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Topic: Burial

Showing 1 to 20 of 20.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-15 Shroud of Turin Could the image on the Shroud of Turin possibly be authentic? Is that how they wrapped the bodies?
2024-03-28 Burial Location in the New Testament: Why was the location of a burial so important in the Old Testament? Is it still important for us today? [Revelation 20:13].
2024-03-27 3 Days & 3 Nights: How are the 3 days and 3 nights calculated? And compared to Jonah? [Matthew 12:40, Jonah 2:1, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Mark 9:31, Luke 24:46].
2024-02-20 Cremation: Do only pagans cremate? Is it acceptable for Christians to be cremated?
Charitable Donations on Taxes: Should we deduct our charitable donations on our taxes, since it is a gift?
2024-02-07 Spices for the Burial of Jesus: Could the spices used for the burial of Jesus been symbolically used because of the priesthood of Jesus, having been named in the Exodus as exclusively for the priests? [John 2:22, Exodus 30:22-28, Exodus 30:34].
2023-11-22 Spices Brought to the Tomb: In contrast to Jewish tradition, why would the women take spices to the tomb, when he was already buried in the tomb? [Mark 16:3].
2023-11-22 The Spices for Burial: Caller shares information about the burial spices in ancient cultures and some of the symbolism about them. [Exodus 30:23-25].
Mary or "Jerusalem, Mother of Us All": What do Catholics say about "Jerusalem, the mother of us all" instead of Mary? [Galatians 4:26, Revelation 21:9-10].
2023-11-15 Cremation: Is there anything wrong with being cremated?
2023-07-28 Cremation: What do you think about cremation? [Genesis 3:19].
2022-11-08 "Burying the Dead" & Funerals: What did Jesus mean when He said, "let the dead bury the dead?" How does that apply to going to funerals?[Matthew 8:22].
2022-11-03 Cremation: Is it biblically acceptable to be cremated? [I Corinthians 3:17].
2022-06-27 Cremation: What do you think about cremation?
2022-06-09 Cremation; What do you think about cremation? [Genesis 3:19].
2022-04-25 The Narrow Path Theme Song: What is the whistling tune at the beginning of your show (title and artist)?
Cremation: What do you think about cremation, particularly in light of a friend who converted to Judaism?
2021-09-10 Cremation & Donations of Body Parts: Is it biblical to be cremated or donate your body parts to science?
2021-08-24 Cremation: What do you think about cremation? Does the Bible say anything about it?
Christianity Alone has Witnesses: Is it true that Christianity is the only faith that actually has witnesses?
2021-03-25 Copies of Matthew: Caller shares how many copies of Matthews are available.
Considering Hell: Caller comments on Hell, and some of his disagreements with Steve on the topic, about parables, everlasting, etc. [Mark 4, Matthew 14, Isaiah 66:24, Luke 10:31, Luke 16:19-31].
2021-01-13 Cremation: Can you still go to heaven if you are cremated?
2020-10-19 Cremation: Does The Bible talk about cremation?
2012-01-11 Cremation: Caller disagrees with Steve about cremation being acceptable. [1 Corinthians 15:37].
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