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Topic: Childbirth

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-02 Eve Bearing Children in Pain: Had Eve already been having children since God said she would now have pain in childbearing? [Genesis 3:16]
Population Beyond Cain: Who were the people that were after Cain, and where did his wife come from? [Genesis 3:20].
2024-02-19 Women Saved in Childbearing: Is Paul only talking about Eve being saved through child-bearing? How can women be saved if they don't have children? [1 Timothy 2:13, 1 Corinthians 7:25-26, John 8:31-34, Matthew 1:21].
2023-07-12 Fertility Treatments: Can you advise on one's choice to pursue medical treatment to enhance fertility?
2022-07-18 Literal Genesis Creation & when Life Begins in the Womb: Caller shares his view of the literalness of pre-Abrahamic Genesis and the moment life begins.[Genesis 1-11, Genesis 4, Luke 11:51, Matthew 19:4, Matthew 24:37-39, Leviticus 17:11].
2022-07-04 Contraception (Birth Control): If I don't think we need to practice contraception, but my wife is not on board. How do I handle that? Recommended topical lecture; "A Vision for Children."
2022-07-01 Contraception (Birth Control): Are you against contraception? [Psalms 127:4].
"Morning-After" Pill: Are you supportive of the "morning-after" pill?
2022-07-01 Contraception (Birth Control): Are you against contraception? [Psalms 127:4].
"Morning-After" Pill: Are you supportive of the "morning-after" pill?
2022-06-27 Children Beginning to Compromise the Truth: What can you advise about my 7-yr-old child who is beginning to show signs of compromising the truth and lying? [Proverbs 28:13].
2022-05-12 Labor or Childbirth: Is the word "labor" here, referring to work, or the pain of "childbirth"? [Galatians 4:19].
New Believers or Apostate? Do you think Paul is talking to potentially new believers or just those that need to be brought back to Christ? [Galatians 4:19, Galatians 5:4, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
2022-01-18 Birth Control for the Christian: How should a believer look at birth control?
2022-01-07 Parable of the Wedding Feast: who is the man in the "Parable of the Wedding Feast", who is not wearing the proper clothes? [Matthew 22:11, Luke 6:46, Matthew 7:21].
Levirate Marriage: When a man was to raise up the upspring for his dead brother, how could that actually work? [Matthew 22:24].
2021-11-24 The Fall of Man: Is it possible that it was further than one might think from the "good" creation to "the fall of man"?
Greater Labor Pains for Eve: When it is determined that Eve would have increased labor pains, would she have already had a child?
2020-11-18 Why Have Children?: Why would anyone want to have children if they may possibly suffer for a lifetime or go to hell? [Psalm 127:4-5, Genesis 1:22].
2019-12-20 Women Ministry & Childbearing: Would you help me with the passage about women in ministry and "saved in childbearing"> [I Timothy 2:12-15, Acts 17:30, ].
2019-06-24 Intermarriage Consequences in Adamic Period: Why were there not more birth defects in the early days of Adam and Eve, when there was so much intermarriage within families?
2019-04-17 Bible Interpretation: What does this mean, when it talks about being "saved in childbearing"? [I Timothy 2:15, 4:16, Philippians 2:12]
2018-10-17 Having Children: What does Steve think about having children in this day & age? [Psalms 127:3-5]
2018-10-17 Having Children: Caller wanted to follow-up & encourage the person who called before her to be encouraged about having children.
2018-09-25 Mary & her young age Pregnancy: Why is 13 the age that Mary was impregnated? Why then isn't that age OK for sex?
2018-09-13 My Parents stopping having Children before Me: If my parents had stopped having children before I was born, would I have possibly been born somewhere else?
Aborted Babies: Do aborted babies have souls?
2018-05-30 Barren Women in the Bible: Women in the Bible that were absolutely barren.
2018-04-04 Debate w/ Doug Batchelor: Thank you for doing the debate w/ Doug Batchelor re the Sabbath
Baptism: Baptism needs be done as soon as possible for so many reasons.
Saved in Childbearing: What does this mean that women will be saved in child bearing? [1 Timothy 2:15]
2018-03-14 Adam & Eve & Noah: How old were Adam & Eve before they started having children? What about Noah & his wife?
2018-02-14 Pregnancy: Is it acceptable to ask God to become pregnant when your age is beyond child bearing years?
2018-01-23 Increasing Birth Pains: Adam & Eve ate the Forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, & as a punishment, her pain in child-birthing would increase, so does that mean she had children before?
2017-05-10 Adam & Eve Cursed: Were Adam & Eve cursed, or just the ground & the serpent? It was certainly more difficult for them, toiling the land & giving birth. [Genesis 3]
2016-08-05 Antinatalism (No Procreation): Should parents have children if they can't guarantee that they won't suffer?
Children Going to Hell: What if you run the risk of children burning for eternity in hell?
God Irresponsible: Does it possibly make God irresponsible by letting children being born who are going to burn in hell for eternity?
2016-01-07 God's Sovereignty & Our Free Will: God has His sovereignty & He gave us free will, but what about Him allowing people to commit murder, allowing people to commit suicide? A person can shorten their life sooner than God was intending them to die, but they can't live longer than He wants.
God's Sovereignty & Child-bearing: What about a couple wanting children but God not allowing it?
2014-12-29 Eve & Childbearing: Why would Eve know about childbirth if she hadn't had children before? [Genesis 3:16]
2014-11-12 God's Punishment to Eve: Why would God extend the pain of child-birth to all women since it was only Eve that sinned? Did He choose that punishment for a reason? Is it okay to use drugs to dull the pain during childbirth? [Genesis 3:16]
2014-10-09 Martin Luther: Caller thinks Martin Luther lost his first love.
Liberty & Child-bearing: It's your prerogative if you want to have children or not when you are having sex.
2013-09-16 Eve's Knowledge of Labor Pains: How did Eve know about Labor Pains if she had never had any children before Cain?
2013-06-25 Begotten: What does "Begotten" and "begotten, but not made" mean?
2013-04-01 Women at the Tomb: Could it not be that the women at the tomb were to shake things up at bit, because women were so disrespected in that culture?
Women in Childbearing Will be Saved: What does it mean that "women will be saved in childbearing"? [I Timothy 2:16, I Timothy 4:16].
2013-03-08 What is the Point of Prayer?: What point would there be to pray if God has already determined what is going to happen?
Praying for Personal Desires (a Baby): Do you really think that praying to have a baby does any good? [Luke 1:13, James 4:2-3].
2013-01-03 Birth Control: Is it okay to use birth control to limit the amount of children in a family, especially if the father is not emotionally supportive in raising them?
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