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Topic: Pornography

Showing 1 to 30 of 30.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-02-01 Immorality Today: Caller seemed to be suggesting that the Jewish elite is responsible for much of the immorality in today's culture. [Revelation 3:9, John 8:44].
2023-09-13 "Sola Scriptura": Would you give me an argument to support "sola scripture" ("scripture alone")?
Adultery & Pornography: Is viewing pornography the same as adultery (mental vs. physical)?
2023-07-06 Pornography & Masturbation: Is it wrong to look at pornography and masturbate? [Genesis 38:9, Matthew 5:28, 1 Thessalonians 4:4].
2023-03-06 Addiction to Pornography: Caller shares his immediate release from his addiction to pornography.
2023-02-06 Pornography: Is it pornography if a wife is sending nude pictures to her husband?
2023-02-02 Pornography: How do I combat pornography? [Matthew 5:29-32].
2023-01-27 Webpages with Nude Photos of One's Wife: Is it grounds for divorce if a woman opened a webpage that has nude photos of herself on it as a money-making project?
Bad Friends, Bad Influence: Should a husband require his wife get rid of bad friends who are influencing his wife to do bad behaviors (pornographic images)? [1 Corinthians 15:33].
2023-01-27 Webpages with Nude Photos of One's Wife: Is it grounds for divorce if a woman opened a webpage that has nude photos of herself on it as a money-making project?
Bad Friends, Bad Influence: Should a husband require his wife get rid of bad friends who are influencing his wife to do bad behaviors (pornographic images)? [1 Corinthians 15:33].
2022-11-18 Men-Greater Temptation to Sin: Do men have a greater propensity for sin, or carry a greater burden of sin, than do women?
2021-08-25 Family Member Felon (Child Pornography): Should I have anything to do with a family member who is not a believer, but was recently convicted of a felony? [I Corinthians 5:9-13, Galatians 5:16, Matthew 9:12].
2021-04-15 Hypnotherapy: Is it OK to see a Christian hypnotherapist? [I Corinthians 6:9-11, Philippians 4:6-8, I Peter 5:7].
2021-03-31 Making Difficult Commitments and Promises: How do you know what to make a commitment to, so that one won't eventually break it and sin?, as in the temptation of something like pornography?
2020-11-13 Pornographic Temptation & Prayer Challenge: I am suffering extra temptation when I am praying against the whole realm of pornography, how should I react against these attacks? [James 5:16, Matthew 18:20, Ephesians 6:12]
2019-07-15 Pornography: Is pornography grounds for divorce? [Matthew 5:28-32].
2019-01-04 Overcoming Lust: How does one overcome the sin of Lust?
2018-10-29 Pornography: I've been struggling with fear & purity because I keep continuing with the temptation of pornography
2018-06-19 Masturbation: Whether Masturbation is a sin or not depends on what you are thinking about, the caller thinks.
2018-06-13 Pornography Addiction: Isn't it unbiblical to look at Playboy?
2017-11-09 Free to Marry Again: Caller is wondering if she would be free to marry again though she left her husband, especially since he married again.
2017-07-11 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Wfhat is the proof of being baptized by the Holy Spirit?
Addictions: Can someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit still have trouble trying to overcome addictions?
2017-01-03 Pornography Addiction: Are addiction problems biblical or is it referring to people who are just out of control?
2016-10-24 God healing: If our God can heal, why do Christians then need hospitals or ambulances?
Combatting Pornography: Is there a way to combat pornography? How to deal with the guilt?
2016-05-27 Pornography, Drugs & Demonic Oppression: I'm struggling with drugs, pornography, demonic oppression, so what do I do?
The Nephilim: Did Angels have sex with women? The nephilim. [Genesis 6]
2016-01-14 Sexual Purity: How do we deal with pedophiles, wife beaters & homosexuals?
Sharing the Gospel with such People: How do we evangelize to such people?
2014-12-31 Pornography: Struggling w/ pornography, & I also have a son who struggles with it. What should I do to help him & myself?
2014-02-03 Pornography & other Addictions: Fighting pornography & other addictions, and the one main common theme among people w/ addictions is trying to keep it a secret. Once your addiction is out in the open, it's much easier to have victory over. Caller also wanted to apologize for calling under a presumed name. (1 Corinthians 13:10-11)
2014-01-03 Pornography & Lust: I keep thinking I have victory over pornography, but i'm afraid of it happening in the future.
2013-10-11 Changing Your Heart: What comes first, a changed heart or changed behaviour?
Addictions: What is the equivalent word to "addiction" in the Bible since that word is not in there?
2013-09-10 Youth Pastor with Pornography Addiction: A youth pastor has just confessed to having a pornography addiction. He's taking a leave of absence, but does it disqualify him in the future?
2013-08-08 Torah is the Only Way: Someone thinks that the Torah is the ONLY way to go, that we shouldn't observe Christmas, Easter or go to church on Sunday & only go to church on Sabbagth.
X-Rated Movies & Dancing: Is it wrong for Christians to go to X-rated movies or participate in dancing? [Romans 14]
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