, Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 15:18].
Meanings of Words in Old Testament Opposed to Modern Meanings (Pharmacia/ Pharmacy): Do you agree with D.A. Carson, in his book, "Exegetical Fallacies", that there is misinterpretation of some words as they are used in the Old Testament and how they are used today?
2020-09-28 Homosexual Addiction: What do you say to someone who has been involved in a homosexual lifestyle and addiction their whole lives due to childhood abuse? Rec Lecture: Cultivating Christian Character [I Peter 2:11].
2020-08-21 Christians Drinking Alcohol: What do you think about a believer drinking alcohol?
2020-05-07 Wine at the Last Supper: I disagree with your position that wine was served at the last supper?
Wine in the Millennial Kingdom: Can you imagine wine being served in the millennial kingdom and the saints being drunk?
2019-08-14 Drinking Alcohol: Is it a sin to drink alcohol? [Matthew 11:18-19, I Corinthians 11:21, Ephesians 5:18].
2019-08-14 Noah's Drunkeness & Curse on Canaan: Why would Canaan be cursed because of what Ham did when Noah got drunk? [Genesis 9:25-27].
2019-06-27 Drinking Alcohol: Did they drink real wine in the Bible? Should we serve wine now? [I Timothy 5:23, I Corinthians 11:21, Ephesians 5:20-24].
2019-03-12 Strange Behaviors in Church: What do you think about all the strange behaviors taking place in the church in some circles (speakers that were “stoned with the Holy Spirit”, acting drunken, “tokin’ the ghost”, or giving “healing hugs”).
2018-08-31 Noah & his son Ham: Did Ham molest his father? what is going on in this story? [Genesis 9]
2017-10-19 AA Celebrity Recovery: Is AA Celebrity Recovery for the Christian?
2017-10-19 12-Step Program, AA Celebrate Recovery: Caller relates about a person who went to a church that had the 12 step program.
2017-05-30 Drinking Alcohol: Is it wrong to drink alcohol?
2016-10-25 Alcohol: Should Christians use alcohol?
2016-04-25 Long Hair: What is wrong with having long hair? [1 Corinthians 11:14]
Consuming Alcohol: Is it okay to drink beer/alcohol/wine?
2015-11-13 Alcoholism: What if somebody died as a drunkard, could they still inherit the Kingdom of God? [1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21]
2015-08-25 Using Drugs (Marijuana) Recreationally: What are Steve's thoughts on using Drugs, especially Marijuana, recreationally since they are legal in the state of where the caller is calling from?
Alcohol vs Marijuana Effects: What about the effects of Marijuana verses Alcohol?
2015-04-20 Homosexuality: Caller is concerned about dreams he's having about being in homosexual relationships, & past sexual sins.
Alcohol: Is it a sin to have a couple glasses of wine every night to deal problems?
Jesus Communicating with Us: Does Jesusverbally communicate with us? Has He ever personally talked to Steve Gregg?
2015-03-18 Wine in the Bible: What does the Bible say about wine in the Bible & strong drink?
2015-02-09 Righteousness exceeding Pharisees: Whoever breaks the LEAST of the commandments will be the LEAST in the Kingdom of God, but still in the Kingdom, & but it still has to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees or you are not going to get in at all. [Matthew 5:19-20]
Overcoming Drunkenness: Caller has been struggling wtih intoxication/drunkenness, & wonders what he should do to overcome it.
2013-12-09 Jesus Contributing to Drunkenness: Wasn't Jesus contributing to people's drunkenness by making more intoxicating wine at the wedding feast in Cana?
2013-12-09 Wine being non-Fermented grape Juice: What do you think about wine in the Bible only being grape juice? [Ephesians 5:18, 1 Peter 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26] (Audio of the caller is a little poor, but important questions.)
Musical Instruments & the Church of Christ: What do you think about the Church of Christ & having no musical instruments in the church?
2013-11-11 12 Step, AA Programs: Would Steve recommend 12 Step, double AA programs?
2013-11-11 Supporting 12 Steps Programs: Caller is thinks 12 step, AA Recovery meetings are a very good thing.
The Baha'i Faith: Caller thinks all the faiths in the world are the same, including the Baha'i Faith. Doesn't Steve agree?
2013-06-28 Going Out for Drinks with Coworkers: I've been told i'm snobbish for not going out with coworkers to have a beer after work, but Jesus wouldn't have done it, would He? Doesn't it say to be separate? [2 Corinthians 6:17]
2013-03-12 Alcohol & Drunkeness: Why does it seem like we have so much trouble with alcohol, when in other times and cultures, there does not seem to be such a problem?
2013-01-31 Alcohol: I gave up alcohol, but my family & friends are saying there is nothing wrong with consuming alcohol. What do you think? [John 2:1-11, Proverbs 20:1, Proverbs 23:30-33]
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