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Topic: Debt

Showing 1 to 9 of 9.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-01-25 No Idols or Images of God: Does scripture say that the reason Moses could not see God was because the people would've made idols of Him? [Deuteronomy 4:15-18].
Student Loans Paid-off: Would you take student loan forgiveness, or any reimbursement?
2020-05-29 Bankruptcy & Debt: What does the Bible say about excessive debt and bankruptcy? [Psalm 37:21]. [Editor's Note: Steve continues his thoughts after the break, even though it seems like he ended it before the break started.]
2018-12-27 Owe Nothing to any man: We no man ANYTHING except to love one another, what does that mean? (no debt of any kind?) [Romans 13:10]
2018-11-01 Freezing Debt: Is it ok to freeze the growing debt owed to someone to avoid bankruptcy?
Housing Illegal Immigrants: We need to open our home to sojourners, does this apply to the immigration issue?
2015-09-09 Socialism & Slavery: How can Steve be against socialism but be in favor of slavery?
Old Covenant debt relief laws vs Modern day Redistribution of the wealth: Weren't the old covenant laws for debt relief similar to redistribution of the wealth in modern days?
2013-07-02 Business & Debt: Caller is concerned about commerce and being in debt.
2013-05-24 Financial Debt: Should I allow someone take advantange of me regarding a bill she claims I owe, as a witness to Christ? [Proverbs 18:1,I Corinthians 6, Colossians 3:17, Romans 12:18].
Destination of Satan: Comment about the origins of Satan; If Satan was created as he is, then it seems unfair for him to be cast into eternal fire. [Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:19].
2013-04-24 Man of Lawlessness: If the Man of Lawlessness is the Papacy, what would the signs and wonders be that is referred to in 2 Thessalonians? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-7}.
Immorality & the Poor: How do you reconcile the fact that many of the poor are because of their own immorality, so should we be supporting those who at not at fault, or should it also be an evangelistic outreach? [2 Thessalonians 3:10, Galatians 6:10, Hebrews 13:5, I Timothy 6:8].
2013-03-20 Debt Forbidden for Christians: Is debt forbidden for Christians? [Romans 13:7-8, Proverbs 19:17, I Corinthians 10:23, I Timothy 6:8, Matthew 6:24, Proverbs 22:7].
Saving Money for Christians: Is it sinful to save money for Christians?
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