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Topic: Curse(s)

Showing 1 to 50 of 132.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-09 Tithing, Curses & Demon Possession: What do you think about Robert Morris teaching that if you don't tithe, you could be cursed or even possessed by a demon?
Qualified Pastors: What percentage of pastors do you think are biblically qualified to be a pastor? [1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9].
2024-07-08 Curses on Christians: Can Christians be cursed? [Galatians 3:13, Galatians 1:8, 1 Corinthians 16:22, Proverbs 26:2, Malachi 3:8-10, Deuteronomy 28:15ff].
Generational Curses: Is it unbiblical to claim that someone is suffering because of something their ancestors did (generational curses)? [Ezekiel 18:20, Ezekiel 18:2, Jeremiah 31:29-33].
2024-06-20 The Flood Cleansing the World of Sin & the Curse on Noah's Sons: Why is the story about Noah getting drunk told when the world has just been cleansed of sin? What did Ham and Canaan do that deserved a curse? [Genesis 9:20].
2024-06-17 Generational Curses & Deliverance Ministries: What do you think about "deliverance" ministries where someone claims that can cut the bonds of a "generational curses" for a later generation?
2024-05-06 God's Promises to Israel: Wouldn't the blessing & curse given to Abraham, if it applies to Israel today, wouldn't it also apply to the Ismaelites? [Genesis 12:3, Deuteronomy 28:15f].
2024-04-03 Adding to the Book of Revelation & Threat of Plagues: Regarding the curse of plagues to those that "add to this book" how would that happen if this is about A.D.70? Wouldn't the curse still apply to us, today? [Revelation 22:18-19].
2024-02-13 Jesus Not Created: Just wanted to thank you for correcting me on the fact that Jesus was not created [Genesis 1:26, Micah 5:2].
Curse of Ham by Noah: In the story of Noah's drunkenness, why was Ham cursed?
2024-02-08 Curse of Many Languages: Did God put a curse on mankind and that is why there are so many languages on earth?
2024-01-23 "Bless Those that Bless You, Curse Those that Curse you." (Israel): Regarding Israel, what does this mean; "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you?" [Genesis 12:1-3, Numbers 22:6, Deuteronomy 11:28, 1 Samuel 2:30].
2023-11-07 God's Blessing & Cursing: Could you talk about Genesis 12:3 (God's blessings and cursing) and how that applies to what is going on in Israel? [Genesis 12:3, Numbers 24:9, Deuteronomy 30:10, 1 Corinthians 16:22].
Funding Israel & the War: Should we be funding the war in Israel and financially supporting the Israeli people (in light of scripture being taken out of context)?
2023-11-01 Curse of Slavery on Ham's Descendants & People of Color: Does the curse on Ham in the words of Noah in Genesis 9 justify the misfortunes (enslaving) of people of color? [Genesis 9:25].
2023-09-28 Destruction to Come: When Jesus said "that all things which are written may be fulfilled" do you think that He was referring to the curses being fulfilled? [Luke 21:21-22, Leviticus 26:14, Deuteronomy 28:15, Luke 21:5ff, Luke 19:41ff, Luke 21:7, Luke 21:32].
2023-08-14 Cursing Those That Don't Love Christ: It doesn't make sense to put a curse on those that do not love Christ. Is that what they are saying? [1 Corinthians 16:22].
2023-06-23 "Curse of Ham" & Race: Could you explain the "Curse of Ham" and how it relates to those with dark skin?
Ethiopian Man: Who was the Ethiopian man? [Acts 8:26-40].
2023-04-19 Noah & His Sons: Why was there such upset about Noah's sons seeing their father drunk in his tent? Why was this story included in scripture? [Genesis 9:21-25, Leviticus 20:11, Exodus 20:12].
2023-03-23 False Teachers "Accursed": When Paul speaks about the false teachers when he says they are accursed? [2 Peter 2:14, Galatians 1:8-9, 1 Corinthians 16:22].
2023-02-10 Rebuking (or Cursing) Others: Is it appropriate now, to rebuke as they did in Acts? Is that the same as a curse? [Acts 13:8-10, 1 Corinthians 5:5].
2023-01-30 Generational Sin or Curse: Could you help me understand the scriputures that seemed to contradict one another about generational curse (sins)?
2023-01-20 Generational Curses: What does the Bible say about "generational curses?" [Exodus 20:5, 2 Samuel 12].
2022-12-16 Transgender Caller: "Why Me, and How"? Transgender caller shares how he has awakened since his conversion, but still struggles with how he seemed to be gay as a very young child and asks "Did God curse some of us that made us gay?" [Romans 1:24-28, Romans 12:2].
2022-11-07 Curses on Government: Is there any biblical precedent suggesting that we should be praying for curses to be lifted off of our states? [2 Corinthians 10:5-7, Proverbs 26:2].
