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Topic: Shekhinah (Shekinah)

Showing 1 to 10 of 10.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-11-16 Shekhinah Glory: If "Shekhinah" Glory actually comes from the Kabbalah and seems to be about God's feminine side, should we be using the term?
2023-06-06 God's Return to the Temple: When did God and His glory (Shekinah) return to the Temple?
2022-05-12 Pentecostals & the Glory Cloud: What do you know about the Oneness pentecostals and the "Glory Cloud"? {John 14, John 14:23].
2022-04-29 Who is Jesus?: Who is Jesus to you? Did you say that Jesus was a "type" of God? [I Corinthians, Romans 5:12, John 1:14].
Jesus as the Father: What do you think about the verse that says that "He shall be called Wonderful, the Everlasting Father"? Recommended topical lectures; "Knowing God-Trinity".[Isaiah 9:6, John 10:30].
2021-11-08 Forgiven Sins without a Temple How were people able to be forgiven for their sins when there was no temple? [Psalm 32:1, Romans 4:3, Romans 4:7-8, Genesis 15:6, Ephesians 2:10].
God's Glory in the Temple: Did God's glory ever refill the temple? [Exodus 40, Haggai 2:9, Ezekiel 11, Matthew 23:38, I Kings 8:10-11].
2020-08-03 Symbolism of the Ezekiel's Temple: Caller comments on the parallel between the Samaritan woman, Ezekeil's Temple, the Shekhinah Glory, and the Holy of Holies? [Ezekiel 47].
2020-07-13 PayPay for Donations: Can we use PayPay to donate that now?
Third Temple Mystery: Isn't the Third Temple the mystery of Christ and the church?
2019-11-27 Shekinah Glory: What can you tell me about the Shekinah?
2015-03-20 God's Glory in the Temple: Did God's glory remain in the Temple throughout the entire time until Jesus declared God had left it? [Ezekiel 11:23, Ezekiel 43:4, Matthew 23:8]
Wailing Wall (Western Wall): (aka as the Kotel) What about the Wailing Wall, how come it wasn't destroyed since Jesus said not one stone upon another will remain? [Matthew 24:2]
2015-01-12 God's Glory, Shekinah Glory: Is john referring to the glory of Jesus in relation to what happened in the Transfiguration? [Matthew 17:1-9, John 1:14]
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