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Topic: Division

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-28 Dividing the Body of Christ: What is the best thing I can do to keep unity wherever I go? How do I guard myself from divisiveness? [Romans 14:21, 1 Corinthians 3:1-3, Ephesians 4:13-14].
2024-05-13 Punishment for Disobedience: Is the statement about severe punishment for not doing what we ought to be doing for Christians, also? [Luke 12:41-49].
Jesus Not Bringing Peace but Division: What do the verses mean about Jesus not bringing peace, but division? [Luke 12:51, Matthew 10:34].
2024-04-15 Speaking in Tongues & Interpretation: Shouldn't groups have interpreters for speaking in tongues in church? [1 Corinthians 14:28].
2024-04-15 Differences & Division (Salvational or Theological): Could you clarify what you mean by division or differences sometimes being "salvation" or sometimes "just theological?" [Genesis 15:6].
2024-04-05 Divisions Among Believers: Why do Christians disagree and divide over so many things? [2 Timothy 2:19, 1 Corinthians 3:1-4].
Satan (Devil): Why do people talk about the devil so much? Should we not be talking about God?
2024-03-06 Unity Among Believers: How would you align this Romans 16 verse about avoiding division with your lecture "Strategy for Unity"? [Romans 16:17, 2 Peter 3:16-17].
2024-02-15 Unity or Division in Fellowships: What do you think the scriptures mean that emphasize "unity?" [1 Corinthians 1:10-13, Romans 14:5, 1 Corinthians 3:6-8].
Shunning (Disfellowshipping): What do you think about "shunning?" [Matthew 18:15-17, 1 Corinthians 5:12-13].
2024-02-07 "Unity" Over "Doctrinal Agreement": What do you think about "unity" over "doctrine"? [Proverbs 6:16-19].
2023-12-01 Divisions (Divisivness): What is the development of the Greek word used for "divisiveness?" [Titus 3:10, 2 Peter 3:15, Romans 14:1-7, 1 Corinthians 1:3-4, Ephesians 4:3]
2023-11-01 Eschatology's Importance: There seem to be a lot of differences among Christians about eschatology, but why is it important? [Proverbs 25:2].
Contention & Divisions about Eschatology: Isn't eschatology an unnecessary argument and a despicable wedge between believers?
2023-10-17 Departing Dispensationalism's Causes Division: What should we do if our leaving Dispensationalism is causing problems with my mother, because she is still strongly Dispensational? [Ezekiel 37:1-10].
2023-08-08 Hypocrisy & Theological Differences: If Peter's association with Jews made him a hypocrite, then if I attend a church that holds theological positions with which I disagree, is that similar? [Galatians 2:11-13].
2023-07-11 Conflict with Pastor Over Theological Issues (Hell): Can you shed light on a conflict between the view of the pastor and I about theological issues (in particular, views of hell)?
2022-12-16 Earth's Continental Shift: Do you think that the scripture about "the earth divided' is about when there was continental shift that split the land mass? [Genesis 10:25].
2022-11-02 "Not Peace, but a Sword": Why would there be this passage about not coming to bring peace, "but a sword", when it is so frightening? [Matthew 10:34-36, Micah 7:6].
The Bible's is Incomplete: Was there more that could have been included in the Bible that was not written? [John 21:25].
2022-09-01 Speaking in Tongues: Doesn't it seem like some try to make everyone in the Body of Christ have the same gift of tongues, ultimately demeaning the other gifts that others have?
2022-08-31 Revelation's Fulfillment: I disagree that much of Revelation was already fulfilled, because when did all the fish in the sea die and the stars fall from the sky? [Isaiah 13:10, Isaiah 34:3-5, Revelation 6:12-14, Ezekiel 32:7-8].
Spiritual Gifts Not for Today: Should we disassociate from those who don't believe the gifts are us today? [Proverbs 27:17, I Corinthians 1:12, I Corinthians 3::4, 2 Thessalonians 3:14, Romans 16:17 ].
2022-05-27 Comment on Angry Caller Who Accused Steve of Being a False Teacher: Comment on previous caller who called Steve a "false teacher".
2022-05-27 Anti-Calvinist & Anti-MacArthur: Catholic Caller shares his concerns about a number of things, primarily false teachers, as he claims is John MacArthur.
2022-05-27 Angry Listerners: Have you experienced much anger in the years of your ministry?
2022-03-03 Chloe and Church Contentions in Corinith: Who was Chloe and what was the contention about-leadership or baptism? [I Corinthians 1:11-13, I Corinthians 7:1, I Corinthians 10:2].
2021-11-15 Judas Iscariot's Repentance: Was Judas Iscariot truly repentant? [2 Corinthians 7:10].
Father Against Son, Mother Against Daughter: Could you explain that verse about father against son and mother against daughter, etc. [Matthew 10:35-36, Micah 7:6].
