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Topic: Donald Trump

Showing 1 to 23 of 23.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-15 Little Horn & Donald Trump: What are the chances that Donald Trump is the "Little Horn" in prophecy? [Daniel 7-8, Revelation 17:12].
2024-07-15 God's Sovereignty over the Bullet Fired at Trump: Who had agency over the bullet (fired at Trump)? Do you believe that God had sovereignty over this (assassination attempt)? [Psalm 34:7-9].
2020-04-28 Biblical Language for Politically Evil People: Is there Biblical language that describes what the disrespectful press and leftist people are doing to Trump, and what can He say to them more effectively?
2019-08-16 Donald Trump as Leader: Should people look to Donald Trump as a new sovereign?
2018-11-02 Donald Trump & MLK jr: I have a bone to pick w/ you about your support of Donald Trump but yet you talk against Martin Luther King jr.
2018-10-30 President Donald Trump: Trump & his questionable character & the way he says things in the office of the president of the United States, what do you say about that?
2018-07-26 Donald Trump Prophecy: That prophecy about Trump predicted by Mark Taylor is true, the caller thinks.
2018-07-23 Mark Taylor Prophesies: Mark Taylor prophesies Trump will stimulate a revival?
End of Prophecy: Are there still prophets & prophecies today based on Hebrews 1:1? [Hebrews 1:1]
2018-06-15 Donald Trump: Caller doesn't think Donald Trump is a Christian & is certainly not very humble.
Spiritual Warfare: What should we know about it? did you say that you've performed an exorcism before?
2018-03-23 President Donald Trump: Does donald trump claim to be a Christian, & if he thinks he is, he sure is a bad example of one, don't you think?
Abortions: Is there exceptions for abortions, such as violent rape, incest, the health of the mother?
2018-02-06 Cyrus & Donald Trump: Have you heard of people equating Cyrus to Donald Trump? [Isaiah 45]
2017-12-13 Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton: Caller inquiring as to why Steve didn't like Hillary Clinton but likes donald trump
2017-08-16 Trump Having a Revival: Conspiracy of Trump having a revival.
2017-01-23 501c3's & Churches endorsing Politicians: Pastors not wanting to endorse candidates because of the 501c3 forbids it.
Obama doing a whole bunch of bad stuff on last few days of employment: Does what Obama did in the last few days of his reign parallel to what the unjust steward did in the parable? [Luke 16:1-13]
2017-01-23 Donald Trump: Trump has a less than desirable history.
2016-11-16 Politics: Caller very disappointed of the answer Steve gave an answer about Trump the previous day.
2016-11-08 Politics, Leadership Comparison: Hillary as Jezebel, Trump as Jehu comparison on this election day.
Secret Societies: Have Secret societies always been part of the program? Is the purpose of them to be in tune with the devil & do his dictates & win?
2016-11-08 Politics, Right to Life vs Pro-life: Caller can't support Trump because while he's pro-life, torturing the families of terrorists is just as bad or worse.
2016-11-01 Lowest of Men & Politics: God gives kingdom’s over to the lowest of men, relative to modern day politics. [Daniel 4:17]
2016-09-27 Political disagreement about Birther Issue: Caller has an issue w/ Steve’s comments regarding the birther issue.
2016-09-27 The "Birther" Issue: The caller, as an African American himself, agrees with Steve's answers of a previous caller about the birther issue, that it has nothing to do with race.
Cursing the Fig tree: What did Jesus mean by cursing the fig tree, & that you can move mountains with a strong faith? {Matthew 21:18-22}
2016-09-27 Political disagreement about Birther Issue: Caller calls to opine on why she thinks it's racist for Trump to be questioning where Obama was born.
2016-03-18 Health Issues: Jim, a regular off & on caller, talks about his on-going health issues.
Presidential Election: What does Steve think about the presidential controversy?
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