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Topic: Narrow Gate (Path)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-02-23 Appreciation for Steve & The Narrow Path Broadcast: Caller shares her appreciation for Steve and the Narrow Path radio broadcast.
The Narrow Gate Passage Addressing the Jews: Do you think that Jesus was speaking about the Jews in Matthew 7 (as Doug Wilson)? [Matthew 7:13, Revelation 7:9-17].
Post vs Amillennialism: Could you help me understand why you favor Amillennialism, in contrast to Post-Millennialism? [Revelation 20:9].
2024-02-13 The Narrow Path: How is your ministry on "the narrow path" when you agree with 90% of the world's religions about the Trinity? How is that a narrow path?
2023-08-10 Donations for Maui: Do you have an address to donate to for those in Maui (suffering the fires)?
2023-06-29 Just War: Don't you think that stopping Hitler in World War II was a "just war?"
The Narrow Gate: Is the scripture about "the narrow gate" about hell or the decisions in life, and not really about the final judgment? [Matthew 7:13].
2023-05-22 Saved (Many or Few): Can you help me understand how some use scripture to indicate that there are only a few who will be saved, when some verses indicate that there will be many? [Matthew 7:14, Revelation 7:9, Luke 13:23].
2023-04-07 Matthew713 (companion website): Can you repeat the information about your alternate website for Bible Study? Rec: &
Joseph & His Brother's Reunion: Isn't the story of Jospeh and His brothers a type of the Jews coming back to God through the Messiah?
2023-04-03 Steve's Book: "Empire of the Risen Son:" Caller inquires about how to find Steve's free audio books, "Empire of the Risen Son," both volumes.
2023-01-05 The Narrow Path: Why is your show called "The Narrow Path"?
Calvinists Follow Christ: Caller comments that there are many Calvinists definitely follow Christ.
2022-11-14 "Kingdom Charts" from Your Lecture Series: You mention a chart in the lectures series called "When Shall These Things Be." Where do I find those charts? See
After Death for an Unbeliever: What happens after death for the unbeliever? [Luke 16:19].
The Resurrection and the New Body: Is God just going to raise and renew the old or decaying body in the resurrection from whatever condition our bodies are in at that time?
2022-10-04 Caller Question's Steve's Ministry: Caller shares her concern about Steve being condemning of a caller suggesting his response was unloving and not Christ-like. [James 3:1, I Peter 4:11, I John 4:1-6].
2022-07-11 Teaching Children: How could one break down this passage for children? [Matthew 7:13-14].
So Few Get to Enter the Narrow Gate: Isn't it a bit daunting to think so few people are entering through the "narrow gate?" [Matthew 7:13-14, Revelation 7:9].
2022-07-11 Teaching Children: How could one break down this passage for children? [Matthew 7:13-14].
So Few Get to Enter the Narrow Gate: Isn't it a bit daunting to think so few people are entering through the "narrow gate?" [Matthew 7:13-14, Revelation 7:9].
2022-06-20 Thanks to Steve Gregg: Caller expressed gratitude to Steve for his dedication regarding teaching people to live in total dedication to Christ.
Through the Narrow Path: How does one know that they will enter through "the narrow gate"? Recommended book; Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 2. [Matthew 7:13, I John 5:13].
Memorial for Suicide: Praying for one who committed suicide.
2022-05-09 Amillennialism vs Postmillennialism: What verses keeps you from being a full post-millennialist? [Revelation 20:3].
New Heavens & Earth vs New Covenant: Do you see the "new heavens and earth" as coming in the future, or representative of the New Covenant? [Revelation 21:1-4, Revelation 21:11, Revelation 20:11, 2 Peter 3:10-13, Hebrews 6:5, Roman 8:21].
Compliment to Steve and The Narrow Path Website: Caller compliments Steve, and The Narrow Path website, for helping him to learn how to think about scripture after he came out of a cult.
2021-11-17 Steve's Website Caller Promotes.
The Church & "Bride of Christ": Who is the "Bride of Christ", and how do we enhance and identify with that role and the church?
2021-10-21 Whistling at The Narrow Path: Is that you whistling in the song at the beginning of the show? The song is by Jon Marr, and it's called, "Like Arrows Do" and is at the website.
Book of Enoch: Is it possible that the Book of Enoch was actually written by Enoch?
Donating to "The Narrow Path" Ministry: How do you donate to "The Narrow Path" ministry?
