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Topic: Enemy (Enemies)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-19 Origins of Satan: Is there any definitive answer about the origins of Satan in the Bible? Is he our enemy? Rec: topical lecture series "Spiritual Warfare" lecture "Origins of Satan."
Satan is Going to Lose: If Satan is going to lose in the end, why is he still working on us? [Revelation 12:12].
2023-10-20 Loving Your Enemies: Do any of your lectures deal with "loving your enemies?" and "heaping coals on their heads?" Rec: Verse-by-verse, and topical series "The Sermon on the Mount."
2023-10-18 Squirrel Story: Caller tells a quick story about an unusual story about a squirrel.
Don't Love the Unsaved: I don't feel any love for the unsaved. Shouldn't I? [Matthew 5:43-45, Luke 6:31, Ephesians 5:29-32, Matthew 7:12].
2023-10-11 Suffering of the Enemy: Do you think that we will see the enemy suffering from heaven? [Isaiah 66:24, Revelation 19:1-3, Revelation 14:11].
Hatred for Jews (Antisemitism): Why do people hate the Jews?
2023-10-06 The Gift of the Holy Spirit: The gift of the Holy Spirit can be rejected or accepted.
Narcissism & the Enemy: Was my narcissist ex the enemy, or was Satan really using him, making him the enemy? [Matthew 5:43-45].
2023-09-21 David's "Perfect Hatred": What is meant by David's "perfect hatred" toward enemies in the Psalms? [Psalms 139:21-22].
2023-04-24 God is Our Enemy: What do you think of this pastor's statement-"The message of the Bible is that your enemy is God Himself." ? [John 3:16, 1 John 3:16, Matthew 11:19, 2 Corinthians 5:19].
2023-03-02 Loving Your Enemies: Regarding Loving neighbors and praying for our enemies, but I am not sure who is my neighbor and how to pray for my enemy? [Luke 10:29, Luke 10:30-37, Proverbs 25:21, Exodus 23:4, Matthew 6:14-15, Galatians 5:22-23, Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12].
2022-10-11 Enemies Turned on Each Other: Where, in the Old Testament, did the enemies turn on each other? [2 Chronicles 20:20-37].
2022-05-06 Satan Bound, but Yet a Roaring Lion: When Jesus said He bound the "strongman", is it contradictory to other verses, like he is like a "roaring lion" and later, Satan will be sealed up? [Matthew 12:29, I Peter 5:8, Revelation 20:3, Matthew 28:18].
Loving Your Enemies: How do I love my enemies when they are doing such heinous things, like killing innocent babies? [Psalm 139].
2022-03-14 Wiping Out the Canaanites: How do you harmonize the wiping out of the Canaanites and the idea of loving your enemies? [Proverbs 25:21, 2 Kings 6:22, I Samuel 15, Matthew 5:44].
2022-02-10 Satan Reading our Thoughts: Can the enemy read our thoughts? [Matthew 16:23].
Mind-reading Technology in the Hands of Satan: If there is ever a technology that could read minds, could the enemy get ahold of it and use it against us?
2022-02-10 Satan Reading our Thoughts: Can the enemy read our thoughts? [Matthew 16:23].
Mind-reading Technology in the Hands of Satan: If there is ever a technology that could read minds, could the enemy get ahold of it and use it against us?
2022-01-20 Loving Your Enemies (Politics): How do I stand up for righteousness when some of the things that Democrats stand for, like abortion, are so heinous, and then I am to love my enemies? [Ezekiel 33:11, I Corinthians 7:21, Matthew 5:44].
2021-04-12 Love Your Neighbor Even When They are Bad: How does one apply "love your neighbor" if they are trying to rob you or run up your debt, or such? [Luke 10:27, Matthew 5:43-48, I John 4].
2021-02-19 Truly Saved: What do you say to someone who thinks it enough to say you have been baptized or confirmed in a Christian church? [John 10:27-28, Luke 14:27, Acts 11:26].
Hate Your Enemies: Was Jesus referring to Old Testament scripture when he said you have been taught to hate your enemies? [Matthew 5:33, Leviticus 19:18, Luke 10:25-43].
2020-10-30 Hating our Enemies: Is there any circumstance under which Christians should hate their enemies? [I John 3:15, Matthew 5:43-48, Luke 6:27-36].
2020-10-27 Blessing Our Enemies: How do we love our enemies? [Matthew 5:38-46, Luke 6:27-28, Luke 15:32, Exodus 23:4-5].
2020-10-05 Babies & Avengers in Psalms: Who are the babies and the avengers in this verse? [Psalm 8:2, 2 Samuel 5:6, 2 Chronicles 20, Matthew 11:25, Luke 19:40].
2020-08-20 Old Testament Heroes Desiring the Death of their Enemies: Could you give me your thoughts on the way some of the heroes of the Old Testament seemed to take joy in the demise of their enemies? [Jeremiah 17:18, Ezekiel 18:23, Ezekiel 33:11, 2 Timothy 4:10].
