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Topic: Judaism

Showing 1 to 50 of 141.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-04 Talmud Teaching Jesus was a Bastard Child: Could you shed some light on the belief in modern Judaism about their belief that Jesus was a bastard child of a Roman soldier?
2024-02-14 Paul & Torah Observance: Could you talk about Paul's adherence to the law (Torah observance)? [1 Corinthians 9:20-23, Acts 21:15-25].
2024-01-11 Israel Political Scene Today (Likud): Are the Likud (Israeli political group) almost like the Pharisees revived?
2024-01-08 Quran, Islam & Judaism: Do you think that Islam is closer to Christianity than Judaism since they revere Jesus as a great prophet? Shouldn't we evangelize them?
2023-12-15 World Religions & Cults: Is Christianity the only real religion, or do some of the other religions have merit also? [Psalm 19:1, Romans 1:20].
2023-02-13 Jews Today and Jesus: Who do present-day Jews think Jesus is and why do they not believe He is Messiah?
2022-09-28 "Torah Observance" After Pentecost: How did Jewish Christians, after Pentecost and before the destruction of the temple think of "Torah Observance"? [Acts 21].
Persecutions of the Early Christians: Why did the Jews persecute the early Christians? [Acts 21, Acts 12, Acts 6:5].
Persecution of the Early Christians in Acts: Is Acts 10 talking about Jewish persecution of the early Christians? [Hebrews 10:32].
2022-09-23 Blessing Israel: Should we bless Israel today? If so, what does this symbolize? [Numbers 23:20, Matthew 5:45, I Corinthians 16:22, Genesis 12:3].
2022-09-13 Heaven & the Resurrection (Sadducees & Pharisees): Was there anything earlier in Jewish teaching that would have described the afterlife, the resurrection or heaven before Jesus said there would be no marriage in heaven? [Matthew 22:30].
2022-07-15 Judaism: Works-based: Has following God ever been a "works-based" religion, as in the Old Testament when Jews were required to follow the Law or not go to heaven? [Hebrews 10:19-20, Hebrews 11, Genesis 15:6, Psalm 32:1, Galatians 5:6, James 2:26, Romans 4:8].
Old vs New Covenants: If both the Old Testament Jews and the New Testament believers were saved by faith, why then is there a "New Covenant?" What is new about it? [2 Corinthians 3].
2022-07-14 Jewish Expectations for the Coming Messiah: From the Jewish perspective, will the Messiah have the same characteristics and same functionality as Jesus did, such as taking on the sins of the world? [Isaiah 53:6].
2022-07-13 Jewish Objections to Jesus Being Messiah: How can I talk to someone who has converted to Judiasm and address some of the issues, like the two sticks and the fact it has not yet been fulfilled? Recommends Michael Brown's book; "Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus." [Jeremiah 31:1, 2 Corinthians 3:14, 2 Corinthians 2:14, John 6:63, Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 11:14, John 11:50,, Luke 13:29, Isaiah 45:6, Isaiah 49:12].
2022-07-13 Jewish Caller Objections: Didn't Jesus add to the scriptures in contrast to what the Torah allowes in Deuteronomy? [Deuteronomy 4:2, Job 31:1].
2022-04-25 The Narrow Path Theme Song: What is the whistling tune at the beginning of your show (title and artist)?
Cremation: What do you think about cremation, particularly in light of a friend who converted to Judaism?
2022-04-13 God's First Religion: Did God give a specific religion when He created Adam and Eve? (Jeremiah 31:34, I John 2:27].
2021-10-25 Jewish (Hebrew) Roots Movement: What can I do about my brother getting into the Jewish (Hebrew) Roots movement? [Luke 9:33, Galatians 2:14, Matthew 5:17-20, Jeremiah 3:8].
2020-12-11 No More Sacrifice for Sin & Returning to Judaism? Could you talk about Hebrews 10:44, in reference to returning to Judaism and no more sacrifice for sin? [Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 10:44, Hebrews 10:18, Jeremiah 31].
2020-11-10 Laying on of Hand, Fundamental to the Faith: I am studying the fundamental principles of the faith, and I am struggling with the "laying on of hands", can you help? [Hebrews 6:1-2].
2020-10-22 Accepting of the Gentiles in OT times: What did the Jews think about accepting the Gentiles in Old Testament times?
2020-09-24 Everyone Must Die for Own Sins: Someone who is moving away from Christianity toward Judaism, is struggling with the scripture that indicates that everyone must suffer the consequences of their own sins. [Ezekiel 18:18-20, Hebrews 10:4, Hebrew 10:26, I Timothy 2:6].
