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Topic: Jonah (Man)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-02-21 Sign of Jonah: What is the "sign of Jonah?" [Matthew 16:4, Matthew 12:39-40].
2024-01-03 Jonah Died in the Whale: Did Jonah die in the belly of the whale, since there is recorded Jesus' comparison to his own three days in the tomb? [Jonah 2:2, Matthew 12:40].
2023-12-22 Jonah's Breathing: How did Jonah breathe for those three days in the whale?
2023-09-20 Jonah Died: Do some Bibles say that Jonah actually died in the belly of the whale? [Jonah 2:6, Matthew 2:6].
2023-07-14 Isaiah's Surrender: Don't you think that Isaiah didn't fully surrender, and held back a little, like Jonah?
2023-07-11 Jonah's Story: Could you explain the resistance and attitude of Jonah? Could he have still had a hard heart even while he obeyed?
2023-04-21 Dinosaurs & Dragons: Could you help me with some of the Hebrews words used for "dragons" and do you think that the Kings James Version is accurate in its use of it? [Genesis 1, Job 40, Job 41, Isaiah 14:29, Matthew 12:40].
2022-08-30 Angles & Demons: Can angels & demons communicate instantaneously?
Hell & Bottomless Pit: If hell is in the heart of the earth, then how can it be a "bottomless pit?" [Revelation 20, Matthew 12:40].
Jonah's Hell Prophecy: Did Jonah prophesy about being in hell comparing it to the belly of the whale?
2022-06-27 Jonah & Ninevah: Could you talk about why Jonah was so set against going to Ninevah?
False Prophets Today: What does the Old Testament say about what we should do about "false prophets"? [I John 4:1, I Corinthians 14:29, I Corinthians 14:37]..
2022-03-02 Jonah & Jesus-Number of Days in Whale & Tomb: Could you clarify the contradiction between the number of days Jonah in the whale and the days Jesus was in the tomb?
2022-02-17 Nineveh & Jonah: Why did God go to such length to have Jonah preach to the Ninevites? [Matthew 12:40].
2021-09-22 Three Days: Is the number in the "three days" significant in the stories of Jonah and the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb?
Thief Today in Paradise: Since Jesus told the thief that he would be with Him "today" in paradise, but yet He was not going to be there for 3 days, how do you harmonize this? [Luke 23:43].
2021-07-15 "The Road to Find Out" Radio Program: Is there any way to resurrect, "The Road to Find Out" radio program you had for non-Christians?
Nineveh & Jonah: What were the evil ways of the Ninevites in the time of Jonah? [Jonah 3:10].
2021-04-29 Jonah's Disobedience: Why did Jonah walk away from the assignment God gave him? [Jonah 4].
2021-04-05 The Number Nights in the Tomb: How do you resolve the seeming contradiction between "3 days and 3 nights" and Jesus rising on the third day? [I Corinthians 1:4, Jonah 2-3].
2020-01-29 Jonah Died in the Whale: Did Jonah die in the belly of the whale? [Jonah 2, Matthew 12:40].
2019-12-13 Jonah Dead in the Whale: In the story of Jonah, did he actually die in the belly of the whale? [Jonah 2:2].
2019-06-18 Jonah: Is the book of Jonah actually historical, or is it a parable or satirical story? [Jonah, 2 Kings 14:25, Matthew 12:40].
2019-05-15 Jonah & Nineveh: Did Jonah set up a Jewish system of worship in Nineveh? How long did Nineveh's better behavior last before they were destroyed? [Jonah 3:8].
2018-11-06 Rich Man & Lazarus Parable: Isn't the story of the Rich Man & Lazarus literal since it has real names in it?
Jonah going to Hell: The Jonah & Whale story, doesn't it say that Jonah's soul went to hell?
2018-04-16 Jonah Fearing the Lord: It says that jonah "feared" the Lord, but he wanted to flee from the Lord [Jonah 1:3]
2018-01-12 The Sign of Jonah: Jonah & the 40 days after he announced to Nineveh that it would be destroyed (but wasn't), is it parallel the 40 yrs after Christ's death the Temple perished?
2017-05-08 The Story of Jonah: Is the story of Jonah literal? Do you know why he was so adamant against going to Nineveh?
Pathway to Victory: Do you know anything about the, "Pathway to Victory" ministry?
2016-03-04 Jesus Descending to Hades: Caller thinks Jesus descended to hell like the Scripture seems to indicate because it was the "sign of Jonah". Steve's thoughts to that? [Ephesians 4:9, Matthew 12:40, Jonah 2:1-2]
2015-03-06 Jesus being in the Heart of the Earth: Caller wants to give a view about Matthew 12:39-40. Literal 3 days & 3 nights Jesus being in the tomb discussion. [Matthew 12:39-40]
2014-10-08 Forfeiting Grace: This seems like a profound verse, but doesn't seem to be out of place where it's put in Jonah's prayer? [Jonah 2;8]
Nineveh Repenting: Why did the Ninevites turn so quickly to repentance as a result of what Jonah said? Was there a previous event that warmed them up to it?
2014-10-08 Forfeiting Grace: This seems like a profound verse, but doesn't seem to be out of place where it's put in Jonah's prayer? [Jonah 2;8]
Nineveh Repenting: Why did the Ninevites turn so quickly to repentance as a result of what Jonah said? Was there a previous event that warmed them up to it?
2013-11-12 "No other Sign shall be Given You": What signs were people still looking for since Jesus had already done so many signs & wonders when He said they won't see any more signs? [Matthew 16:4]
2013-06-12 Jonah Tossed Overboard: Was Jonah wanting to commit suicide when he told them to throw him overboard? [Jonah 1:12].
Jonah Drowning & Resurrected: Is it possible that Jonah actually died and was resurrected, since Jesus mentioned him? [Matthew 12:39-41]
2013-05-02 Bible Insights: Caller shares her appreciation for Steve and "The Narrow Path" and how much she has learned.
Anger Control: How can I get victory over my anger, as I continue to fail and it hurts my testimony? Recommended; "Refuse to be Offended" under topical lectures. [Ephesians 4:26-27, Mark 3:5, 1 Samuel 11:6, Ephesians 4:31, Jonah 4:4, Psalm 103:8, 2 Timothy 1:7, Galatians 5:22-23].
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