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Topic: Premonitions

Showing 1 to 4 of 4.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-04-21 Gift of Prophecy and Prophets: Is there a difference between the "gift of prophecy", "time of the prophets", predictions, and simply seeing what is coming in the future? [I Corinthians 14:31].
Prophets Today: Are there still prophets in the church today? And how do you tell true prophets?
2019-11-11 Dark Figure Appears: My wife sees a dark figure periodically, which precedes a death,and she calls it a "death angel" - what do you think of this?
2014-08-27 Deja Vu: Is there such a thing as Deja Vu?
God's Foreknowledge: Jesus slain from the foundation of the world, By His Stripes we are healed, & He knew us before we were formed in the womb, is all that the same as Deja Vu?
2014-08-15 Eating & Drinking the body & blood of Jesus: Caller is concerned about people preaching that we need to literally eat & drink the body & blood of Christ. Can Steve explain what's really going on about that? [John 6]
Deja vu Is the word Deja vu New Ageish or Occultic?
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