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Topic: Crime (Criminals)

Showing 1 to 50 of 53.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-24 God's Intervention: Does God always intervene? Is it generally understood that God will be there if you are at your lowest point? [Acts 17:28, Jeremiah 33:3, 2 Corinthians 4:16, Isaiah 55:6-9].
2024-06-17 Sexual Abuse of Adult Daughter & Criminal Prosecution: What are the ramifications of adult Christian children who have had to report their father who has been abusing an adult Downs Syndrome daughter and the various complications (the legal fall-out, responsibility toward mother, and honoring one's parents)? [Ephesians 6:2-3, 1 Corinthians 5:9-13, 1 Timothy 5:8, Matthew 18:15-17, Ephesians 6:1].
2024-03-04 Capital Punishment in the New Testament: What do think the New Testament teaches about capital punishment? [Revelation 21:8, Hebrews 10:26, Genesis 9:6, Acts 25:11, Romans 13:4-7].
God's Judgment on Individuals: What about when God sends the bears to kill the ones making fun of the prophet Elisha? [2 Kings 2:23-25, Acts 12:23, Acts 5:1-10].
2024-02-12 Slavery: Why doesn't God say more in His commandments about how horrible slavery was? [Exodus 20-23].
2023-11-21 Barbaric Biblical Stoning: Would you comment on the barbaric punishment by stoning described in the Bible? [Ecclesiastes 8:11-12].
2023-10-10 Obedience to Government Authorities: Are there any scriptures that tell us not to obey the government if it is evil? [Hebrews 13:1-4, 1 Peter 2:13-17, John 19:11, Exodus 1:1-21, Daniel 3:14-25, Daniel 6:22, Acts 5:29].
2023-02-06 Molester Coming Out of Prison: What restitution would be required of a child molester coming out of prison?
2023-01-17 Capital Punishment: Should we look at capital punishment as they did in the Old Covenant? [Jeremiah 31:31-32, Genesis 9:6, Leviticus 24:19-21, Acts 25:11, 2 Corinthains 3:6-8, Romans 13:1-7].
2023-01-10 Steve's Bible Studies: How do I find out when Steve has his Bible studies? announcements.
Achan's Sin: Can you comment on the sin of Achan and the severity of his sin, in contrast to the possibility of repentance? Also, that his family was also killed? [Joshua 7].
2022-12-16 Government Authority: Could you comment on the Romans 13 passage about government authority? [Romans 13:1-4, Matthew 28:18, 1 Peter 2:13-14, John 19:11].
2022-10-13 Capital Punishment: What do you think about "capital punishment" in light of the New Covenant? [Acts 25:10-11]. (Steve Gregg keeps talking about this all afte the hard break even though he doesn't indicate before the break that he's going to.)
2022-07-06 Paranoia about all the Shootings: What is the best way to process my fear about all the shootings in the news? [Matthew 10:29-31, Psalm 34:7].
In the Presence of the Lord: What will it be like when we are in the presence of the Lord?
2022-06-16 Forgiveness & Justice: How does forgiveness and justice work together? If I have forgiven, does that mean I don't seek further justice? [Psalm 33:5, Matthew 18:15-20].
2022-06-08 Jewish "Yetzer"; Are you familar with "yetzer" from Jewish history?
Abortion-Murder Conviction: Should we convict mother's of murder for aborting their baby?
2022-04-05 Imprecatory Prayers-Against Evil Doers: Is there scripture that talks about God's pain when things like war and other evils take place,, and how we should be praying? [Psalm 109:8].
2022-02-09 Background Checks for Churches: Caller shares an alternate opinion about requiring background checks and clearance to work with children.
Rebellion Against Government Restrictions: Where should one draw the line in submitting to others, including government authorities & general civil rights? [Acts 5:29, Acts 4:19].
Cautioning Others to Avoid Persecution: Should I be cautioning my friend in China to be more careful about talking about things that could get him in trouble? [Matthew 10:16].
2022-02-03 Unemployed After Refusing Vaccine: If I refused the vaccine and am staying at home because my wife's income is sufficient, am I shirking my responsibilities indicated in 2 Thessalonians? [2 Thessalonians 3:10].
Making Restitution: If I did some bad things as a kid, should I go back and make restitution?
Witch of Endor & Samuel's Soul" Why did God allow Samuel's soul to be brought up from death with the witch of Endor, if God does not approve of such things? [I Samuel 28:17].
2021-11-18 Forgiving a Molester: How should someone think in terms of forgiveness if they have been molested?
2021-11-04 The Death Penalty: What should our stance be on the death penalty? [Matthew 25:25, Genesis 9:6].
2021-10-19 Justice Regarding One's Thoughts: Do you agree that justice has been compromised in recent years as legislation seems to suggest thoughts (as in hate crimes) should be tried?
2021-08-25 Family Member Felon (Child Pornography): Should I have anything to do with a family member who is not a believer, but was recently convicted of a felony? [I Corinthians 5:9-13, Galatians 5:16, Matthew 9:12].
2021-05-20 Right to Life-Abortion vs Capital Punishment: If I am against abortion, should I then, logically be against Capital Punishment (Death Penalty)? [Genesis 9:6, 2 Thessalonians 3:10].
2021-03-29 Nasty Imprecatory Psalms: How do we fit the nastiness of David's imprecatory psalms and the Christian mission? [Psalms 137:8-9, Matthew 5:43-48].
