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Topic: Calendar

Showing 1 to 24 of 24.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-10-26 Celebration of Jesus' Birth: What do you think about the date of Jesus' birth?
2023-10-26 The notation of B.C. (Before Christ): How did the system develop for the use of B.C. (before Christ) come about?
Palestine: Where did the word "Palestine" come from? Rec: Topical lectures, "What are We to Make of Israel?"
Palestine & Britian: How did the British end up having control of the area of Palestine?
2021-11-10 Christian Calendar: When did the Christian calendar begin (as opposed to Muslim calendar), and what are the ramifications of it being incorrect?
2020-02-04 Dating something B.C.E. & C.E.: What does B.C.E. and C.E. mean?
Woman Taken in Adultery: Would you talk about the story of the woman taken in adultery in John 8 and the question of it being possibly added later? [John 8:1-12, Luke 23].
2019-07-02 Calendar in Bible Times: Which calendar was Jesus and his disciples using in their time?
2019-04-30 Catholic traditions: Is holding one's hands a certain way restricted to the priests?
B.C. & A.D.: How did people date the years prior to the BC & AD identifiers? And when was this instituted?
2019-02-12 Caesar Calendar Keeping track of the years of Christ from when He was born
2018-11-19 Calendar: How & when did the calendar make distinctions come about AD/BC?
2018-03-15 Jewish Calendar: Can you explain the new moons & the Hebrew Sabbaths. I thought the calendar interrupted the 7th day Sabbath?
2017-11-30 Job: Where in the timeline does Job fit in?
The Gap Theory: What can you tell me about the Gap Theory, & is it legitimate? [Genesis 1:1-2]
2017-10-23 The 6th Month: What is the "6th month" referring to, the 6th month of the year? the 6th month of Elizabeth's pregnancy? [Luke 1:36]
2017-08-29 Dating of the Year of Jesus' Crucifixion: The caller thinks the date of the exact year of Jesus' crucifixion was about 30 AD. The Naval Observatory weighed in on it recently.
2017-08-04 Timeline of the New Testament: Do you know a detailed reference timeline for the New Testament?
2017-07-17 Jewish Calendar for Prophetic Reckoning: David Hawkins thinks the Jewish Calendar has to be used when calculating Prophecies in Daniel.
Anti-Christ being in the 3rd Temple: Rebuilding the 3rd temple, the anti-Christ is going to be IN the temple, so how can he be in the temple if it doesn't exist?
2017-03-07 Calendar Change: I've heard that BCE & CE is in place of A.D. & B.C., what's up w/ that?
2017-02-23 Lent: Where did Lent come from?
2017-01-10 The Calendar: Jesus was born 4-5 bc? Why did we start using BC/AD for the calendar?
2015-08-17 Calendars (followup): Caller just wanted to explain about calendars from a previous call.
2015-08-11 Calendars: When did we start keeping calendars? How far back would we have to go?
Website Forum: Is there a place one can go on the website to ask questions?
Age of Accountability: Can Steve please explain the "Age of Accountability"?
2015-06-01 BC to AD & Constantine: Why did the Calendar change from BC to AD & when did they implement that system/calendar & who was Constantine & the cross he wore that had nothing to do w/ Christianity?
2014-12-29 Hebrew & Gregorian calendar: Are we as Christians supposed to follow the Hebrew Calendar or the Gregorian calendar?
2013-10-21 Calendar: Is there a good calendar that we can look at that shows the real days of the week, especially Saturday & Sunday?
2013-05-29 Keep the Seventh Day Holy: How do I know that the 7th day during the creation week is the same as the Saturday as we have today?
Sabbath Keeping in End Times: If we don't know the right day for the Sabbath Day, then how could God judge us in the end times for not keeping it properly?
Objectivity in Bible Study: How do you sort out some of the traditional doctrines we have been taught in our denomination and figure out which are correct?
2013-03-25 Celebrating "Holy Week": What are your thoughts on celebrating the "Holy Week"? [2 Corinthians 3:17].
Easter: Because Easter origins were pagan and based on the moons, doesn't it make it actually not a Christian holiday we should celebrate?
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