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Topic: Immaculate Conception

Showing 1 to 13 of 13.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-02-28 The Sinlessness of Jesus: How does it work if Jesus was sinless, but was born as a human, who is automatically sinful? Is this why He wanted to be baptized?
2024-01-09 Mary's Blood & Genetics: Did Jesus have Mary's blood (and DNA)?
Original Sin & Immaculate Conception: Doesn't the Bible say that we are all born in sin (original sin)?
2021-10-29 Mary Had Original Sin: Would not Mary have original sin attached to her?
Joseph as Jesus' Miraculous Father: If God did no pass sin on to Jesus through Mary, then could He have not created Jesus with Joseph as the father, also?
2021-07-28 Mary's Sinlessness (Immaculate Conception): Discussion of Mary's sinlessness (immaculate conception). [Luke 1:28, Ephesians 1:6, Mark 3:31-35, Luke 11:27].
2020-05-28 The Holy Spirit & Mary, Mother of Jesus: when the Holy Spirit came upon Mary, did she then have the Holy Spirit as we do? [Acts 1, Acts 2:17, Psalm 51:11, John 7:39].
The Holy Spirit in The Old Testament: Can you clarify the Spirit coming upon people in the Old Testament and if He would then stay with them?
Hail Mary, Full of Grace: What does it mean to say, "Hail Mary, full of grace?" Does it mean she was born sinless?
2019-06-18 Immaculate Conception & the Rosary: Would you comment on the Catholic beliefs of "The Immaculate Conception" and their rosary beads?
2018-08-30 Hebrew Roots Movement & the Trinity: Trinitarian vs Non-Trinitarian in the Hebrew Roots Movement, can you explain why they are saying Jesus only existed since Mary's Immaculate Conception? Have you heard of this before?
2017-03-15 Sinlessness of Mary, Mother of Jesus: Was Mary, mother of Jesus exempt from original sin (immaculate conception)?
2014-06-26 Logos Coming on Jesus when Born: Would Jesus still have been able to function as a Man if the Logos hadn't come upon Him when He was born?
2014-06-11 Trinity: Do we need to understand the Trinity or does it matter?
Immaculate Conception - Original Sin: So you think everyone is Immaculate Conceived (like Mary was) from Adam's original sin?
2014-06-02 Jesus being born today: Listener isn't sure if she'd believe in Christianity if Jesus was born in this day & age. Immaculate Conception, Son of God, a Savior, Atonement, Resurrection, it all sounds crazy to her, & if she wouldn't believe that it happened today if it did, why would she believe it happened 2,000 years ago either?
2014-05-13 Essentials of Christianity: I called the other day & asked what the Essentials of Christianity, How come you didn't say one of them was that Jesus was God?
Fellowshipping & Jesus the Son of God: How do you fellowship w/ people who don't think that Jesus is the Son of God? or what if people don't think He came down here in the flesh?
2012-01-18 Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-Marion Doctrine: Steve and Catholic apologist Tim Staples continue their discussion. Topic: Marion Doctrine (Mary, Mother of God).
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