2020-09-23 Jews Ethnically vs Religiously: Why do Jews call themselves "Jews", if they do not practice Judaism?
2020-09-15 Who is Being Addressed in Hebrews-No More Sacrifice for Sin?: Just who is being addressed in Hebrews 10:25-26 regarding "no more sacrifice for sin? [Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 3:1, Hebrews 10:18].
2020-08-31 Why Christianity is the Correct Faith: In light of all the different religions in the world, what makes Christianity the correct and true faith? Are we looking all at the same God? [Deuteronomy 18, John 5, Philippians 4:6, James 4:2-3].
2020-06-24 Replacement Theology: Can you explain Replacement Theology, regarding Israel? [Romans 9-11]
Gentiles Falling Away: Is it possible for Gentiles who fall away, to ever come back? [Hebrews 6:4-6]
2020-02-19 Oldest Religion: What is the oldest religion?
2019-07-08 Not Getting Victory When Doing His Will: Could you help me understand why God was not helping Israel to be victorious when they were doing His will, and as He had commanded? I thought God would keep his people in His favor in that case? [Judges 19-21].
2019-04-12 Sabbaths: What is the difference between a "low Sabbath" and a "high Sabbath"?
2019-03-26 Noahide Laws: What should be done to help people who had an outreach helping Mormons come out of their church, but have themselves gone into Judaism & Noahide laws?
2019-03-25 African Jews: Do you know of any proof that the Hebrews (Jews/Israelites) fled to Africa during the 70 AD siege? Does the name "Jew" refer to only the tribe of Judah or all of Israel?
2019-03-04 Jews-All Saved?: Are Jewish people all going to heaven, whether they accept Christ or not?
2019-02-25 God Divorcing Israel: Can you expound on the divorce of Israel that Jesus talked about? Did that take place? Is that the New Covenant [Isaiah 54:5, Jeremiah 3:14, 31:32]
2019-02-25 Jews & the 70 Weeks in Daniel: The Jewish view regarding the 70 weeks in Daniel 9 is that it is not talking about Jesus. What is the 70 weeks talking about?
2019-02-13 Kabbalism: What do you know about Kabbalism?
2019-02-05 Land of Israel: Why didn't Israel ever get the entire land? Are God's promises conditional? [Genesis 15]
2019-02-01 "Leaving the Elementary Things": What does it mean, "leaving the elementary things behind"? [Hebrews 6:4-6]
2019-01-28 Blessing Israel: How are we supposed to bless Israel if they are not part of Israel yet? [Acts 3:25, ]
2019-01-25 Land of Israel: Do the Ethnic Jews have any right to land of Israel?
2019-01-22 Jews Returning to Israel: Is there something in scripture that indicates that Jews must still return to the land of Israel? [Zechariah 8].
2018-12-19 Not all Israel which are of Israel: Not all israel which are of israel, someone says that's just referring to fake Gentiles. [Romans 9]
2018-12-13 Israel, Ethnic or Spiritual: When it's speaking of Israel, is this spiritual israel or ethnic Israel? [Romans 11:25-26]
2018-11-19 Flat Earth: Flat earth comment.
Clemency for the Jews: Do jews have some type of clemency?
2018-11-12 Persecution of the Jews & Josephus: So even after the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, the Jews were majorally prosecuted, like in the cities in Damacus. We get this from Josephus & his works, do we?
2018-11-12 Jews being Cutoff: The Jews being cutoff from the people, what does that mean? Could they come back?
2018-11-08 Jews & Persecution: Why are the Jews subject to so much persecution?
2018-09-19 Israelites Faithful to the Covenant: When Israel claimed to have have been faithful to the old covenant in Psalms, were they kidding because isn't that why God allowed them to be captives of Babylon? [Psalm 44, Psalm 44:17]
2018-09-18 World Wide Church of God: Do you know of a network of a world wide church of God, & they they believe in sabbatarian worship.
2018-09-14 Paganism: Historical pagans introducing ideas for Christianity/Judaism?
2018-08-21 Jews Belief about the Afterlife: What did the Jews believe re: what happens to you after you die?
2018-06-27 Jews of old & Jews Today: Who are the original Jews & are they the ones who live in Israel now?
2018-06-27 All Israel shall be saved: Would Old Testament faithful be considered Israel? "all israel will be saved", does it mean the land, the man, the government, the people, believers?
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