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Topic: Saul (King)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-01-10 God Sent an Evil Spirit: I am confused about the scripture that says "God sent an evil spirit." Can you help? [1 Samuel 16:14, Job 1-2, 1 Kings 22:22-23, 2 Corinthians 12:7].
Guardian Angels: Do you think that God puts spirit guides around us to protect us, but if we don't do good with God's laws, they abandon us? [Psalm 34:7, Psalm 91:11-12,
2024-01-10 God Sent an Evil Spirit: I am confused about the scripture that says "God sent an evil spirit." Can you help? [1 Samuel 16:14, Job 1-2, 1 Kings 22:22-23, 2 Corinthians 12:7].
Guardian Angels: Do you think that God puts spirit guides around us to protect us, but if we don't do good with God's laws, they abandon us? [Psalm 34:7, Psalm 91:11-12,
2023-09-11 "Evil Spirit" from the Lord: Could you expound on the "evil (distressing) spirit" from the Lord on Saul and David's playing driving it away? [1 Samuel 16:14, 1 Samuel 16:23, 1 Kings 22:21-23, Judges 9:23].
2023-08-31 Samuel Appears from the Dead: Was it really Samuel who was called up from the dead and appeared in the witches' seance? [1 Samuel 28:1-20].
Saul & Sons in Heaven: Does this verse in Samuel say that Saul and his sons will be in heaven with Samuel? [1 Samuel 28:19].
2023-08-31 Samuel Appears from the Dead: Was it really Samuel who was called up from the dead and appeared in the witches' seance? [1 Samuel 28:1-20].
Saul & Sons in Heaven: Does this verse in Samuel say that Saul and his sons will be in heaven with Samuel? [1 Samuel 28:19].
2023-06-07 Raising a Spirit from the Dead: What am I to make of the story of the spirit of Samuel being raised from the dead by the witch? I thought that was not a thing? [1 Samuel 28].
2023-04-20 Samuel & The Witch of Endor: What do you think of my view of the calling up the spirit of Samuel by the witch of Endor? [1 Samuel 28:11-20].
2022-12-22 David as a Priest: Is there anywhere in scripture that idicates that David was a priest? [Isaiah 13:14, Acts 13:22].
2022-10-26 David's Lack of Faith: Is it David's lack of faith that causes him to run to the Philistines in I Samuel 27? [I Samuel 27:1-2, 2 Timothy 2:13].
2022-10-20 Evil Spirit in Saul from God: Do you think it is disconcerting to find that God put an evil spirit in Saul [I Samuel16:14, Judges 9:23, I Kings 22:22-23].
2022-02-15 Tree of Life: Why did God prevent Adam & Eve from eating from the "Tree of Life"? [Genesis 3, I Timothy 6:16].
Samuel's Spirit Raised Was the spirit of Samuel that was conjured up by Saul and the witch actually Samuel or was it a demon? [I Samuel 28:11-20].
Angels & Humans Having Children: How could spiritual beings have intercourse with human women and produce children? [Genesis 6:6].
2021-08-23 God Judging Israel for Saul's Sin: Why did God judge Israel for the sins of Saul (Sins of the Fathers)?
Ezekiel on His Side for a Year: Did Ezekiel really lay on his side for a whole year?
2021-08-20 King Saul, the Witch of Endor & the Prophet Samuel: Did Saul really communicate with Samuel when he went to the Witch of Endor? [1 Samuel 28].
2021-08-04 King Saul in heaven?: Do you think that King Saul is in heaven or hell?
2021-07-30 Israelites Believed the Afterlife: Caller states that the Israelites always believed in the afterlife by way of the story of Saul calling up Samuel. [1 Samuel 28:3-25, I kings 17:22].
2020-09-24 Compliments to Steve Gregg: Compliments to Steve regarding The Narrow Path's outreach.
Saul & the Witch of Endor: Could you clarify why Saul summoned the "Witch of Endor" because it was strictly forbidden, and was it a sin? [I Chronicles 10:13, Leviticus 19:31, 20:21, Deuteronomy 18:11].
2020-06-24 Death of Saul: Can you explain the apparent discrepancy on the way Saul died? [1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1]
2020-01-14 Evil Spirit to Saul From God: What is the bad spirit of God in Samuel when He brought it to torment Saul? [I Samuel 16:23, I Kings 22, Luke 4:1].
2019-10-24 Saul Callling Up Samuel: When Saul went to the medium, was the spirit really Samuel or a demon? [I Samuel 1:15-28].
2019-08-02 Saul Summons Samuel: Do you think that Saul actually summoned up the real spirit of Samuel? [I Samuel 28:11-20].
2019-07-11 Saul & David: Why did David call Saul anointed, when God had already anointed David to be the king. [I Samuel 26:17-24].
2019-05-29 Kingdom of God: Don't you think that after the gentiles are saved, all attention will go back to the Jewish people? [Romans 11].
Saul in Heaven: Do you think that Saul is in heaven, because of what Samuel said about Saul being with him? [I Samuel 10].
Hell Preferred Over Heaven: Do you think that people separated from God in hell, will prefer hell, over being with God? [Luke 16:19f].
