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Topic: Patriotism

Showing 1 to 8 of 8.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-11 The American Flag & Pledge of Allegiance: What do you think about my church emphasizing respect for the American flag and having the students in the Christian school recite "The Pledge of Allegiance?" Is this idolatrous?
2022-02-25 The Pledge of Allegiance: Is it appropriate to be uneasy about not necessarily wanting to pledge allegiance to anything but the Lord?
2022-01-13 God's America: Has God given up on America?
2021-12-13 Jehovah Witnesses Restrictions: Could you comment on the Jehovah Witness beliefs about not celebrating holidays, having blood transfusions, and flying a American flag? [Romans 14:5, Acts 15:29].
2016-11-21 George Whitefield: & John Wesley: Caller would like Steve's thoughts on George Whitefield & John Wesley.
U.S. Constitution: U.S. Constitution being effective because of these Christians?
Kingdom of God & USA Patriot: Any thoughts on Patriotism?
2013-07-22 Christians in the Military: Is it okay for Christians to join the military?
2013-06-18 The Pledge of Allegiance: Should Christians say the Pledge of Allegiance? (Steve gets cutoff after saying most of the answer because his power went out.)
2013-04-16 The Remorseful at the Crucifixion: Who were those at the cross that "beat their breasts" following Jesus' death on the cross? [Luke 23:47-48, Matthew 27:54, Mark 15:39].
Separation of Church & State: I agree with you about the "separation of church & state" because our citizenship is in heaven. What do you think?
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