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Topic: Hard (Hardening)

Showing 1 to 14 of 14.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-02 "Filthy Remain Filthy": Does the verse about the "filthy remaining filthy" upset the idea of Dispensationalism? [Revelation 22:10-11, 1 Thessalonians 2:16, 2 Thessalonians 2:11].
2024-01-31 God Blinded Jewish Eyes: What is your understanding of the belief that though God once blinded Jewish eyes, He will open their eyes again in the end times? [Romans 9-11, Romans 11:25-26, Romans 11:5-7, Romans 11:16-25].
2024-01-11 Branches Cut Off of the Vine: If you are cut off from the vine at some point, but you come back to the Lord, then what happens, since you are already burned up? [John 15:5, Revelation 20:15, Romans 11:21-23, James 5:20, 2 Peter 2:20, Galatians 6:7-8].
2023-08-28 "Left Behind" & Second Chances: After being "left behind" (in a pre-trib rapture scenario), will there be a second chance? [John 6].
2023-05-18 Fullness: Would you comment on the use of the word "fullness" and its implications? [Romans 11:12, Romans 11:25, Romans 11:7, Genesis 28:15, Genesis 11:26].
Remnant of the Jews & Time of the Gentiles: When will the "fullness of the Gentiles' take place and how will the remnant of the Jews be saved? [Zechariah 13:8, 1 Peter 1:7].
2023-04-25 Blinded by God: Why would God throw those that are blinded by Him into hell?
2023-03-30 Hardened Hearts: Doesn't scripture illustrate to us that we cannot continue in sin without the danger of becoming hardened to the things of God, and therefore are in danger of condemnation? [Hebrews 4:7, Hebrews 12:17, Philippians 3:12, 1 Peter 1:17, Matthew 10:28, 2 Corinthians 5:11, Proverbs 16:6]
2022-11-14 Discouragment in Prayer vs Hardness of Heart: If someone is struggling because of the discouragement in their failures in reoccuring sin, therefore finding it hard to pray, is their heart becoming hardened? [Luke 18:1-8, Daniel 10:10-14, Psalm 103:13-14, Hebrews 4:14-16, Revelation 12:12, Matthew 4:11, Luke 4:13, Matthew 26:41].
2022-11-04 Free Will vs "Once Saved, Always Saved": Have you ever thought that if "Once Saved, Always Saved" is true, then it ultimately is taking away our free will? [I Timothy 4:1, 2 Peter 2:19, Revelations 12:11, 2 Timothy 2:26].
2022-11-02 Abandoned by God: I feel abandoned by God, and I can't seem to get in a place to get back to Him. What now? Recommends the 2-vol set of Steve's books, "Empire of the Risen Son".
2022-11-01 "Partial Hardening" of Israel: Can we conclude that the "mystery" in Romans 11 is there there will no longer be a "partial hardening" of the Jews as they become believers? [Romans 11:25-26, Romans 9:27, Romans 11:16-24, Romans 9-11, Galatians 6:16].
"Until the Fullness of the Gentiles Comes in": Can you clarify the timeline when Romans 11 says "until" the "fullness" of the Gentiles come in? [Romans 11:25].
2013-04-30 Non-Christian God-fearers: What about the good people and God-fearers in other faiths? What will happen to them? [John 3:16, John 1:9].
Those Doing Their Best-but Mistaken (Only Christians are Saved): What about those that are doing their best to do well, like the Jews, but get it wrong? Doesn't the Bible say that only Chistians will be saved? [I John 2:2, Acts 26:28].
The Unpardonable Sin: What about the "unpardonable sin?" [Matthew 12:31, Colossians 1:20, I John 2:2].
2013-04-26 "Hardness in Part" & "Fullness of the Gentiles": Could you talk about the "times or fullness of the Gentiles" and the "hardness in part" in Luke and Romans and how they relate to each other and how it relates to "70 A.D." or the "Second Coming"? [Luke 21:24, Romans 11:25].
2012-01-05 "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit": Is "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" simply denying Christ? [Matthew 12:31, Matthew 12:26].
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