2018-02-08 Kingdom Taken From Saul and Jewish Leadership: Is there any correlation between 1 Samuel 15 & what Jesus says in Matthew 21:43 about the kingdom being taken away? [1Samuel 15, Matthew 21:43]
2017-09-29 Worshipping supernatural or famous things: Bronze serpent, the lady touching the hem of Jesus' garment. People think they can have supernatural experiences by touching or worshipping relics or artifacts, people having wishing thinking.
Talking to the Dead: Are there any examples of talking to dead saints & other dead people? [1 Samuel 28]
2017-09-20 Saul Receiving an Evil Spirit: Can God send an evil spirit or did is it just similar language like Romans 1, "gave them over"? [1 Samuel 16:14, Romans 1:28]
2017-05-23 Obey Better than Sacrifice: "Better to obey than sacrifice", what does this mean? any relevance for today? [1 Samuel 15:22]
2017-02-14 Saul's before King Saul: Who are all these Saul's before King Saul? [Genesis 36:38]
2016-11-28 King Saul: Why did God give Israel Saul as the first king?
Regret in Heaven: Even though a person might be saved, is it true they won't be happy if they fail to really obey God while down here on earth?
2016-02-10 "What are we to Make of Israel?": Caller comments on lecture series “What are we to Make of Israel?”, saying how good they are, & that he's on his second time of listening to them.
Missing Tribe of Dan: Caller has a theory responding to a previous call about why Dan was not included in the list of Revelation 7. [Revelation 7:4-8]
Contradictory Numbers in Scripture: Was it 20 years or 40 years that the Ark remained in Kirjathjearim because the math doesn't seem to be working out in light of what it says in [1 Samuel 7:2, Acts 13:22]
2015-11-09 Witch of Endor, Saul & Samuel: Why would God permit Samuel to talk to Saul? [1 Samuel 28]
2015-09-22 Balaam's Donkey: Does Steve think God just opened the mouth of the donkey & his OWN thoughts came out, or was it God speaking, sort've using the donkey as a ventriloquist? [Numbers 22:28]
Witch of Endor & Samuel speaking to Saul: Could that be the exact same situation, not really Samuel speaking? [1 Samuel 1:15-28]
2015-06-26 Witch of Endor, Saul & Samuel: Did Saul actually contact the spirit of Samuel? [1 Samuel 28]
2015-05-05 Ahinoam: Was Ahinoam both King David's AND King Saul's wife....was this the same person?
2014-10-16 King Saul's bloodshed: Where is the story about Saul shedding the blood of the Gibeonites before David wanted to avenge them? 2 Samuel 21]
Sheba the Scribe: Is Sheba the one that recorded a lot of David's exploits?
Urim and Thummim: What is the Urim & Thummim? There's not much mentioned of them in the Bible.
2014-03-04 Horn: What is the "horn" that is being referred to in 2 Samuel [1 Samuel 2:1, Psalm 3]
Distressing Spirit & Prophesies: What does it mean that Saul was given a "distressing spirit" & was able to prophecy? [2 Samuel 18:10, 1 John 4:1]
2014-02-13 David cutting Saul's skirt: Was Saul sleeping or using the bathroom when David managed to cut part of the Saul's skirt off?
Federal Reserve Money: Our Federal Government can & does print money without having gold or silver to back it up, & it's legit to do that.
2013-07-25 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, David & Saul: The other day you had a caller talking about Bonhoeffer, but you never pointed out that David refused to kill Saul even though he was an evil leader. [1 Samuel 24:6]
2013-07-09 Saul & Obeying the Government: Would you comment on the fact that David refused to harm Saul because he was God's annointed, and how that relates to God putting government leadership in power and our response?
2013-05-15 David's Anger: Can you help me figure out the anger of David in 2 Samuel? Why was David lauded over story of the death of Abner? [2 Samuel 4:10].
2013-05-13 Saul Given a Another Heart: If Saul was given a new heart by God, what made him go astray? [I Samuel 15:17-26]
Holy Spirit in Saul: Is there a parallel between the Holy Spirit coming upon and Saul the gift of the Spirit for us today?
God withdraws the Holy Spirit from Saul: Why is God still answering Saul when the Holy Spirit had left him? [1 Samuel 16:14].
2013-05-13 Saul Given a Another Heart: If Saul was given a new heart by God, what made him go astray? [I Samuel 15:17-26]
Holy Spirit in Saul: Is there a parallel between the Holy Spirit coming upon and Saul the gift of the Spirit for us today?
God withdraws the Holy Spirit from Saul: Why is God still answering Saul when the Holy Spirit had left him? [1 Samuel 16:14].
2013-05-13 Saul Given a Another Heart: If Saul was given a new heart by God, what made him go astray? [I Samuel 15:17-26]
Holy Spirit in Saul: Is there a parallel between the Holy Spirit coming upon and Saul the gift of the Spirit for us today?
God withdraws the Holy Spirit from Saul: Why is God still answering Saul when the Holy Spirit had left him? [1 Samuel 16:14].
2013-03-12 Witch of Endor & Samuel: Did Samuel actually come upon the Witch of Endor summoning him, or was it an evil spirit? [I Samuel 28].
Cain & Abel's Wives: Where did Cain and Abel get their wives?
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