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Topic: Tree of Life

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-06 Elder's Stance on Age of Earth: How do I respond to elders dispensing with a pastor because he believes in old earth? [Romans 5:12, 1 Corinthians 15:21].
2024-01-02 Eve's Temptation & the Tree of Life: Did God tell Eve not to touch the fruit on the tree, or did Adam or Eve assume, that if one is not to eat, one would not touch? [Proverbs 30:5-6].
2023-12-21 Longevity in Genesis: What do you think about my considerations of the longevity noted in Genesis?
2023-09-27 Immortality & the Tree of Life: Were we created immortal? [1 Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:6-10].
Tree of Life & Immortality: Did the Tree of Life sustain life in Eden? Will we have to continue to eat of the Tree of Life in the New Earth (New Jerusalem)? [1 Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:6-10, Revelation 22, 1 John 5:11, 1 Corinthians 15:42-44].
2023-09-27 Immortality & the Tree of Life: Were we created immortal? [1 Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:6-10].
Tree of Life & Immortality: Did the Tree of Life sustain life in Eden? Will we have to continue to eat of the Tree of Life in the New Earth (New Jerusalem)? [1 Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:6-10, Revelation 22, 1 John 5:11, 1 Corinthians 15:42-44].
2023-09-22 Two Trees in Eden: What was the difference between the two trees (Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil and the Tree of Life) in the Garden of Eden?
Tree of Knowledge & the Bible: Isn't the Tree of Knowledge in Eden the same as the Bible?
2023-04-26 Cherubim & Eden: Is the Garden of Eden and the Cherubim still there? Could we go there and see it? [Genesis 3].
2023-01-18 Adam's Salvation: What are the reasons you have for thinking that Adam may have been saved? [Genesis 3].
Adam's Salvation: How could Adam have been saved if he no longer had access to the "Tree of Life" and he was already eternally condemned?
"Wisdom" Literature in the Bible: When will you have the next lecture in the "Wisdom" literature?
2022-12-05 Contradiction; Children Punished for Sins of Fathers: Can you address the contradiction between scripture indicating that the children are not punished for the sins of the fathers, yet we are punished for Adam's sin, and David's son died for David's sin with Bathseba? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5].
Original Sin: Is there any place in the Bible that says that we sin because of Adam's sin, or it is because of the limited access to the "Tree of Life?"
2022-12-05 Contradiction; Children Punished for Sins of Fathers: Can you address the contradiction between scripture indicating that the children are not punished for the sins of the fathers, yet we are punished for Adam's sin, and David's son died for David's sin with Bathseba? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5].
Original Sin: Is there any place in the Bible that says that we sin because of Adam's sin, or it is because of the limited access to the "Tree of Life?"
2022-11-11 Paradise: Is Jesus saying to the thief that He is going to meet him in the garden of Eden, when he says "Paradise"? [Revelation 2:7, Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 12:4, Revelation 22:1-3].
2022-06-13 Being "Born" or "Created" of God: Is being "created of God", the same as being "born of God"? [Luke 3: 38, John 1:12-13, John 3:1-12, Psalm 100:4].
Tree of Life: Is the "Tree of Life" the same as the Holy Spirit? [Genesis 2-3, Revelation 22].
2022-05-18 Soul Not Naturally Immortal: How do those that hold the view that the soul is naturally immortal defend it, in light of the necessity of eating from the Tree of Life in order to sustanin life? [I Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:7, I John 5:12, John 3:16, Genesis 2:16].
Adam & Eve's Diet: What if Adam & Eve had just sustained themselves from the other trees, instead of eating from either the "Tree of Life" or the "Tree of Knowledge"?
2022-05-18 Soul Not Naturally Immortal: How do those that hold the view that the soul is naturally immortal defend it, in light of the necessity of eating from the Tree of Life in order to sustanin life? [I Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:7, I John 5:12, John 3:16, Genesis 2:16].
Adam & Eve's Diet: What if Adam & Eve had just sustained themselves from the other trees, instead of eating from either the "Tree of Life" or the "Tree of Knowledge"?
2022-05-18 Good & Evil in Eden: Because there was a Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, does that mean evil was already in the garden? [Genesis 1:31, Genesis 3:1].
Satan's Origins: Do you lean toward the view that Satan was created by God or He was a fallen angel?
