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Topic: Unrepentant

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-07 Suicide of a Believer: Do you think that Pastor Rick Warren's son is saved, even though he committed suicide? 1 Corinthians 14:25, 1 Corinthans 4:4-8].
2024-04-04 The Damnation of Unconfessed (or Unrepentance) Sin: What happens if we die with an unconfessed sin or two (in light of 1 John 1:90? [1 John 1:9, James 3:2, Mark 9:24].
2023-03-30 Hardened Hearts: Doesn't scripture illustrate to us that we cannot continue in sin without the danger of becoming hardened to the things of God, and therefore are in danger of condemnation? [Hebrews 4:7, Hebrews 12:17, Philippians 3:12, 1 Peter 1:17, Matthew 10:28, 2 Corinthians 5:11, Proverbs 16:6]
2023-01-17 Salvation of Evil Ones: What are the chances of Adam and Judas being saved by grace? Or maybe Hitler? or Jeffrey Dahmer? [Hebrews 9:27].
2022-10-20 Unpardonable Sin (Blasphemy): What about the "unpardonable sin" of blasphemy? [Matthew 12:31-32, I John 1:9, I John 1:7, Acts 13:39]
2020-09-30 So Many Religions, So Many Innocents: If God is such a loving God, why would He allow other religions to exist and mislead somewhat innocent people?
2020-07-10 Point of No Return: Is there a condition noted in the Bible that describes "a point of no return"? [Romans 1:28, Matthew 7:6].
2020-06-16 Lake of Fire: What kind of bodies do the unrighteous have when they are cast into the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 20:14-15, Luke 12:48].
2020-04-08 Unpardonable Sin: Would you talk about the unpardonable sin and blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? [Matthew 12:31, Luke 12:10].
2020-01-09 No Longer Any Hope: When is it that someone becomes so hard that God will no longer allow someone to repent?
2019-09-11 Unrepentant Sin: If a believer accidentally kills someone, and they don't repent, will they go to heaven?
2019-08-28 Resurrection of the Saints & Sinners: How does the resurrection of the saints and the lost fit with the return of Jesus? [Revelation 11, 20:5-6, Matthew 5:28-29, I Corinthians 15:51-53, I Thessalonians 4:16, John 5:24, 28, 6:39, 40, 44, 54, 12:48, Acts 24:15].
2019-08-16 Unbelievers in Hell Awaiting Judgment: Will it only be Christians be raised to face judgment, and are unbelievers in hell waiting for the judgment? [Revelation 20:15, John 5:28-29]
2019-07-08 Repentance and Judgment: Why do we pray for judgment of the unrepentant? [2 Peter 3, Ezekiel 33:11, Revelation 6:9-11].
2019-07-01 Arminian View of Unrepentant Sin: Is it actually an Arminian view that if a person fails to repent for a sin before they die, they lose their salvation and are consigned to hell?
2019-06-03 Unsaved Doing Works In the Name of Jesus: You were talking about the unsaved doing mighty works in Jesus' name - can you tell me who they were? [Numbers 22-24, I Samuel, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10].
2019-05-30 I Never Knew You: Who was Jesus talking to when he said, "I never knew you"? [Matthew 7:21-23, Luke 6:46-49].
2019-05-29 Kingdom of God: Don't you think that after the gentiles are saved, all attention will go back to the Jewish people? [Romans 11].
Saul in Heaven: Do you think that Saul is in heaven, because of what Samuel said about Saul being with him? [I Samuel 10].
Hell Preferred Over Heaven: Do you think that people separated from God in hell, will prefer hell, over being with God? [Luke 16:19f].
2019-04-11 Hating God's Enemies Should we hate God's enemies?
2019-04-10 Calvinism: From a Calvinist point of view, does it make sense to pray for unbelievers?
2019-04-08 Fellowshipping with Unbelievers: What is meant by not fellowshipping with unbelievers [Ephesians 5:11]?
2019-04-05 Resurrection of Unbelievers: Is there a physical resurrection of unbelievers? [John 5:28-29, Revelation 20, Acts 24:12-15]
Replacement Theology (Supersessionism): Why do some use the term as a pejorative? What do they mean by it? So how does it fit in with the New Covenant vs Old Covenant [Hebrews 8:13]?
Baptism: Who has the authority to baptize? What about when a church does not recognize another denomination's baptism?
2019-03-27 Rapture of the Wicked: What about The Rapture and the possibility of the wicked going away first, rather than the righteous [I Timothy 5:6, Mathew 13:24f]? Raising of the dead will first be whom? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
Day (literal or symbolic): Is the word for "day", literal or symbolic?
