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Topic: 1000 yrs (one thousand)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-27 When the Thousand Years Are Over: How do you understand the verse "when the thousand years are over" if "millennium" represents endless time? Rec: YouTube "How Many Horseman?" (short video Q&A). [Revelation 20:7].
2024-05-15 50 Generations Giving Birth: Are there 50 generations of people giving birth that will add up to the 1000 years.
Jack Hibbs: Could you tell me about Jack Hibbs? Rec: YouTube, "Replacement Theology? Steve Gregg Responds to Pastor Hibbs."
2024-03-01 Two Premillennial Views: What is the difference between the Historical Premillennial and the Dispensational Premillennial Views? [Revelation 20:7, Psalm 2:9-11, 2 Samuel 7:12-13, Acts 2:29, Acts 2:36, Hebrews 10:10, Revelation 20:3].
2024-02-26 The Millennium: Do you believe that "The Millennium" is now? [Revelation 20].
2023-08-16 Dispensationalism's Distinctive Views: What is different about the Dispensationalist view and why did you leave that view?
Symbolism of the Millennium: Could you explain why you take the Millennium to be symbolic? Rec topical lectures: "When Shall These Things Be?"
2023-08-09 Flat Earth & the "Little Season" (Satan Loosed): What do you think about someone who claims that we are already in the "little season" (Satan loosed) and that everything has already happened that precedes that? [Revelation 20:9, Acts 1:7, Matthew 24:36].
2023-06-15 1000-Year Millennial Reign: Could you talk about the 1000-year millennial reign, especially in light of Isaiah 11 (both your view (Amillennial) and the Premillennial Dispensational view)? Rec: Verse-by-verse teaching at [Isaiah 11, Revelation 20, Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:1-2, Hosea 6:5, Malachi 4:2, Jeremiah 5:6, Ephesians 2:12-19, Luke 10:19, 1 John 4:4, Romans 15:12, Luke 9:31].
2023-03-23 1000-Year Reign: Has the 1000-year reign already happened?
2022-11-03 Millennial Reign: Is there going to be a literal, physical, millennial reign on earth when Jesus comes? Recommended; "When Shall These Things Be?" & commentary; "Revelation-Four Views."[Revelation 20:9, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2022-10-19 Second Coming-"Shortly" Coming to Pass: Why would one think that the events at the beginning of Revelation has already happened, but not think that the predictions at the end of the book have yet to take place? [Revelation 1:1, Revelation 22:10, Revelation 7:20, Matthew 24:34, Matthew 16:28, Revelation 20:9].
2022-03-31 Millennium Not Literal: Why do you think the the "Millennium" is not literal, but symbolic? [Revelation 20, Deuteronomy 1:11, Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 84:10, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 50:10, Matthew 12:28, Psalm 90:4, Job 42:12, Genesis 20:16].
Literal Numbers Used in Revelation: Are not literal numbers used in Revelation, like the seven churches?
2022-03-17 1000 years: Are there any places in scripture where the 1000 years is actually, literally 1000 years? [Revelation 20, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8].
"One Hour" & "One Day" in Scripture: Are the uses of one hour, or one day, in scripture, always literal? [Revelation 18:8].
2022-01-06 1000-Year Reign: Could you explain the 1000-year reign (Millennium) and the New Earth? [Revelation 20:7-9, 2 Thessalonians 1:9].
2021-11-03 The 1000 Years (The Millennium): When will the thousand years take place, both with the Lord and with Satan? Recommended Lecture:"When Shall These Things Be?" [Revelation 20, Revelation 20:9, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2021-10-05 The Last Day & The Millennium: When Paul speaks of the "The Last Day" in this verse, could he be talking about the Millennium? [2 Thessalonians 1:10].
A Day to the Lord is like 1000 years: Why did Peter use the phrase "a day is to the Lord the same as a 1000 years" and vice versa? [2 Peter 3:8].
2021-08-27 The Millennium: What do you think "The Millennium" is referring to, if it is not literally 1000 years? [Matthew 12:28, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Revelation 20].
