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Topic: Nondenominational

Showing 1 to 11 of 11.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-06-23 Denominations, Free Will & Christianity: Caller shares concern over the labels of denominations and terms for theology and doctrinal differences. [Genesis 4: Deuteronomy 30:197].
2023-03-06 Unity Among the Churches: Have you seen local churches get together for activities for the sake of unity? Doesn't it seeme like we should be doing more of that in this anti-Christian climate?
2023-02-28 Manhattan Declaration: What do you think about the "Manhattan Declaration?" [2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Colossians 3:17].
2022-06-06 Catholic Authority: Does Catholicism have more authority over other denominations? [Acts 17:11].
Denominational Choice: Does it matter what denomination one belongs to live a life in obedience to Jesus Christ? [Matthew 15:1-20, Acts 17:10, John 8:31, I Corinthians 5:13].
Catholic Saints Mistaken: Could literature of Catholic saints actually be wrong?
2022-04-27 "No Name Church": What do you know about the "No Name Church" or the "2 x 2s" (The Truth, The Way?
2021-08-17 Steve Gregg's Denomination: With what denomination do you identify and why? [I Corinthians 1:10-12, I Corinthians 3:3-4].
2020-05-06 Steve Gregg & His Leaving Baptist Denomination: What caused you to switch from being a Baptist? And what denomination did you shift to afterward?
Path of Maturing in the Lord: As you grow and mature in your walk with God and knowledge of the Bible, does the path naturally take you to different denominations and fellowships? [Matthew 11:29-30].
Fig Tree Illustration & Meaning in Scripture: What does the story mean about the fig tree that is cursed to never produce fruit again? [Luke 13, Mark 11:12-14].
2020-05-06 Steve Gregg & His Leaving Baptist Denomination: What caused you to switch from being a Baptist? And what denomination did you shift to afterward?
Path of Maturing in the Lord: As you grow and mature in your walk with God and knowledge of the Bible, does the path naturally take you to different denominations and fellowships? [Matthew 11:29-30].
Fig Tree Illustration & Meaning in Scripture: What does the story mean about the fig tree that is cursed to never produce fruit again? [Luke 13, Mark 11:12-14].
2015-08-31 The Bible Study Fellowship: Caller thinks the best church to go to when people ask about where is the best church to go to is, The Bible Study Fellowship.
2013-03-21 The "Emergent Church": What is the "Emergent Church"? Is it negative or positive?
Muslim Idiom Translation: What do you think about the Muslim idiom translation, where biological words are changed to be less offensive to that group?
2012-01-05 Other Denominations & the Church of Christ: What about attending various churches rather than one specific denomination?
Hearing the Holy Spirit: Aren't we able to hear from the Holy Spirit today, and He gives discernment?
Music in Church: Someone in the "Church of Christ" thinks instrumental music in church is wrong. What do you think?
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