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Topic: Televangelists (Televangelism)

Showing 1 to 17 of 17.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-03-23 Evangelism-Billy Graham: Isn't it likely that many of those moved at a Billy Graham crusades were not really converted?
Church & State: Is it duplicitous if a church doesn't listen to the government and obey the law if they are a 501c3?
2022-09-21 Rich Ministers & Evangelists: Can a minister who has used the ministry to make themselves really rich be a good Christian? Are they whitewashed tombs?
2022-07-07 Televangelist's Healings: Could you comment on the instantaneous healings I see on television and if they are disingenuous? [Acts 7-8, Philippians 2:25-27, 2 Timothy 4:20, I Timothy 5:23].
2020-07-29 Struggling with the Wealth of Pastors: I am struggling with reconciling the wealth of some of my favorite pastors, such as, Charles Stanley and Chuck Swindoll? Can you help?
2017-12-01 Televangelists: What do you think of television evangelists?
Joseph Prince: What do you think of Joseph Prince & other grace preachers?
2017-11-29 Wealthy Pastors: Pastors who have a lot of money in their accounts, charging for the ministry.
2017-10-12 Pastors Getting Wealthy off the Gospel: What do you think about ministers living high off the hog?
2016-12-01 Benny Hinn: Does Steve have any thoughts on Benny Hinn?
Converting Spouse: Caller has been trying to expose his wife to Jesus, & have her accept Jesus, & would like advice from Steve the best way to do that.
2016-08-22 Televangelists Should be Taken off the Air: Caller was offended about Steve’s comment saying that all Christian televangelists were bad & that they should be taken off the air.
2016-08-22 Christian Television: Caller has omplaints about Christian television & the money that is being taken from a gullible public, wasting their money.
2016-08-18 T.V. Evangelists Preaching Against Abortion & Homosexuality: Don't you think if all the T.V. evangelists & all the Mega churches were to preach against abortion & homosexuality that it would revolutionize America, a spiritual revival?
2013-11-13 Planting a Money Seed for More Money: What about these prosperity preachers asking people to send a seed of $1,000 or $200 to get blessed even more?
2013-10-09 Word of Faith Movement: What is wrong with believing in the Word of Faith Movement?
2013-08-07 Ark of the Covenant for the Future Temple: Call thinks the 3rd Temple is going to be built again, but what happened to the Ark of the Covenant that has to be put in there?
David Jeremiah's View of Peace Treaty: So Steve doesn't agree with David Jeremiah's line of thinking about a peace treaty with Israel, they will be able to resume the animal sacrifical system & then halfway through the antiChrist is going to turn on them & other things that happen with Dispensationalism? [2 Thessalonians 2]
2013-07-24 The 1000 year Millennium: What is your view of the 1000 millennium?
Child Shall Die One Hundred Years Old: What about "a child shall die 100 hundred years old"? [Isaiah 65:20]
Perry Stone: What do you think of Perry Stone?
2013-06-27 Sid Roth & his Ministry: What can you tell me about Sid Roth's ministry?
2013-01-14 Oral Roberts & Kicking Adam in the Chin: What do you think when someone says when he gets to heaven, he's going to debate Oral Roberts, and another say that he's going to kick Adam in the chins for listening to Eve?
Pre, Mid or Post Tribulation: Is Jesus coming before or after the Tribulation?
Antichrist, Mark of the Beast & His Number: What about the antichrist, the "mark of the beast" and "666"?
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