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Topic: Seven

Showing 1 to 12 of 12.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-30 About Satan as the Tested: Is there a possiblity that Satan was created as a angel and tester?
The Seven Arrows of Jehoahaz (Elisha): Is it possible that King Jehoahaz would have been successful if he had stuck the ground seven times? [2 Kings 13:15].
2023-01-19 Churches in Revelation: If the seven churches in the early chapters of Revelation were actual real historical churches, why were only those seven churches specifically addressed? [Revelation 2-3].
2022-10-31 7-Year Tribulation: Do you see certain and particular events that kick off the 7-year tribulation? [Daniel 9, Revelation 11-13].
2022-09-28 Trumpets & Last Trumpet: Do you think that the last trumpet referred to by Paul is the same one referred to as the "7th Trump" in Revelation? [I Corinthians 15:52, Revelation 11:16-18, I Thessalonians 4:15-16].
2022-09-06 Seven Commands of Jesus: Have you heard of the "Seven Commands of Jesus" and the necessity of obedience?
The Gospel: Would the "Seven Commands of Jesus" be the gospel?
Steve Gregg Teaching Certain Doctrines: Caller comments that he appreciates the way Steve doesn't teach specific doctrines . Steve corrects and clarifies his position about denominational doctrines, etc. [TItus 2:1, I Timothy 1:9].
2022-09-06 Seven Commands of Jesus: Have you heard of the "Seven Commands of Jesus" and the necessity of obedience?
The Gospel: Would the "Seven Commands of Jesus" be the gospel?
Steve Gregg Teaching Certain Doctrines: Caller comments that he appreciates the way Steve doesn't teach specific doctrines . Steve corrects and clarifies his position about denominational doctrines, etc. [TItus 2:1, I Timothy 1:9].
2022-05-18 Seven Spirits of God: What do you think the "seven spirits of God" are? [Isaiah 11:2, Revelation 1:4].
2021-12-17 Symbolism of "Branch" & "Vine": Could you explain the parallel scripture makes between Jesus as both the vine and branch? [Zechariah 3:8. Jeremiah 23:5, John 15:5, Isaiah 11:1, Isaiah 53:2].
"Seven Eyes" Symbolism: What does the "seven eyes" symbolize in scripture?
2021-12-02 The 70 Weeks in Daniel: Where are the seven 7s in the Daniel 9 passage about the seventy weeks? Recommended topical lecture; "What are we to Make of Israel". [Daniel 9:24-27, Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20].
2021-07-09 Seven Pillars of Wisdom in Proverbs: What are the seven pillars of wisdom mentioned in Proverbs?
Seven Thunders & Sealing in Revelation Could you talk about the seven thunders and the directive to seal things up in Revelation 10? [Revelation 10:3-4, Revelatioin 22:10, Daniel 12].
2021-07-09 Seven Pillars of Wisdom in Proverbs: What are the seven pillars of wisdom mentioned in Proverbs?
Seven Thunders & Sealing in Revelation Could you talk about the seven thunders and the directive to seal things up in Revelation 10? [Revelation 10:3-4, Revelatioin 22:10, Daniel 12].
2012-01-09 Asking for Money: Caller comments on the pastors asking for money.
Biblical Numerology: Is there a good Bible study on numerology and its related symbolism?
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