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Topic: Wise Men

Showing 1 to 15 of 15.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-12-23 Chronology of Jesus' Birth Story: Can you help me sort the chronology of the story of the birth of Jesus and the Wise Men? [Luke 2:39].
Zacharias & Elisabeth: DId Zacharias & Elisabeth live in Jerusalem? [Luke 1:39].
2022-12-14 Christmas-Jesus' Birth & the Tree: Was Jesus actually born on Christmas? What what about the Christmas tree? [Luke 3:23, Jeremiah 10:3-4].
The Wise Men & Astrology: What about the "wise men" and their use of the stars, or astrology, to find Jesus? [Micah 5:2].
2021-12-28 Jesus' Birthday: When do you think that Jesus was actually born?
The Three Wise Men: Who do you think the "wise men" were, and do you think they followed Christ later?
2019-10-04 The Star & the Wise Men: What was the star that lead the wise men to Christ?
The Law & The Prophets: What does it mean when the Bible says that "The Law & the prophets are until John"? [Luke 16:16].
2019-05-15 The Three Wise Men (Magi): From where did the wise men (magi) come? Were they pagans? What made them wise men? [Daniel 2, 9].
2018-12-20 Gospel Writers: Where did the gospel writers get all their information, especially about Jesus' birth?
Wise Men - Magi: How come the people who journeyed to see Jesus at His birth never came to His ministry to visit Him?
2018-12-11 Jesus Prophesied in OT: Prophecies of Jesus being born, which parts were fulfilled? (can't ever really articulate what he wants to ask, says he'll call again)
2018-08-03 Magi: Can you tell me about the biblical Magi?
2017-12-13 The 3 Wise men-Magi: How did the Magi even know to look for a star that was connected w/ the Messiah?
2016-11-11 Gnosticism: How should we witness to Gnostics?
Wise Men, Magi: Where did the wise men come from?
Time Between Daniel & Jesus: Wasn't there a prophecy that gave the amount of time between Daniel & Jesus' birth or life?
2016-06-01 Magi (Wise Men) Calculating Jesus' Birth: Using Daniel 2 & 9, how were the magi able use it or know about Jesus being born?
Day of the Lord: What does the "Day of the Lord" refer to? [Malachi 4:5, Joel 2, Acts 2, Acts 5, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 2 Peter 3:10]
2014-12-24 3 Wise Men: Why did the star lead the Magi to Jerusalem rather than straight to Bethlehem? If the star led them directly to Jesus, the slaughter of the innocents would've been avoided. What purpose could there have been in alerting the Roman government of the arrival of Israel's King?
2014-12-18 The Wise Men & Jesus: How old was Jesus when the Wise men actually caught up with Him?
2014-03-07 The Wise Men - Magi: Why did the wise men go in the first place? Did God direct them? It was a miraculous star? Why astrologers? Did it have something to do w/ the prophecy in Numbers? [Genesis 1:14,Numbers 24:17]
2013-01-21 Special Revelation to offset such Violent Persecution: Isn't it as if people like John the Baptist & the Apostle Paul, who suffered such persecution, had God offset that by giving them special Revelation? [Luke 12:48]
Problematic Timeline of Daniel: How could Daniel give insight to Nebuchadnezzar in only his second year of training? Is that why Nebuchadnezzar didn't originally call on them? [Daniel 1:1, Daniel 2:1]
Chaldeans Speaking in Aramaic: Why did the Chaldeans speak in Aramaic? [Daniel 2:36-39, Daniel 2:4]
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