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Topic: Eve

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-02 Eve Bearing Children in Pain: Had Eve already been having children since God said she would now have pain in childbearing? [Genesis 3:16]
Population Beyond Cain: Who were the people that were after Cain, and where did his wife come from? [Genesis 3:20].
2024-01-19 The "Mystery": What is the "mystery" in Ephesians 1? Is it the same mystery of Christ dwelling in us? [Ephesians 1:9-10, Ephesians 3:4]
"All Things in Christ" (Pre-millennialism): Could you explain why the dispensations in Ephesians 1:10 presents a dilemma for pre-millennialists? [Ephesians 1:10].
Eve's Mistake: Regarding Eve not necessarily adding to scripture by adding the words "do not touch" the fruit - if it happened before the fall, would that alter your opinion? [Genesis 3:3].
2023-05-30 Son of God: Is it possible that the declaring of Jesus as "The Son of God" at the resurrection is to confirm the fullness of the replacement of Adam (the 2nd Adam)? [Acts 31, Hebrews 1, Luke 1:35, Luke 3:38, Romans 1:4, Psalms 2:7, Acts 13:33].
"Bone of My Bone" Symbolism: Is there a parallel between the way Eve is created and the coming of Jesus?
2022-12-08 The "Tree of Knowledge": Caller comments on what she was taught about the what "Tree of Knowledge."
2022-07-26 "Haughty Spirit" (Pride) & Eve: What happened that caused Eve to have a "haughty spirit" that precipitated the fall? [Proverbs 16:18, Proverbs 3:34].
2022-07-26 Lilith: Was Lilith before Eve? [Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2].
Adam & Eve: Is the reason we are supposed to be married is because Eve came from Adam's rib? [Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31, I Corinthians 7:1-7].
2022-07-19 Global Warming: Caller comments on "global warming" as a result of hearing a previous call about it.
Animals Talking: Do you think that all the animals talked before the fall in Eden (like when Eve spoke with the serpent)?
Animal Sacrifices: Did God eat the animal sacrifices?
2022-05-05 Adam & Eve in Heaven: Are Adam & Eve in heaven? [Genesis 3:3, Hebrews 11].
2021-11-24 The Fall of Man: Is it possible that it was further than one might think from the "good" creation to "the fall of man"?
Greater Labor Pains for Eve: When it is determined that Eve would have increased labor pains, would she have already had a child?
2021-08-17 Adam & Eve as Priests: Were Adam and Eve priests?
2021-08-05 "Sons of God" in Genesis: Caller makes a case for who the "Sons of God" were in Genesis 6?
2021-08-05 Alternate View of the Creation of Adam & Eve: Caller presents his view on the creation of mankind and Adam & Eve that is unusual.
Cain & Abel: Who was Cain afraid of and who did Cain and Abel marry? [Genesis 4:25, Genesis 5, Genesis 3:20, Acts 17:26].
2021-08-03 Adam & Eve's Knowledge of Death: How did Eve know what death was?
Cain & Abel's Resurrection: Will Abel raise with the rest of us at the resurrection? And Cain to condemnation? [John 5:28-29].
Sleep Until the Resurrection: Do we sleep until the resurrection?
2021-04-22 Why God Gave Free Choice to Adam & Eve: Why didn't God create Adam & Eve with more self control and more of a desire to obey Him, so they would have a more pleasant walk with Him?
2021-01-27 Adam & Eve's Spiritual State: Could the spiritual state of Adam & Eve actually be "light", because they were made in the image of God? [2 Peter 3:8-9].
Adam & Eve Died Upon Sinning: Is it not true that since "a day is like a thousand years", we can say that Adam & Eve died that day, even though they lived over 900 years?
2021-01-26 Adam & Eve's Death: Could you clear up whether Adam & Eve died spiritually or physically, on the day they ate of the tree? [Ephesians2:1-2, Colossians 2, Genesis 2:17, Romans 5:12].
2020-12-18 Adam & Eve's Awareness of Death: How did Adam & Eve understand "death" if there had not yet been death?
Pharmakeia & The Vaccine: Is the vaccine basically what the Bible refers to as "pharmakeia"? [Revelation 9:21].
2020-11-11 Creation of Eve Contradiction: Could you help me sort what seems like a contradiction in the creation of Eve in Genesis? [ Genesis 1:7, Genesis 2].
2020-08-26 Remaining in Christ: Do you think this verse indicates that "remaining" in Jesus affirms Pelagius' ideas about free will, grace, and choice? [John 15:5, James 1:17].
Adam & Eve Needing to Eat of the Tree of Life: If Adam & Eve had to eat of the tree regularly, why did they only have to eat of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil once to be forever cursed with death? [I Timothy 6:16, Revelation 22:3].
2020-08-17 The Serpent & Eve: Wouldn't the motivation to tempt Eve was because the serpent be one of the animals passed over to be Adam's helper, instead of Eve?[Genesis 2:18-23, 3:1].
2020-06-11 Return to Earth: In the book "The Last Hour" by Amir Tsarfati, the author says we will return to earth, could you talk about that? [Genesis 3, Revelation 5:10, 2 Timothy 2, Psalm 2:8].
2020-06-08 Spitting Reptiles: Caller comments on spitting reptiles of some sort relative to the Bible and the previous caller.