2019-03-25 Ashes on Foreheads: What do you think about people putting ash on the forehead for Lent? Is it OK?
After death: What happens after death to the believer & unbeliever?
Soul & Spirit: What is the difference between spirit & soul?
2019-03-15 Unbelievers after death: What happens to an unbeliever immediately after death? Since they are not in the lake of fire until the judgment, where are they now? [Luke 16:19]. Distinction made between Hades and the lake of fire.
2019-01-15 Good Works: Do we only have to do good works to or for other believers, rather than for unbelievers? [Luke 6:8, Matthew 5:43-47, Galatians 6:10].
2018-12-28 An Unbeliever, an Apostate & a Reprobate: Is there a difference between an unbeliever, an apostate and a reprobate?
A Self-Deceived Person: What about a self-deceived person?
One Thinks they are Saved: What about thinking you are saved, & they really aren’t?
2018-12-20 Death of a lost loved one: How do you give comfort to a person of a loved one who has died who was not saved?
2018-12-18 Witnessing to Unbelievers: Witnessing to people who don't believe in the Bible at all, mythology they call it, controlling the masses they say it is
2018-11-06 Unbelievers after Death: What is the state of unbelievers after they die? [Luke 15:11-32]
2018-09-19 Unbelievers in Heaven after Death: Do Believers & UNbelievers go to heaven to wait until the judgment?
2018-07-10 Choosing Unbelief: What is the main reason for disbelief?
2018-06-08 Paul pre or post Conversion: In Romans 7, is Paul talking about his pre-conversion experience or his post-Christian experience, the old man or the new creature? [Romans 7]
2018-04-17 Outside are all the Evil People How come all these bad people are going to be outside the city, isn't everything restored? [Revelation 20]
2018-03-29 Love the Sinner but Hate the Sin: Love the sinner but hate the sin, is there any truth to that statement by Augustine?
2018-02-02 Disbelief: Is disbelief in Christianity indefensible?
Compilation of Bible: Was the Bible miraculously compiled?
2017-11-29 The Scoffer: It says in this verse in Proverbs that if you get rid of the scoffer you'll get rid of contention, strife and reproach. So how do you get rid of the scoffer? [Proverbs 22:10, Proverbs 3:34]
2017-11-29 Unbelievers Going to Heaven: An unbeliever thinks it blatantly unfair of God not to let unbelievers in heaven.
2017-11-27 Unbeliever & Professing Christians Living in Sin: What do you do about people who were once professed Christians but are no longer Christians or someone who professes to be, but is living anything but but as a Christian? Didn't you say there were 2 sets instructions, one for an unbeliever & one for a believer [1 Corinthians 5]
2017-09-21 Impossibility of Building Ark: A non-believer said there is NO WAY Noah could build the ark so Genesis couldn't possibly be true.
2017-09-19 Being Cast into Hell: When people are cast into hell are they burning forever & ever & ever?
2017-09-06 The Soul after Death: Where do the souls go after you die? [Luke 16:14-31] (the answer is very garbled)
2017-08-23 Prophecy & Tongues: Is prophecy & tongues for the believer or for the unbeliever & if for the believer, is church for the unbeliever too? [1 Corinthians 14:23-25]
2017-08-01 Prophesying over an Unbeliever: Could God prophesy over an unbeliever? [1 Corinthians 14:3]
Prophets Accuracy of Predictions: Do the prophecies of a claimed prophet always have to come true?
2017-06-06 Bright & Morning Star: Who is the bright & morning star? Is it Jesus or David? [Revelation 22:16]
Wicked cutoff from the Land: In Proverbs where it says the wicked cut off from the land, is this talking about end time events? [Proverbs 2:21-22]
People who Commit Suicide: Can't God forgive people for suicide?
2017-05-24 Offspring of the Wicked: "offspring of the wicked shall be cutoff", what does that mean? [Psalm 37:28 & 38]
2017-03-03 Remembering Loved Ones who didn't make it: Will we be grieved on the other side of glory for people who didn't make it?
2017-01-30 Good People Who Aren't Christians: What about people who are considered really good people but who don't believe in Jesus? [Romans 2:6-10]
2017-01-30 Good people who aren't Christians: Caller says people are condemned no matter what for not believing in Jesus. [John 3:18-21, Romans 8:1]
2016-12-01 Resurrection on the Last Day: Is the Resurrection on the last day for both the righteous & the wicked? [John 5:24, Rev 22, Daniel 12:2]
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