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Topic: Intertestamental

Showing 1 to 13 of 13.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-10 Former Dispensationalist: Former Dispensationalist comments on Hal Lindsey's book "Late Great Planet Earth."
Book of Enoch: Why was the "Book of Enoch" not put in the Bible?
2024-05-20 Intertestamental Books: What do you think of the "Intertestamental books" and is there anything that is not scriptural?
2023-12-19 Atheist Caller: Bible or Church first?: Which came first, the Bible or the church? [Hebrews 11].
Atheist Caller: Defining the Bible: How would you define the Bible or the scriptures?
Atheist Caller: Intertestamental Period: Doesn't it seem questionable to have nearly 400 years of things happening (between the writing of the Old & New Testaments) before the Bible is finalized? And what about the wars between the opposing sides?
2023-11-22 "Son of Man": Why does Jesus refer to Himself as "Son of Man?" [Psalm 8:4-8, 2 Corinthians 12, Daniel 7:13, Philippians 2:7, 1 Timothy 2:6, Mark 14:62].
2023-11-15 Extrabiblical Books: Why are some of the extrabiblical books not included in the Biblical Canon? [1 Chronicles 29:29, 1 Corinthians 10].
2023-09-06 The Book of Matthew: Why do some people think that the Book of Matthew should be the beginning of the New Testament, when it is about the Law?
Oracle of Delphi: What do you know about the "Oracle of Delphi?"
2022-03-04 The Books of the Maccabees: Could you tell me why the Books of the Maccabees was taken out of the Bible?
2020-09-10 The Curse on Adam & Eve: Was only Adam cursed? And was Eve not cursed because of the coming Messiah? [Genesis 3:14-17].
The Famine of the Word in Amos: Could you help me understand when the famine of the Word in Amos occurred? [Amos 8:11].
2019-12-02 Lazarus & The Rich Man: Have you been able to verify that Jesus borrowed the motif for the story of Lazarus & The Rich Man from Rabbinic teachings?
2016-09-15 Interpreting OT in light of NT: Why is the best interpretative way to understand the OT in light of the NT?
2015-12-30 Intertestamental Period (silent years) between the OT & NT: Can you please explain the "silent years" between the OT & NT?
2013-05-06 King James Bible: How was the King James Bible constructed? Why were the books limited to 66? What is wrong with the Catholic books (Apocrypha) that they are not included?
2013-03-21 Which Bible (Translation)?: When I was asked "which Bible" was it that I believe in, I wasn't sure what to say. Could you talk about the original works?
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