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Topic: Agape

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-04 Peter's Love (Phileo, Agape) or Jesus: Do you think that Peter really loved Jesus because of his multiple denials? [John 21:15-17, Matthew 10:33, Matthew 26:69-75].
Meaningful Love without the Holy Spirit: Do you think it is possible there is meaningful love with unbelievers without the Holy Spirit?
2024-06-04 Peter's Love (Phileo, Agape) or Jesus: Do you think that Peter really loved Jesus because of his multiple denials? [John 21:15-17, Matthew 10:33, Matthew 26:69-75].
Meaningful Love without the Holy Spirit: Do you think it is possible there is meaningful love with unbelievers without the Holy Spirit?
2024-05-28 Unconditional Love of God: Does God really love all people unconditionally? [[1 John 1:5, Matthew 5:43-45, 1 John 4:16, Ezekiel 33:11, 2 Peter 3:9].
2024-03-05 The Greek Words for "Love": How do I know which Greek word (agape, eros, phileo, storge) is being used when reading the Bible? [Romans 12:10, Romans 1:31].
2021-12-03 Bob Mumford: Do you know anything about Bob Mumford? [Ephesians 4:13, John 17:11, John 17:21-23, Mark 4:26-29].
2020-09-22 Over or Under-Confidence in One's Salvation: Some people seem almost pretentious in their salvation, and yet I don't feel that way, can you comment? [Matthew 7:13, Luke 13:24, I Peter 14:18, Matthew 7:21, Matthew 16:24-26, James 3:1].
Lord, Lord, but He Never Knew Them: How could the people do works in his name, but end up not really saved? [Matthew 7:21, I Corinthians 13, I John 3:14].
2020-08-27 Defining Love: Can you help me understand the full definition of love? [John 14:15, John 15:13]
2020-03-03 Counterfeit Agape Love: Can Satan counterfeit "agape love"? [1 Corinthians 13, I John 3:9, 4:7, Matthew 16:24-25, Luke 9:23]
2018-12-03 Communion: What was the real way they performed Communion in the early church because I've heard that we've adulterated it.
2018-09-20 Agape Love: Isn't it unrealistic to love everyone? Benevolent, Charity.
2018-03-22 Agape and Phileo Love: Can you explain the difference between Agape and Phileo (love)?
2017-10-20 Agape Feasts: Shouldn't we have Agape Feasts for Communion like they did in an early church? [1 Corinthians 11]
Frequency of Communion: Is there instruction of how often we are supposed to have communion?
2017-10-16 Women in Ministry I would like to know the reasons why a woman is not allowed to be a pastor or elder. Do you know the reasons? [1 Timothy 2:11-15]
Church Traditions & Customs & Head Coverings: What can you tell me about church traditions & customs, especially involving head coverings for women? [1 Corinthians 11:2-16]
Communion & Agape Feasts: The Early Church had real agape feasts for communion instead of just a token bread & wine like nowadays.
2017-05-22 Dead Sea Scrolls: I heard that the Dead Sea scrolls were missing Esther, is that true? when it says to love your wife is that talking about "agape" love?
Loving Your Wife: When it says to love your wife is that talking about "agape" love? [Ephesians 5:25-33, Colossians 3:19]
2017-04-12 King James Version of the Bible: The King James Version (KJV) translation the best version?
Agape, Agape, Phileo Me: When Jesus was asking Peter if He loved Him, it was different the 3rd time?
2017-03-07 Jesus Coming up with a New Commandment: Why did Jesus come up w/ this "new" commandment about loving your neighbour as yourself? [Matthew 22:39, John 13:34, Romans 12:10, Philippians 2:1]
2016-08-09 Agape Love: Loving each other with christian brother/agape love [1 John 3:10-12]
Love to Believers & Unbelievers: Are we supposed to love unblievers just as much as we are supposed to love the believer? [John 13:34, Galatians 6:10]
2016-06-27 Jesus asking Peter 3 Times if he Loved Him: Why was Jesus making such a big deal of asking Peter 3 times if he loved Him?
Day-Age Theory: Is the day-age theory biblical?
2016-04-22 Agape & Phileo Love: Do we lose the nuance of the word "love" in the English language instead of distinguishing it like Jesus & Peter did with Agape love & phileo Love? [john 21:15-17]
2015-10-30 Reading the Gospels: Young Christians probably shouldn't start w/ the Gospel of John.
Agape, Agape, Phileo Me: Jesus asked Peter 3 times if He loved Him, 2 times agape love, the 3rd time, do you phileo Me? [John 21:15-19, John 18:15-27]
Caller's Illness: Prayer because of a mysterious illness.
2015-10-30 Peter loving Jesus: Did Peter actually have the ability to love Jesus as much as he did AFTER the Pentecost since he got filled w/ the Holy Spirit then?
2014-07-18 Lack of Emotion/Love: Listener is not sure if it's a result of a brain defect or personal trauma, but he has no emotion for people, no love for people. [1 Corinthians 13]
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