Jewish Feasts Symbolize Christ & His Ministry: Some Christians believe that the holidays in the Old Testament are symbolic of Christ and His ministry. Do you think so? [Leviticus 23].
2021-05-20 Middle Eastern Historical Sites: Is it not a concern that all these historical sites in the Middle East are being destroyed?
Abortion Options: Since women are often put in a situation where there are only two bad options for her, why isn't there more emphasis on avoiding pregnancy in the first place?
Dispensationalist & the Millennium: Why do Dispensationalists put such emphasis on God needing a 1000 years (Millennium) to accomplish what He needs to?
2021-05-17 Symbolism & The Millennium in Scripture: Caller disagrees with Steve about his stance on when to use symbolic or literal interpretation, particularly in regard to The Millennium. [Revelation 20, I Thessalonians 4:14, Revelation 11-12, Revelation 19, Psalm 50:10, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8].
2021-02-18 Believer Who Come to Life: Are not those that are dead and come to life the believers in John 5? [John 5:24-25, Revelation 20:15].
Satan Loosed & 1000 years: Regarding "binding the strong man" and when Satan will be loosed, when is the thousand years (millennium) that is mentioned in Revelation? [Revelation 20].
Satan Bound Now: How can Satan be bound if he is still running around doing evil things? [Matthew 12:29, Revelation 20:3].
2013-12-30 Events in Revelation appearing Futuristic: How would you explain all these events that seem to still need to happen if you think that it was all fulfilled in 70 AD?
1000 years in Revelation: Can Steve please explain how preterists or parital preterists or amillenialists explain the 1000 years in Revelation if it was all fulfilled? [Revelation 20]
2013-10-15 The 10 Virgins & 1000 Millennial Reign: Caller heard that Witness Lee & Watchman Nee had a twist to the 10 Virgins parable, where they say that all 10 Virgins were Christians, but the 5 who ran out of oil had to go through the 1000 year reign & do all the good works they failed to do.
All Scripture God-breathed: When Paul was saying the Bible was God breathed, he was obviously only talking about the Old Testament, right? [2 Tidmothy 3:14-16, 2 Peter 1:19]
2 & 3 Gathered together & Church Discipline: When Jesus was talking about the gathering of 2 0r 3 people, He was only talking about church discipline then, right?
2013-09-30 Millennium: Are they talking about the Millenium in Micah? [Micah 4:3, Isaiah 2, Revelation 20, Romans 14:17]
"Coming to Zion": What about "coming to Zion"? [Hebrews 12:22]
2013-09-30 Jesus' Second Coming: What is your view about Jesus' Second Coming? Do you believe in a 1000 year reign?
2013-08-13 2 Separate Resurrections: Caller is convinced there are 2 resurrections, one at the beginning of millennium & one at the end.
2013-08-09 Millennial Reign & Lion lying down with the Lamb: When has the Lion (wolf) ever lied down with the Lamb yet? [Isaiah 11:6, Isaiah 65:25]
200 Million Tanks: Caller thinks it's going to be 200 million tanks, not horses, & she thinks it will work because you can get 20 people in a tank.
2013-07-31 Millennial Reign: Why don't you believe in a literal 1000 years? [Revelation 20]
Defending Dispensationalism: Discussion Defending Dispensationalism.[Daniel 9:24]
2013-07-24 The 1000 year Millennium: What is your view of the 1000 millennium?
Child Shall Die One Hundred Years Old: What about "a child shall die 100 hundred years old"? [Isaiah 65:20]
Perry Stone: What do you think of Perry Stone?
2013-06-25 1000 year Reign (Millennium): Do we live on the earth for 1,000 years & then go to heaven, or do i have that backwards?
2013-01-11 Visiting the Iniquities to the 3rd & 4th Generations: What does it mean that He "will visit the iniquities to the 3rd & 4th generations?" [Exodus 34:6, Deuteronomy 7]
Keeping His Covenant for 1000 years: Didn't God say He would keep the covenant for 1000 years? [Deuteronomy 7:9]
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