2021-09-10 Prayer Requests: Steve explains that he does not typically pray for people on the air, as he would quickly not have time to answer questions.
Good Works Necessary: Are good works necessary for one's salvation? Ezekiel 36:26, Titus 2:14].
2021-08-04 Southern California Bible Study Fellowship: Caller offers and opportunity for others to join a Bible Study fellowship in Oakland Hills CA, with Steve Gregg lecture homework.
Supporting Steve Gregg financially: Caller encourages listeners to give financial gifts to support Steve Gregg personally.
2021-05-03 "One Way" Through Jesus: If there is only "one way", through Jesus, then is there no provision for all those that never heard of this way or Jesus? [John 14:6, Ezekiel 18:32, 2 Peter 3:8-10, John 1:9-10].
2021-01-28 Caller Asks for Direction for His Christian Growth: Caller shares personal testimony of his recent conversion and asks where he should next focus his attention to grow? Recommends lecture; "Biblical Counsel for a Change" and his new books; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1-"There is Another King", & Vol 2-"All the King's Men").
2020-11-23 Calvinism & Few Who Find it: If scripture indicates that people will be trying to "find" the way, doesn't that become a good argument against Calvinism? [Matthew 7:14].
2020-09-04 Getting on the Narrow Path: Contemplating on the verse about "the narrow path", I am concerned that myself and some of my friends are not really on it. Can you help direct me? [Matthew 7:13-14, Matthew 26:41, James 3:2, Matthew 16:24, I John, Revelation 7:9, John 13:35].
2020-07-27 Narrow Path vs a Magnitude Saved: How do you reconcile the implication that there is a narrow way, and few who find it and yet, in Revelation it is described as a magnitude? [Matthew 7:13, Revelation 7:9]
2020-07-24 Women Teaching in Church: Could you talk about women teaching in church? [I Timothy 2:12, Acts 18:24-28].
Steve Gregg and His Radio Show: How did your find yourself teaching on your radio show? Caller is wondering about possibly to the same thing.
2019-07-17 The Narrow Path & Abundant Life: Some of the verses about "the narrow path", and "few who find it", seems to contradict the ones about an "abundant life in Christ", would you harmonize this for me? [Matthew 7:13-14, 11:28-30, John 10:10, Luke 12:15, 2 Corinthians 1:3f].
2019-06-17 The Narrow Path Few & Saved Multitudes Contradiction: Is there a contradiction between the scriptures about "the narrow path" and the "few who find it", and the multitudes that come to Christ described in Revelation? [Matthew 7:13, Revelation 7:9].
2019-03-12 The Narrow Path Why is it a "narrow path"? Why is it taking so long for people to find Christ? Is it because the path is so narrow? [Matthew 7:13].
2018-10-18 Eating, Drinking, & being Merry: Why would God allow so many people to not be saved? Only a few people are going to be taking the Narrow Path, why does satan's way seem more appealing?
2018-09-04 Narrow is the Gate: Narrow is the gate, what does that mean? [Matthew 7:13-14]
2018-07-27 Steve Gregg's Children: Do your children ever attend your meetings?
Going on the Narrow Path: The "narrow path", does that mean only a few people are going to be saved?
2016-11-16 Striving: It's easy to see why people who don't want Jesus won't make it, but some people want to, who ARE striving, they won't make it? [Luke 13:24]
2015-05-28 "Called" & "Elect": Does "Called" & "Elect" mean you are not really saved until you do all the works in the Sermon on the Mount? [2 Peter 1:10]
ISIS & Islam in Prophecy: Where does ISIS & Islam fall into Prophecy, if anywhere?
2013-04-30 Non-Christian God-fearers: What about the good people and God-fearers in other faiths? What will happen to them? [John 3:16, John 1:9].
Those Doing Their Best-but Mistaken (Only Christians are Saved): What about those that are doing their best to do well, like the Jews, but get it wrong? Doesn't the Bible say that only Chistians will be saved? [I John 2:2, Acts 26:28].
The Unpardonable Sin: What about the "unpardonable sin?" [Matthew 12:31, Colossians 1:20, I John 2:2].
2013-03-01 Steve's Income: Caller commends Steve for defending his ministry and income methods.
Over-spiritualizing & Disagreeable: Other Christians who are disagreeable, critical, or who think they are the ones that are right (particularly on Steve Gregg).
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