Dashing Babies Against Stones: How can we justify praying as David did to hope for babies to be dashed again stones? [Psalm 137:8-9]
501c3 Church Benefits: Isn't it duplicitous for a 501c3 to not be willing to submit to government dictates and yet benefit from the tax benefits?
2021-03-05 God's Forgiveness as Opposed to the State's: If someone had killed someone, and the law didn't know who did it, would that now repentant believer be required to turn himself in?
Church Responsibility Regarding Injustice: If a church recognizes and acknowledges injustices (as with racial and economic), what is their responsibility? [Micah 6:8, I Corinthians 5:12].
2020-06-18 Comment from White Mother of 8 Children Regarding Racism: Comment from a white mother who has 8 black children offers her observation that her kids have been recipients of racial prejudice and we need to be sensitive to the reality of this issue.
2020-06-08 Protests: Casting off Restraints & Poorly Recorded History: Could you comment about someone preaching how appropriate the protests are, drawing a relationship between Jesus casting out the money changers, and how warped our history books are? [Proverbs 29:18, Matthew 21:12].
2020-06-08 Criticism of Trump: Do you think that Trump would get more criticism is he had brought in the military to quell the riots?
Christian Evangelism to Improve Society: Should we not be more concerned about reaching out as believers to one person at a time, rather than trying to work through large protests? [Proverbs 9:10].
2020-06-08 Criticism of Trump: Do you think that Trump would get more criticism is he had brought in the military to quell the riots?
Christian Evangelism to Improve Society: Should we not be more concerned about reaching out as believers to one person at a time, rather than trying to work through large protests? [Proverbs 9:10].
2020-06-04 Black Lives Matter Movement: What is your opinion of the Black Lives Matter movement?
2020-06-03 Forgiveness Required: In light of the scripture that requires that we are to be forgiving, what does it look like to forgive in a variety of situations-great to small? [Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:15-17, Luke 23:34].
2020-06-03 Old Testament Law & Punishment Application for Today: How does Old Testament law, crime & punishment apply to us today?
2020-04-10 Obeying the Government: Do we have to obey government when they may ask us to take vaccinations when ultimately one may unknowingly take the mark of the beast? [Romans 13:1-2, I Peter 2:13-14].
2019-07-24 Thief on the Cross Has there ever been a name given to the good thief on the cross?
2019-07-24 Suffering Abuse: What should I do if someone is putting chemicals on my face while I sleep?
2018-08-13 Steve Gregg's Children: What caused your children going down the wrong path?
Christian's Owning Guns: What do you think about Christians owning guns?
2018-05-02 Hating People according to David: We are supposed to love our enemies, yes, but those who hate God we are supposed to also hate accordin g to ? [Psalms 139:21]
2018-01-22 Abortion: Can people who've had abortions, & another person who enabled it to happen, can they still be saved?
Sex Offenders: Can sex offenders be saved?
Death: What happens after we die?
2017-08-24 Last Act is a Horrible Sin: What if your last sin a terrible sin at the very last minute of your life, what will God do with you?
2017-08-21 Church Discipline Needs to be Implemented: Church discipline needs happen because of appropriate behavior by a pastor, but they are wondering what to do?
2016-12-21 Visiting prison based on why there: When Jesus said you visited Me in Prison, is this talking about people who were convicted of serious crime or only for political/religious reasons?
2016-10-13 Death penalty: 17 offenses that require the Death Penalty in the OT, Jesus mentioned ONE of them….does Steve Gregg know which one? (Cursing your parents.) What does he think of the death penalty? [Mark7:15, Genesis 9:6]
2016-05-11 Elephant in the Room Regarding Catholic Church: Caller is concerned about the Elephant in the room concerning the catholic church & sexual abuse.
2016-01-14 Sexual Purity: How do we deal with pedophiles, wife beaters & homosexuals?
Sharing the Gospel with such People: How do we evangelize to such people?
2015-03-25 Hell: Caller has a simple theory about why it isn't eternity in hell.
2015-02-06 God's Plan of Salvation: Someone can't take someone else's place for their crime, but Jesus was able to?
2014-07-28 Confessing your sins to another: Isn't it true that a priest/pasor is consenting to sin, that they've become a part of it, if they don't do anything about a crime he hears about?
People already in heaven: Are there people in heaven right now or not until the resurrection?
2014-07-25 Disclosing a known crime: I heard that even if you confess a heinous crime such as murder, that the priest can not tell the state. Isn't it more important that they share w/ them about bad crimes instead of keeping them a secret?
Priest telling State: If a priest or pastor DOES learn of a crime, should he pretend he's not going to say anything & say something or tell the person up front that's he's going to tell the authorities if they don't?
2014-07-25 Disclosing a known crime: I heard that even if you confess a heinous crime such as murder, that the priest can not tell the state. Isn't it more important that they share w/ them about bad crimes instead of keeping them a secret?
Priest telling State: If a priest or pastor DOES learn of a crime, should he pretend he's not going to say anything & say something or tell the person up front that's he's going to tell the authorities if they don't?
2014-05-27 Evangelizing the USA/Inner Cities over 3rd World countries: There's always a lot focus of evangelizing 3rd world countries but how come no emphasis in our own backyard, our own country, our own inner cities?
The Tommie Scott Story: Be sure to tell your listeners about the Tommie Scott story.
2013-10-30 Crime & Evil: What are we supposed to do as Christians when we know somebody is committing crimes?
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