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Topic: Nimrod

Showing 1 to 4 of 4.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-15 Confusion of Languages at Babel: Was the confusion of the languages at the Tower of Babel just a local event? [Genesis 10-11].
2024-02-02 Debate with Atheist: Are you going to debate with an atheist soon?
Science, Creation & Age of Earth: If you are convinced of the science that says the earth is a globe (rather than flat), then why don't you accept the science that says that the earth is old? Why do you reject the Gnostic gospels based on the first line lying about the authorship, if the first lines in Genesis are a lie, but you accept it?
Globalist vs Nationalistic Views: Why do Christians seem to support more of a nationalist view rather than globalist?
2023-07-07 Development of Multiple Languages: Does the Bible indicate how all the different world languages developed? [Genesis 11].
2013-05-30 Nimrod: Could you shed some light on the story of Nimrod-his character and his motivations? [Genesis 10:8-12].
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