Dashing Babies Against Rocks: What about the Psalm that refers to dashing babies against rocks? [Psalm 137:9, Romans 12:19].
2020-06-09 Firearms & Self-Defense: What do you think about self-defense and a Christian having a firearm or handgun?
2020-01-03 Hyperbole: Is the word for "all" in Luke 2, hyperbole, or does it really mean "all"? [Luke 2].
Isaiah 59 - God or Enemy: In Isaiah 59, is "He" referring to God or the enemy? [Isaiah 59:19].
2019-04-11 Hating God's Enemies Should we hate God's enemies?
2019-02-13 Prayer: Is it biblical to pray for my enemies, but pray against their evil deeds?
2019-02-12 Enemies your Footstool: What enemies is the Hebrew's writer referring to & how are they going to be humbled? [Hebrews 1:13, Psalm 110:1]
2018-11-30 Loving your enemies: It concerns the caller that God would send people to hell because He Himself said to love your enemies, that reincarnation seems like a better option.
2018-11-15 Praying for your Enemies: Praying for your enemies, does that include satan?
2018-11-14 Heaping Coals of Fire: Heaping coals of fire on our enemies, what does this mean? [Romans 12:20]
2018-08-28 Heaping Coal of Fire: Heaping coals of fire on his head, don't avenge yourselves, giving place to God's wrath, are we trying to win people over by doing that or what? [Romans 12:20, Proverbs 25:21]
2018-05-21 Loving your Enemies: How far do we actually go into loving our enemies? What exactly does that mean? Just to let them walk all over you or what?
2017-08-09 Israelites Enemies: "...the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light", does this mean that the Israelites were still enemies? [Amos 5:18-19]
2017-04-11 Freed from Babylon: Was the return from Babylon a type of repentance?
Praying for the Downfall of Your Enemies: Praying for downfall of your persecutors.
2017-03-15 "Love your Enemies": Who are the enemies that Jesus is talking about when He says to "love your enemies"? [Matthew 5:44]
The Divorced: Are divorced people living in sin?
2017-01-19 Loving your Enemies: It says to love your enemies, but who is this referring to?
2016-11-29 Love & war: Caller is having trouble harmonizing loving your enemy but then war being acceptable?
2016-03-03 Forgiving an Unrepentant Person: What about forgiving someone who hasn't repented to you? [Luke 17:3-4, Matthew 18:21-35, Revelation 6:9-10]
Informing the Guilty Party: What if the guilty person doesn't know they they need to ask for forgiveness, repentance?
Sacrificing for your Enemies: So you'd sacrifice yourself for ISIS?
2015-10-19 God Being for Us: If God is for us, who can be against us? What does that mean? We seem to be up against a lot of foes. [Romans 8:31-36]
2015-08-05 Loving Your Enemies: God was pretty severe w/ His own people, let alone His own enemies, but how do we reconcile the way He is in the New Testament?
God forgets our Sin: God forgets our sins, it says in the Old Testament, the Sea of Forgetfulness, but it also says every idle word will be held against us? [Micah 7:9, Matthew 12:36]
2014-12-09 Loving Your Enemy: Can you explain what Jesus meant by "love your enemy"? We need to help Christians with guns to help people in 3rd world countries being killed for their faith. [Matthew 5:41-48. James 5:6]
2013-06-14 The Mormon Church: Are we supposed to consider the Mormon church as the enemy?
Reaction to "Grace": Could someone's reaction to grace have something to do with the way they were raised?
2013-05-09 Sin or Sinlessness: Could you comment on sin vs sinlessness in scripture, and these two verses that seem somewhat contradictory? [1 John 3:7-9, 1 John 1:8, Galatians 5:17, I John 2:1].
Loving Your Enemies: Is my pastor taking it too far if he implies that we should love a murdering terrorist, and perhaps because we didn't befriend him, we may have motivated him?
2013-05-08 "Heaping Coals on Their Head": Could you comment on the biblical phrase "to heap coals on their head?" [Romans 12:19-21, Proverbs 25:21-22, Matthew 5:44].
2013-04-22 Despising One's Father: I think I really despise my father and I no longer want to, what do you suggest I do to unload this terrible burden? [Exodus 20:12].
2013-02-22 Addressing My Hate: How should I handle my hatred for the left, and in light of David's expression of hate in Psalm 139? [Psalm 139:21-23].
2013-02-11 David & Jesus Regarding Enemies: Why did David curse or say bad things about his enemies, but Jesus said to forgive & love your enemies?
Blessings for doing Good, Cursing for doing Bad: How come in the Old Testament is says evil will happen if you sin, & good if you obey, or blessings & cursings for doing good or bad? [Job, Deuteronomy 28]
Legalizing Abominations: Does a nation that legalizing abominations be in trouble & receive the judgment of God?
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