2021-09-28 Causing Division in the Church: What do we do about a member that is causing division in the church? [Romans 16:17, Titus 3:10-11, Matthew 18:15-17].
2021-04-14 Church Membership: Could you elaborate on your view of when a church won't accept certain people with particular views into their membership? [Acts 10:15, Romans 14:5, I Corinthians 3:1, Proverbs 27:17, Romans 16:17, Romans 15:7].
2020-12-15 Praying with Those that Disagree: Is it wrong for a Christian to pray with those of Eastern Orthodoxy, who don't think they should pray with you?
The Trinity Option: Are there scriptures that substantiate that belief in the trinity is not necessary to follow Jesus and be saved? [Luke 10:20, John 5:24, John 14:9, John 16:3, I John 2:22, Romans 10:9].
2019-11-21 Others Who Look Down on You: What can I do to help those see me in better light, when they now see me with contempt, because I am not successful and without a job?
2019-08-23 False Teachers: How does the Bible define as a false teacher? [2 Peter 2, Acts 18:24-28, Galatians 2:4].
Causing Division: Would you elaborate on the sinfulness of believers dividing the body of Christ? [Romans 14:5, Acts 1:12-26, Proverbs 6:16-19, John 17:20-23].
2019-07-29 Conflicts Among Denominational Views: How does one find a church, when there are such dramatic conflicts in denominational views, and that you are considered an outsider if you don't believe in all the same views as that particular church? [I Corinthians 9:19-23].
2019-07-11 Disciples Taking Notes: Do you think that the disciples took notes while Jesus was speaking?
Holy Spirit Teaching Truth: Why do people seem to disagree on some points of scripture even though the Holy Spirit is intended to bring us into all truth? [I Corinthians 13:9, John 16:13].
2019-04-08 Divisions in the Church: Why so much division within the Christian body? [Romans 14, 1 Corinthians 3]
2018-12-26 No Denominations: If there was no division into denominations today, what do you suppose the church would look like?
2018-10-18 Differences of Opinions: How do we know how to determine when it may be acceptable to disagree and when it is dangerous?
2018-09-07 No Unity on the Bible: Why is there so much disagreement about what the Bible says?
2018-08-28 Only Their Denomination: Why do some denominations think they are the only ones going to be saved (Catholics, for example)?
2018-07-18 A Divided House: Binding the strong man, Satan bound, demons leaving but 7 more come and take over, I can't figure out what's happening here. [Luke 11]
2018-04-05 Denominations: Is the splitting of so many churches a good thing or a bad thing? Does it weaken or strengthen the church? Do you we need to unify again?
2017-11-28 Unified by the Holy Spirit: What do you do when someone disagrees but insists they are correct because they have the Holy Spirit (implying you don't)?
2017-10-12 Unified by the Holy Spirit: I'm also, like your previous discussion having doubts about Christianity, wondering if Christians really have the Holy Spirit, why is there so much division, why so much hypocrisy?
2017-09-20 Leaving Your Church for Disagreements: Did you say that you shouldn't leave your church if you disagree?
2017-09-12 44,001 Denominations: If the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, why are there 44,000 different denominations, no unity in the Christian church?
2017-08-21 Rejected by Family for Christianity: I'm trying to handle being rejected by own family because I'm a believer. Trying to figure out how to deal with it.
2017-08-04 Disagreement or Unity Among Brethren: Can there be disagreement among believers & still be saved? What is the purpose of life, is it just to escape hell?
Purpose of Life: What is the purpose of life? Is it just to escape hell?
2017-07-28 Denominations: Are denominations just possibly being an immaturity of people who choose to be divided in certain things. Is there examples of that happening the early church?
2017-07-20 Not Peace but Division: Old Testament vs New Testament contradiction about bringing division but wanting unity, but what does this verse mean by Jesus brought a sword & not peace?g [Matthew 10:34, Luke 12:51]
2017-06-05 Church Fracturing over Homosexuality: Our church is splitting because of people's view of sin, homosexuality, to accept them or not accept them.
2017-05-18 Building the Church: "upon this rock I will build this church", is this an ongoing thing or something that hasn't been fulfilled yet?
Unity of Faith in the Church: Has Jesus' prayer been answered yet that the church would become unified as one to glorify God?
2017-05-01 Indoctrination: How can I help people who have been "indoctrinated" & discussion about related topics
2017-02-16 Prayer & Disagreement: Asking for prayer & disagreement among the body of Christ in secondary issues
2016-11-01 Sola Scriptura: There's the Bible but then there's Tradition, so where does tradition play a role?
Traditions: Are there some actual traditions in the Bible that we are supposed to follow?
Division in the Church: All this division in the church seems to have a lot to do with Paul. Is there any reason it seems that way? Did Paul teach a different gospel than Christ?
2016-10-07 Various Eschatologies-Dispensationalism: For someone that holds a different eschatology than some of their friends and finds it causing friction, how should I handle this?
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