Tree of Knowledge & Modern Gender Roles: Is there a parallel between the directives regarding the roles of men and women and Adam informing Eve to not eat of the tree? [I Timothy 2].
2020-06-05 Satan Bound: Would you help me sort out the meaning of being "bound" and just how Satan was bound? [Matthew 12:29, Revelation 20, I John 5:19].
Adam & Eve & The Tree of Knowledge: Did Adam communicate fully to Eve about not touching the tree in the garden?
2020-06-03 Adam & Eve and Tribes: Is the story of Adam & Eve was really about tribes, and not about individuals?
2020-03-06 Adam & Eve's Sin: How and why did Adam & Eve's sin impact the rest of the creation, including the animals? [Genesis 3, I Corinthians 15:21].
2020-03-04 First Sin on the Planet: Was the first sin committed by Eve or the Serpent?
2020-02-28 Adam, Eve & Evolution: Where do I stand before God, if I don't think that Adam & Eve were the first two people, and I believe in evolution?
2020-02-28 Science vs Scripture: Your earlier caller that doubts that Adam and Eve were not the first two people, would that not require Jesus to correct Genesis? Are we not to listen to scripture rather than scientists? [Genesis 1:1, Matthew 17:5, James 4:17].
2020-01-21 Women's Punishment in Genesis: I am wondering why the women's punishment for sinning in Genesis, seem so much worse than what man has to suffer? [Genesis 3:16-17].
2019-07-01 Adam & Eve: What did Adam & Eve's lives look like after the fall [Genesis 3].
Jesus' Family Descendants: Is it possible that there are descendants from Jesus' family living today?"
2019-06-24 Intermarriage Consequences in Adamic Period: Why were there not more birth defects in the early days of Adam and Eve, when there was so much intermarriage within families?
2019-06-04 Adam & Eve's Sin & Authority: Did Adam and Eve actually handover their authority and dominion in the garden when they sinned? Andrew Womack seems to think so, and he indicates that Jesus came to take authority back. (Genesis 1, Psalm 115].
2018-03-23 Adam & Eve's Fall: Was Eve easier to be deceived than Adam?
2018-03-14 Adam & Eve Reproducing: God had a time plan to when Adam & Eve started reproducing, the caller thinks.
The Forbidden Fruit: Was Eve the "forbidden fruit"?
2016-08-11 Adam with Eve during the Fall: Was Adam with Eve when she took the forbidden fruit?
2016-06-21 Adam Idolizing Eve: Eve said that the serpent beguiled her, & Adam said that Eve gave him & he ate, so adam did it because he idolized his wife? Watchman Nee is the one who pointed this out.
2016-04-20 Eve Misquoting God: Eve misquoted the command of God about not eating from the forbidden fruit when she said not to even touch it?
Adam being a god: Before they sinned, was Adam the "god" of this world, but then Satan became one after that?
First Prophecy of the Bible: What does this verse mean, a head blow to satan? Does this verse mean that we have authority over Satan like Jesus did? [Genesis 3:15]
2015-12-22 Serpent-Seed Doctrine: Serpent-Seed doctrine, what are your insights about it?
2014-12-29 Eve & Childbearing: Why would Eve know about childbirth if she hadn't had children before? [Genesis 3:16]
2014-11-21 Serpent-Seed Doctrine: What do you think about the doctrine that Eve had a physical relationship the serpent in the Garden, having Cain?
2014-11-12 God's Punishment to Eve: Why would God extend the pain of child-birth to all women since it was only Eve that sinned? Did He choose that punishment for a reason? Is it okay to use drugs to dull the pain during childbirth? [Genesis 3:16]
2014-09-24 Mary the 2nd Eve: What do you think about Eve being the Second Eve as the Pope declares?
2014-03-10 Adam & Eve Sinning: Why did Adam follow along w/ Eve of eating the forbidden fruit since he wasn't deceived like she was? [Genesis 3:6, 1 Timothy 2:14]
2013-09-16 Eve's Knowledge of Labor Pains: How did Eve know about Labor Pains if she had never had any children before Cain?
2013-03-27 Adam & Eve: Don't you think that the story of Adam & Eve is hard to take literally, because the punishment seems excessively harsh because of their naive inexperience.
2013-03-15 Adam's Temptation: What are your thoughts on the tempation of Adam possibly being the propect of his being without Eve, or her being left alone? [I Timothy 2:14].
2013-03-14 Adam Naming Eve: Did Adam name Eve in the same fashion or manner that he named the animals? [Revelation 2:17, Genesis 3:20, Genesis 5:2].
Morning Star: Could you talk about the "Morning Star" title? [Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 22:16, Daniel 2:37 ].
2013-03-14 Dinosaurs: Where do you see dinosaurs in history? [Job 41:25-27]
The Serpent Satan: Do you think that the serpent was actually a snake that was Satan, but just had that spirit? Could a snake really speak? [Genesis 3:1]
2013-02-13 Remarks about Calvinism: Caller makes a few short comments on Calvinism as a result of the previous call.
Adam Understanding Concept of Death: Was there already forms of death in the Garden of Eden before the Fall that Adam could relate to so he knew what God was talking about when He said he'd die if he ate from the Tree of Knowledge? [Genesis 2:17]
2013-02-08 A Serpent Speaking: How come Eve wasn't shocked that a Serpent was talking to her?
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