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Topic: Lies (Liars)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-10 Transgenderism: What would Jesus say about the transgenderism and fluidity?
2023-11-14 "Every Man a Liar:" What is the context and meaning of the phrase, "Let God be true, but every man a liar?" [Romans 3:4< Romans 3:1-5]
2023-10-02 God Created a Liar: How can God create a being that can lie, if God Himself cannot lie? [John 8:44, Hebrews 6:18].
Hell-Contradiction of God: Is it a contradiction of God's love to create hell to be a place of eternal conscious torment? Rec: topical lectures on Three Views of Hell or Steve's book on Hell.
2023-07-18 Lying for a Good Cause: Could you comment on the examples in scripture of people lying for good? [Matthew 23:23, John 7:8-10].
2023-06-02 Marriage Vows-Still Binding?: Are your wedding vows still binding if you find out things about your wife you did not know before you married her? [Psalm 15:4].
2023-05-08 Keeping Your Word (Promises) & Broken Trust: How does God view our keeping our promises and letting others know when they failed to do so? [Ecclesiastes 5:5, Matthew 23:16-22, Matthew 5:34].
2023-04-20 Pleading Guilty in Court of Law: What are the ramifications of pleading guilty if you are not guilty in order to take a plea deal? Is there scripture about this and does it effect one's salvation? [Acts 22:30-26, Joshua 2].
2023-03-29 Christians School Shooting: Request for prayer for the victims of the Christian School Shooting.
Ron Wyatt's Claims: Could you give me more information about how Ron Wyatt lied (Noah's Ark, Ark of the Covenant, etc.)?
2022-12-15 Lying about Santa Claus at Christmas: Doesn't Proverbs suggest that we should not be lying about Santa Claus at Christmas? [Proverbs 6].
2022-08-25 Lying: Is there a time when lying could be justified and acceptable? [Matthew 23:23, Mark 12:30-31, Matthew 22:35-40].
2022-06-27 Children Beginning to Compromise the Truth: What can you advise about my 7-yr-old child who is beginning to show signs of compromising the truth and lying? [Proverbs 28:13].
2022-06-07 Ananias and Sapphira's Punishment: Didn't Peter have the power to prevent the death of Ananias and Sapphira, especially since Peter had also lied? [Acts 5:1-11].
2022-03-04 Jesus' Legal Proceedings & Evidence of His Resurrection: Considering the Jews who remarked that Pilate should not let Jesus go at His trial, how does that parallel to the idea that we must find evidence to substantiate Jesus' resurrection? [John 19:12, I Corinthians 15:6].
2021-08-25 The Devil's Tricks: Could you give me an idea of the various ways the devil seeks to deceive us? Recommends Topical lecture; "Spiritual Warfare-Resisting Devil's Devices."
2021-05-26 Ethics of Compromising Truth to Protect Others: Could you help me with the ethics of compromising truth for good, or in order to preserve someone's choice, as with Rahab, in particular with being forced to take the COVID vaccine? [I Samuel 16, Joshua 2, Matthew 23:23, I Peter 4:8].
2021-05-18 "The Truth Shall Make you Free": In regard to the scripture that says that "the truth shall make you free", can the truth be replaced with a lie? [John 8:31-32].
2021-03-15 Cults & Religion: What sets Christianity apart from other religions and cults? What is the evidence?
Two Disciples Were Martyrs: Aren't there only two disciples that died as martyrs? [2 Peter 2].
2021-01-11 Believing Lies: Is the scripture about people believing lies applicable to our country today? [2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, I Timothy 4:2].
2020-09-30 Homosexuality, Addiction, Abuse: Caller is attempting to come out of a lifestyle of homosexuality and addiction, having suffered abuse is looking for counsel.[Ephesians 6:12, I Peter 5:8-9, Matthew 16:24-26].
Lying Lips in Isaiah: Can you help me understand the application about "being of unclean lips" in Isaiah? [Isaiah 6:5].
2020-07-31 Culture-Lies & Fantasy: Is our culture training us to be liars and are parents teaching their children to lie? [John 8:44, Isaiah 7, Judges 9].
2020-06-10 Claiming Lower Price on Car: Do you think it would be wrong to claim a sales price lower in a private sale of a car in order to pay less taxes to the state?
2020-01-08 Elders & Living Creatures: Who are the elders and living creatures in Revelation? [Revelation 4 & 5].
Liars in Revelation: Who are the liars, saying they are Jews, or apostles, in Revelation in chapters 2 & 3? [Revelation 2:2,9, 3:9, John 8:44, Acts, Romans 2:28-29].
2019-11-11 Lies, Whole Truth & The Midwives: Can you help me understand why the midwives were lying and still found acceptable, and even blessed? [Exodus 1].
2019-08-23 Lying Spirit: What is a "lying spirit" and can a lying spirit be in a person? (Caller comments that she wanted to look it up on the website, but it doesn't have Chronicles, so Steve directs her to the parallel records in Samuel and Kings). [2 Chronicles 18:21, I Kings 22, I John 4:2-3].