2022-04-05 Atheist Caller: Death Penalty Due to Seven Deadly Sins: Atheist: Would you talk about the "seven deadly sins" and the penalty of death due to sin?
Atheist Caller: Righteousness Required for Heaven: Atheist: If we are not as righteous as God, then doesn't the Bible say we cannot inherit the Kingdom of God? No one can be righteous, so doyou know anyone who will be in heaven.
2022-02-15 Tree of Life: Why did God prevent Adam & Eve from eating from the "Tree of Life"? [Genesis 3, I Timothy 6:16].
Samuel's Spirit Raised Was the spirit of Samuel that was conjured up by Saul and the witch actually Samuel or was it a demon? [I Samuel 28:11-20].
Angels & Humans Having Children: How could spiritual beings have intercourse with human women and produce children? [Genesis 6:6].
2022-02-15 Adam & Eve Would've Lived Forever: If Adam & Eve had never eaten from the Tree of Knowledge, would they have lived forever, and why would the Tree of Life need to be there? [Revelation 22:2].
2022-02-04 Tree of Life: Why didn't God let Adam & Eve eat from the "Tree of Life" if He killed the animals to cover their sin? [Genesis 3, I Timothy 6:16].
2021-04-13 Animals Had to Die as Substitute: Do you think that the animals took a substitutionary role when Adam and Eve sinned? [Exodus 24:14].
2021-01-22 Original Sin, Mary & Jesus' Sinlessness: If the doctrine of "original sin" is true, how could Jesus have been born sinless because Mary would've also tainted with sin? [Psalm 51:5, Psalm 27:10, Romans 5:12].
Babies Born Guilty: Are babies born guilty of sin? [Ezekiel 18:10].
2020-08-26 Remaining in Christ: Do you think this verse indicates that "remaining" in Jesus affirms Pelagius' ideas about free will, grace, and choice? [John 15:5, James 1:17].
Adam & Eve Needing to Eat of the Tree of Life: If Adam & Eve had to eat of the tree regularly, why did they only have to eat of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil once to be forever cursed with death? [I Timothy 6:16, Revelation 22:3].
2020-08-19 Eternal Security or Lost Faith: How do you reconcile the promise of eternal life in scripture to your view that one can lose that faith? [John 5:24, Genesis 3:23, Revelation 22:3, John 3:36, John 6:38, Galatians 5:6].
2020-08-12 Animals Created from Dust of the Earth: Is it possible that God created the animals in the same way that Adam was created - out of the dust of the earth? [Genesis 2:18, Genesis 3].
2020-08-07 Adam & Eve's Mortality: How could Adam and Eve be mortal before they sinned, if death entered when they sinned?
2020-08-05 Immortal Souls: Does Genesis 3 have any bearing on the question of human and their immortal soul? [Genesis 3:22-24, I Timothy 6:16].
2020-01-09 Tree of Life: Is the Tree of Life in Revelation the future source of eternal life? [Genesis, Revelation 22:1-2].
2019-12-03 Healing from Revelation's Tree of Life: What does the "healing of the nations" mean in the verse about eating of the tree of life in Revelation? [Revelation 20, 22:2, Ezekiel, Genesis 3, Ephesians 2:14].
2019-10-15 Incorruptible, Immortality, Eternal Life: Would you help me sort out the meaning of the words for incorruptible, immortality, and eternal life? Are immortality and eternal life the same? [I Corinthians 15:53-54, Romans 2:7, 2 Peters 1, Genesis 2, 3:22].
Tree of Life: How does the "Tree of Life" affect the corruption or immortality of Adam & Eve? [Genesis 3:22, I Timothy 6:16].
2019-10-15 Tree of Life or Knowledge: Sometimes the tree in the garden is call the Tree of "Life", and other times it is called the tree of "Knowledge"? Which is it? [Genesis 2-3, 2:9].
Similarity between Christians & Other Cultures Histories: What do you think about all the similar characteristics in Sumerian cultures and Christian stories, and how their stories overlap?
2019-06-27 Angel Guarding Tree of Life: Was the angel with the flaming sword preventing Adam and Eve from returning to eat from the Tree of Life, because if they had, they would not have died? [Genesis 3:22, Isaiah 59:1].
2019-06-25 Tree of Life: If Adam and Eve were created as immortal, then why would the tree of life be there and What was the purpose of the angel with the flaming sword? [Genesis 2-3, Genesis 2:9, 17, I Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:7, I John 1:8, Revelation 22:2, John 6:53-57, Genesis 3].
