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Topic: Thomas

Showing 1 to 12 of 12.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-11 Confirming that Jesus is God: Caller suggests that Thomas verifies Jesus is God. [John 20:28].
2024-04-18 Gospel of Thomas: Has not the "Gospel of Thomas" been authenticated?
2024-01-31 Thomas' Recognition of Jesus as God: Isn't Thomas' declaration that Jesus was God in John 20, and the fact Jesus did not correct him, the best evidence that he understood Jesus' Deity? [John 20:28].
2023-10-06 The Lives of the Twelve Apostles: Beyond Acts, is there additional reliable information about the lives of the rest of the apostles and what happened to them? Rec: "The Search for the Twelve Apostles" by William Steuart McBirnie
Thomas & Nathanael (Bartholomew): Do you think that Thomas and Nathanael (Bartholomew) went to India? [Galatians 2:9, 1 Peter 1:1].
2023-09-01 Jesus' Post-resurrection Body: Would you elaborate on the post-resurrection body of Jesus in relationship to when He told Mary not to touch Him and yet He had Doubting Thomas touch His side? [John 20:17, John 20:27, Luke 24:39, Matthew 28:9].
Not Forgiving Others: Because Steve did not have time to talk about the dangers of not forgiving someone, he directs the caller to where one is able to look up the topic "Forgiveness." There will be many calls on the topic answered there.
2020-04-15 Between the Resurrection & the Ascension: After the resurrection and before the ascension, did Jesus go back and forth between heaven and earth sometimes?
Mary-Don't Cling: What about when Jesus told Mary not to cling to Him? [John 20:17]
Fruit Fruit of Jesus: What about the verses about Jesus as the first fruit, does it indicate that Jesus went back and forth between earth and heaven? [I Corinthians 15:20].
2018-11-27 Gospel of Thomas: I just came across the gospel of Thomas, have you ever read of it & if you have, what did you think of it?
2018-01-31 Apocrypha: The Books of Jasher & Thomas, how come they are not in the Bible?
2016-03-18 Saturday Night or Sunday: When Eutychus fell out of the window after Paul was preaching for such a long time, it says the "first day of the week", but wasn't it actually Saturday night in Jewish reckoning? [Acts 20:9]
Jesus Invisible during the 40 Days: Where was Jesus at after His resurrection for the 40 days when they couldn't actually see Him?
2013-09-26 Jesus' Appearances after Resurrection: Why didn't Jesus appear to more people, especially unbelievers, after His resurrection, because wouldn't it have made Christianity explode even faster? His resurrection is the paramount evidence to Christianity.
Gospel of Thomas: Doubting Thomas' book isn't in the Bible, but he believed in Jesus resurrection, after he saw Him.
2013-07-26 Not Really 12 Disciples: Why does it say there's 12 disciples when in reality, there was only 11, since Thomas & Judas Iscariot were not there? [Luke 24:9]
David Wilkerson: What do you think of David Wilkerson as a prophet?
2013-01-21 Doubting Thomas & Spiritual Realities: Doubting Thomas believed after he had evidence, but we have to believe by faith. We see the whole picture unlike the people of the Old Testament.
Knowing God's Will even through Adversity: How are we supposed to know if it God's will to do something when we might be encountering roadblocks, rather than open doors?
Obeying the Holy Spirit: We need to obey what we the Holy Spirit is telling us.
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