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Topic: Vulgar (Vulgarity)

Showing 1 to 5 of 5.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-11-17 Vaccines-Telling the Truth: Am I obligated to indicate that I specifically have been vaccinated against COVID, or can I just say that I have been vaccinated (for any number of other things, and let them think it was for COVID?
Vulgarity for a Christian: What do you think of a Christian wearing a shirt that says, "Let's go, Brandon" (which represents a vulgarity).
2020-09-08 Calling People Unflattering Names: If I call a politician an evil moron, am I in danger of hellfire? [Matthew 5:22, I John]
2020-08-12 Comment about Swearing: Regarding a previous call about swearing and scriptural support for not doing so. [Colossians 3:8].
2020-08-10 Christians Using Vulgarity: Is being concerned about believers use of vulgarity focusing on a minor concerns or is it an offense to God? [Matthew 12:36, Ephesians 5:3-4, Ephesians 4:29, Matthew 23:24, Matthew 7:24-27].
Modesty in Clothing: Could you comment on inappropriate or provocative clothing worn by believers?
2016-11-09 Politics: Political Discussion ensues a day after the election.
Tourette's syndrome, Dementia: Sometimes people w/ Tourette's Syndrome, Dementia or near death all of a sudden start saying profanity who otherwise never did.
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