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Topic: Sadducees

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-06-15 Old Testament View of Resurrection & Afterlife: If all you had was the Old Testament, how would you view the resurrection and the afterlife? [Ezekiel 37, Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 26:21, Job 19:26, John 5:24, Ephesians 2:5].
The Afterlife in Scripture: Why doesn't the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, say more about the afterlife? [Psalm 23:6, 2 Timothy 1:10].
Sadducees: Did the Sadducees believe everything just ends at death - with no afterlife?
2022-09-13 Heaven & the Resurrection (Sadducees & Pharisees): Was there anything earlier in Jewish teaching that would have described the afterlife, the resurrection or heaven before Jesus said there would be no marriage in heaven? [Matthew 22:30].
2021-12-21 Learning the Bible Like Steve Gregg: Can other people learn to refer to Bible scripture as quickly as you do, or is it just a special gift of yours?
Feeling Sorry for the Pharisees: Do you ever feel sorry for the Pharisees? [John 10:37, John 17:6, John 5:42, Acts 15:5].
2020-10-06 Zeitqeist: Caller compliments Steve on his response to the Zeitgeist question on YouTube.
Sadducees & Pharisees & the Resurrection: Did the Sadducees and Pharisees turn parts of Zechariah into a fable about the resurrection? [Daniel 12:2, Acts 23:6, Matthew 22:32].
2020-04-29 Sadducees & Pharisees: Were the Sadducees like our modern liberals and the Pharisees, the conservatives?
Sadduccees & Pharisees on the Resurrection: Were the Sadducees or the Pharisees more closely aligned to the teachings of scripture regarding the resurrection? [Acts 23:6, 24:16].
2020-04-29 Sadducees & Pharisees: Were the Sadducees like our modern liberals and the Pharisees, the conservatives?
Sadduccees & Pharisees on the Resurrection: Were the Sadducees or the Pharisees more closely aligned to the teachings of scripture regarding the resurrection? [Acts 23:6, 24:16].
2019-10-22 Sadducees, Pharisees, Levites: What is the difference between the Sadduccees and the Pharisees, and are they all part of the Levites and Priesthood?
2019-03-01 Resurrection: What about the resurrection and Enoch? Will there be marriage in the resurrection? Does Jesus' agreement with Enoch validate the inspiration of the book of Enoch? What is the difference of opinions of the Sadducees and Pharisees about the resurrection [Luke 16, Matthew 22:29-33]?
2014-11-21 Traditions: Did the Pharisees, Sadducees & the Scribes have their own version of the law that wasn't part of the Mosaic Law?
2014-11-21 Pharisees, Scribes & Sadducees: The Pharisees were the Orthodox Rabbis during Jesus' times? Was Jesus basically just trying uproot Judaism while He was down here? [Luke 9:28-36]
Jews Activities During Jesus' Time: Was there things Jesus didn't like that the Jews were doing when He was down here? [Matthew 5:17-19, Luke 18:10=14]
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