2019-07-23 Workers of Iniquity: In the verse when Jesus called them "workers of iniquity, could He have been really calling them liars? [Matthew 7:21-23].
2019-05-29 Satan Cursed by God: When God cursed Satan, did Satan understand the ramifications? And did Satan then response with the tactic of false religions, and errors in Catholicism, to deceive people? [Genesis 3, I Corinthians 2:8].
2018-12-28 An Unbeliever, an Apostate & a Reprobate: Is there a difference between an unbeliever, an apostate and a reprobate?
A Self-Deceived Person: What about a self-deceived person?
One Thinks they are Saved: What about thinking you are saved, & they really aren’t?
2018-10-18 Being Blinded: The god of the world blinding the mind, what does that mean? [2 Corinthians 4:4]
Women Leadership: So women can't have authority over a that true? [Timothy 2:12]
2018-09-27 Bearing False Witness: Relative to the hearings of kavanaugh hearings, what DOES the Bible have to say about people bearing false witness?
2018-08-29 Amillennial & Satan being Bound: Amillennial view & Satan being bound, no longer to deceive the nations, how does that fit?
2018-08-28 Satan the Tempter: If Satan is a tester/tempter & a deceiver, how do those two things not contradict one another?
Best Format of Bible, Paper or Electronic: Reading a Physical paper Bible over an electronic device, which is better?
2018-07-11 Women Learning in Silence: Women being silent in the church, what does this mean? Paul says it's because Eve was the one who was deceived, but wasn't Adam stand right there beside her the whole time? [1 Timothy 2:6]
Novice Christians as Elders: What was Paul saying about newly converted shouldn't be elders of the church lest they fall into the same downfall of pride as Satan did? [1 Timothy 3:6]
2018-05-07 Magic Tricks for Children's Worship: What do you think of having magic performed for children in church?
2018-03-26 The Heart: It says in Jeremiah that "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?", so do Christians have a deceitful & wicked heart, & what's the difference between the heart & the flesh, if there is a difference?
2018-03-23 Adam & Eve's Fall: Was Eve easier to be deceived than Adam?
2018-03-08 Adam wasn't deceived: Caller disagrees with Steve that Adam was deceived. [1 Timothy 2:14]
2018-02-16 Wife Falsely Accusing Husband: What should the caller do about his wife who is accusing him of something he didn't do?
2017-06-27 Theocratic Tactics Used by JW's: I had some Jehovah's Witnesses tell me they believe in the Holy Spirit but I know they don't; do they believe in hell? (theocratic tactic)
2017-03-09 Lying & Deception: Is "deception" considered lying?
2017-03-09 Lying & Deception: Of course i'd lie if it was going to save human life.
Moses: Have you ever heard that Moses was going rogue, not really doing what God said but doing it on his own?
2017-03-08 Lying: Why is lying bad? What IS a lie?
2017-02-23 Rahab Lying: Rahab lied, so was she commended for that or was that wrong, but still just justified for her faith? [Hebrews 11, James 2]
2016-08-08 Strong Delusion: Can Steve talk about God sending strong delusions, truth & rationality [2 Thessalonians 2:10=11]
2015-12-22 Jesus, the Temptation & the Devil: Was the Devil lying to Jesus when he was trying to tempt Jesus?
Progressive Revelation: Do you believe in Progressive Revelation?
2015-08-21 Singleness/Simplicity: What does "singlesness" "Simplicity" mean in [Acts 2:46]? Duplicity.
2015-08-13 Demonic Signs & Wonders: Are the Lying Signs & Wonders of Satan in every case & where is that in the Bible? [2 Thessalonians 2:9]
Seducing Spirits: What about Seducing Spirits? Whenever the caller thinks of the term "seduction", she thinks of sex, so sexual sins. [1 Timothy 4:1]
Y2K: People thought y2k was the end of the world & it wasn't. All this time wasted worrying about stuff that had nothing to do w/ anything! It's like crying wolf one too many times!
2015-06-12 Meaning of "so" in 2 Thessalonians: Caller is reading the NLT, & wants to know what "so" denotes, is talking about? [2 Thessalonians 2:11]
Son of Perdition: Is the Son of Perdition a one time occurrence?
Sending Deception: What if a person doesn't want the truth today but wants it tomorrow, but it's too late because God sent you a Delusion that same day, are you toast?
2014-12-19 Concerned about Deceased Wife's Salvation: Is there a chance my wife had a chance to reconcile herself with God? We found out she had been living in sin, stealing from a family.
2014-12-17 Heretical Groups & Cults: Are Heretical groups & cults by any chance a judgment of God to weed out the Wheat & the chaff?
Dispensationalism: Was Dispensationalism invented by Satan?
2014-11-20 Marriage & Divorce & False Accusations: Caller can't believe what is happening to her at the moment, her husband abandoning her, but not that, but falsely accusing her. What should she do?
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