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Topic: Four Horsemen

Showing 1 to 8 of 8.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-07 "Four Horseman" Symbolism: Who or what is symbolized as the rider on the white horse (Four Horseman of the Apocalypse)? Rec: Steve Gregg's book "Revelation Four Views, Parallel Comentary" or verse-by-verse lectures on Revelation on the website. [Revelation 19:11-16, Revelation 6:2]
2024-05-15 End Times Revival: Would you elaborate on the idea of an "end times revival" has to come before Jesus returns? [Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:17].
Four Horseman: Could you talk about the symbolism of the "Four Horseman" in Revelation and the possible correlation of the Pale Horse to the rise of Islam?
2023-12-15 The Rider on the White Horse in Revelation: How does everyone get the symbolism of the "white horse" in Revelation so wrong? Rec: verse-by-verse of Revelation. [Revelation 6, Revelation 19, Revelation 3:21].
2021-09-21 More Than One View of Revelation Correct: Could not both the "Idealist" and "Preterist" views be correct in Revelation 6 (as in the four horseman)? [Revelation 6].
Ending of Acts Before 70 AD: Is it possible that the writing of Acts was complete and ended before 70 AD? [Malachi 1:11].
2017-10-25 Jesus on White Horse: Jesus on White Horse and its symbolism, but who are the armies that are following him? [Revelation 19]
2016-04-01 Narrow Path Lectures: Caller is concerned about the lectures he wanted to listen to that just cutting off. Technology not quite working as well as it's supposed to.
The White Horse in Revelation: Is the White Horse in Revelation 19 Jesus or what? (Jesus' second coming or an extension of the gospel.) [Revelation 19:11-19]
2016-02-05 The White Horse: Who do you think the white horse actually is? Jesus? The roman armies when they first start the onslaught of Jerusalem? You don't seem hard enough on people who believe dispensationalism. [Revelation 6:1-8]
2013-05-02 Five Horsemen in the Apocalypse: Were there 4 or 5 horsemen in the Apocalypse? [Revelation 6:8, Revelation 19:11].
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