2019-05-21 Tree of Life: Where is the Tree of Life? Is it on earth? Genesis 3:22-24, Revelation 22:2-3].
2019-04-16 The Cross (Tree): Was the term used to describe the cross (Xylon=wood), possibly symbolic of the tree of life? Crucified with Christ: What does it mean to be crucified with Christ? [Galatians 2:20]
2019-01-16 Tree of Life in Eden: Why was the "Tree of Life" in the garden of Eden? [Revelation 22:3, John 6:54-56].
2018-10-29 Tree Of Life & Knowledge of Good & Evil: In the future kingdom, will we have a memory of our previous life?
2018-08-29 Tree of Life: What was the tree of life exactly? Was it literal or symbolic?
Hidden Truths: Do you think there is still a veil of hidden truths that He is keeping from us? [2 Corinthians 4:3, Romans 16:25-27]
A bruised Reed remaining till Judgment: What does it mean to bring forth or set Judgment? [Matthew 12:20, Isaiah 42:3-4]
2018-05-24 Lady Caught in Adultery: So was the story about the lady caught in adultery supposed to be there or not? [John 7:53-8:11]
Book of Life or Tree of Life: In Revelation 22, does say names won't be in the Book of Life or won't eat from the Tree of Life? [Revelation 22:19]
2017-11-13 Tree of Life & other Trees in the Garden: Was the Tree of Life as a type of Christ? What other symbolism do the trees in the garden of Eden represent?
Communion: Does Communion connect us to Christ like the Tree of Life did?
2017-10-05 Angels Guarding Access to Tree of the Life: Why did the angels have to guard against eating from the tree of life because didn't God have the power to stop them?
2017-06-09 Adam & Eve continuing to eat from the Tree of Life-Part II: Why didn't just forgive Adam & Even in the garden, & Steve shares Willy Wonka movie analogy, (followup, 6/6, last Q)
2017-06-06 Adam & Eve continuing to eat from the Tree of Life: after adam & eve sinned, they were banished from eating the tree of life, why weren't they just forgiven so they could continue?
2016-11-15 Trees & Water in Psalms: What did David mean in Psalms 1:13 regarding trees planted by streams of living water? [Psalms 1:13]
Burning Bush: What did the burning bush represent? [Exodus 3:1-15]
2016-09-22 The New Earth & Leaves for the Healing of Nations: Why will we need the leaves for the healing of the nations if everything is going to be perfect? [Revelation 22:2]
2016-06-13 Parellels Between the Sun & Light of God: light of the sun & the light of God, sun & mooning going dark, & God leaving Jerusalem, His light leaving them.
Tree of Life for Immortality: So if the only way to have immortality is to eat from the tree of life, doesn't that automatically do away with the notion of Eternal Torment in Hell?
2016-05-02 12 Stones in Revelation: Are the 12 stones representative of the 12 tribes or maybe the 12 stones of the ephod of the high priests? [Revelation 21:19]
Throne of God & Throne of the Lamb: Are there 2 thrones or one in Heaven, Revelation?
Tree on 2 Sides of the River: Are there's one tree on 2 sides of the rivers, so the trunk is split in 2? [Revelation 22:2, Ezekiel 37]
2015-11-09 Tree of knowledge of good & evil & Tree of life: Can you explain the 2 main trees in the Garden of Eden? [Genesis 2:9]
2014-09-08 Eating & Drinking Jesus: People were "eating & drinking" Jesus body & blood before He was even crucified, so how can people think they are actually NOW eating His body & blood in the Eucharist? [John 6:50-58]
Adam & Eve & the Tree of Life: If the Tree of Life is a representative of Jesus, how come they weren't permitted to eat of it anymore? The Jews before the cross were allowed to partake of His body & blood, weren't they?
2013-07-26 Tree of Life before Tree of Knowledge: Why didn't Adam & Eve eat from the Tree of Life, before eating the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil?
2013-03-11 "Tree of Life" & Immortality: What are your thoughts on the "Tree of Life"? Does this mean we are not immortal? [Genesis 3, Revelation 20, I Timothy 6:16, I John 5:11-12].
Created Conditionally Mortal & Hell: If humans are not created immortal, doesn't that mean no one would be in hell eternally?
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