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Topic: Near-death (After-death) Experiences

Showing 1 to 23 of 23.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-28 Afterlife Experience: Caller shared his brother's death experience.
2023-12-27 Heaven & Hell Experiences (Dont Use this call-Bad quality): What do you think about someone who claims to have gone to heaven and/ or hell? [Luke 16:19-31].
2023-09-28 Reincarnation: What do you think about reports of previous lives from Lee Strobel's book "Case for Heaven?"
2023-09-15 Book about Experiences in Heaven: Would you give me some feedback on Lee Stroebel's book about heaven ("The Case for Heaven")? [Revelation 21-21, 1 Timothy 5:21].
2023-09-13 After-Death (Afterlife) Experiences: Do you know of any good books about after-death experience reports? [Matthew 16].
2023-08-25 Near-Death Experiences: What do you think of near-death experiences? Reference to "Case for Heaven" by Lee Strobel?
Christians Suffering Illness: Why do Christians suffer illness like unbelievers do?
2023-06-07 Near-Death & After-Death Experiences: What do you think of "near-death" or "after-death" experiences? [Luke 16:19-31].
2023-04-07 Near-Death Experiences: What do you think about "Near-death Experience?" [2 Corinthians 5:8].
2022-09-21 Made In God's Image: Were we made in God's image only, or were we made in the image of God and the angels? [Genesis 1:26-27].
Near-Death Experiences: Do you think that the stories that follow near-death experiences are lies?
2022-08-18 Seeing Heaven & Near-Death Experiences: What do you think about "near-death" experiences? (A lot of nolse in the background of call.)
2022-08-18 Caller Affirms "Near-Death" Experience: Caller shares that he had a "near-death" experience and came from a Catholic background.
2022-02-16 Near-Death Experiences: Do you believe that "near-death experiences" are real and have you heard of Ian McCormick? [Hebrews 9:27, I Corinthians 15:51, I Thessalonians 4:17].
2021-01-18 The Glory Experienced in Near-death Experiences: In view of the fact the glory to come has not yet been revealed, what do you think about the many reports of near-death experiences? [Romans 8:18, I Peter 5:10, I Peter 4:13-14, 2 Corinthians 3:18, I John 3:2-3, Colossians 3:4, I Corinthians 15:43, Revelation 20-21].
2020-12-01 Near Death Experiences: Could you comment on the "near death experience"? [I Thessalonians 4:14, Revelation 5:10, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2020-08-12 Hell in the Center of the Earth: Is it possible that hell or the Lake of Fire may be an actual physical place in the center of the earth?
2017-11-15 Calvinist are the only Christians: Calvinist comment on the Facebook said that only Calvinists are really Christians. What would you say about that?
Near-Death Experiences: The problem with near death experiences is that claim they have a 2nd chance when most people won't.
2017-09-18 Dani Johnson: Someone had just asked about Dani Johnson, so caller wanted to chime in that she became very wealthy as she was in the process of accepting Jesus.
Near Death Experience: Caller would like to know where he really was during his near death experience after being shot several times?
2015-12-03 Appointed once to die: It says in the Bible that it appointed for us to die ONCE, so what about all these people who were resurrected? They weren't really dead? [Hebrews 9:27-28]
Experiences from being dead: Did the people who were resurrected such as Lazarus talk about going to heaven (or hell) like people do nowadays?
Near Death Experiences: Do you think people really have had experiences of being in heaven when they come back from a near death or death experience? [Hebrews 9:27-28]
2015-12-03 Near Death Experiences: Caller wanted to opine on previous call about NDE's also.
2015-02-10 "Heaven is for Real": Does Steve give credence to the movie, "Heaven is for Real"?
2012-01-02 Afterlife & Near-Death Experiences: What do you think about the stories of those that have experienced heaven or hell?
Motives for Evangelism: Does the motive (fear or devotion) matter to God as long as we spread the gospel? [Philippians 1:18, Proverbs 15:8].
Heaven as a Motive: Doesn't the hope of heaven help motivate us to spread the gospel?
2012-01-02 Near-Death Experiences: Couldn't the stories of heaven motivate people to believe that there is a God that they need to serve? Rec: "Closer to the Light." by Melvin Morse.
2012-01-02 Heaven & Hell: Caller shares that he died and went to heaven.
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