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Topic: Craig (William Lane)

Showing 1 to 5 of 5.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-12-20 Molinism: Could you explain "Molinism"?
2020-09-23 William Lane Craig's View of Genesis as Allegory: Is William Lane Craig's view that Genesis is allegory, suggesting that Jesus got it wrong, acceptable? [Genesis 1-11, John 14:6].
2017-07-17 Good because it's Naturally Good or God commanded it Good: William Lane Craig, is something good because God commanded to do it or is it good because it's naturally good?
2015-04-22 William Lane Craig & Molinism: What does Molinism mean? William Craig is way over caller's head.
2013-09-19 Open Theism: Caller is reading a book about Open Theism & wondering what Steve thinks of it.
Tithing: Are we supposed to still pay tithe? [1 Corinthians 6:2]
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