2022-10-14 Mark of Cain: Was the "mark of Cain" something that is relevant and evident today? Was it not only a curse, but a protection? Was it a visible mark? Was it for only him, or also for his descendents? [Genesis 4:15].
2022-07-26 Time: Do you think that "time" was part of the curse?
2022-06-07 Noah's Nakedness & the Curse of Canaan: Could you explain the story of when Noah uttered a curse against Canaan after Ham, his son, saw a him naked? why was Canaan cursed? [Genesis 9:23].
African Black Population Cursed: Are the black people of African cursed because of Ham? [Genesis 9-10].
2022-06-07 Noah's Nakedness & the Curse of Canaan: Could you explain the story of when Noah uttered a curse against Canaan after Ham, his son, saw a him naked? why was Canaan cursed? [Genesis 9:23].
African Black Population Cursed: Are the black people of African cursed because of Ham? [Genesis 9-10].
2022-05-04 The Blessing Through the Ancestral Line: Does the blessing of Abram (Abraham) go down through the seed of that line? [Galatians 3:16].
God Brought "The Curse" Upon Himself: Did God bring the curse upon Himself, when He cursed Israel? [Galatians 3, Deuteronomy 30:19, Deuteronomy 28-29, Leviticus 26].
2022-01-24 Canaan Cursed by Noah: Why was Canaan cursed because of Noah's drunkenness and Ham's response to it? [Genesis 9:20-27].
2021-12-15 Curses & Hexes: Is there such a thing as curses or hexes? [Proverbs 26:2].
2021-11-24 The Fall of Man: Is it possible that it was further than one might think from the "good" creation to "the fall of man"?
Greater Labor Pains for Eve: When it is determined that Eve would have increased labor pains, would she have already had a child?
2021-11-08 Inappropriate Language: Is there anything prohibited or inappropriate in using the word "angel" in my company title and a tag line, that says, "we clean the hell out of it"?
2021-09-08 "Generational Curses": Are "Generational Curses" biblical? [Exodus 34:7].
2021-08-23 God Judging Israel for Saul's Sin: Why did God judge Israel for the sins of Saul (Sins of the Fathers)?
Ezekiel on His Side for a Year: Did Ezekiel really lay on his side for a whole year?
2021-08-23 Generational Curses: Could you talk about "Generational Curses"? [Ezekiel 18:20, Exodus 34:7, Jeremiah 25:11-12].
Asking Repeatedly in Prayer: Should you keep asking God to answer your prayer, or should you just ask once and leave it in His hands? [Daniel 10:13, James 4:2, Matthew 7:7-11].
2021-08-16 Generational Curses? Are you familiar with Curt Landry and his ministry regarding generational curses, and generally what do you think about these curses?
2021-08-13 Demon Possession: Caller shares story of her experience with demons
2021-08-12 Inanimate Objects with Demons: Do you actually believe that an inanimate object can have a demon? [Acts 19:19].
2021-08-10 Attaching Evil to Inanimate Objects: Can someone attach evil, or curses, to an inanimate object, such as a Bible? [James 4:7].
2021-08-09 The Word of Faith Movement: What do you think of the "Word of Faith" movement? Recommended Topical Lecture; Word of Faith (set of 4).
Ham's Sin (Noah's Son): The Bible doesn't say what Ham's (Noah's son) sin was specifically, but can you speak on that? [Genesis 9:24-25].
2021-06-28 Error of Balaam: What was the error of Balaam? [Jude 11, Numbers 22-23, Numbers 31:16, Revelation 2:14, 2 Peter 2:15].
2021-06-07 Generational Curses: Would you talk about "generational curses"? [Exodus 20:5, Exodus 34:7].
2021-05-19 Family Curses & Divine Counsel for Prayer: Have you heard of bringing prayer to a "counsel of divine judges" which may be tied to Genesis? He feels he may have a family curse. [Genesis 1:26-28, I Corinthians 6:3].
The Didache: What do you think about "The Didache"?
2021-05-17 Witchcraft: How does one recognize if someone is secretly practicing witchcraft? And how would one pray against it or a curse? Recommended lecture: "Spiritual Warfare."
2021-05-10 Comment on Slavery: Comment on slavery.
Generational Sin: Could you explain the concept of "Generational Sin"? [Exodus 20, Exodus 34:7].
2021-03-19 Annihilation of the Canaanites: Are we to understand the cursing of the Canaanites was the justification of the annihilation? [Genesis 9:25, Genesis 15:16].
2021-01-28 The "Sins of the Father": Could you help me understand the concept of "the sins of the father" being visited upon one's children? [Ezekiel 18, Numbers 14:18, Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 24:15].
2021-01-05 Judging by Appearances: Does one's dress, language, music preferences, etc. change when one is saved, and how does it related to judging by one's appearances? [John 7:24, Romans 12:2]. (Same caller as 3rd caller.)
2020-11-02 Abortion: Caller comments on the horrible act of abortion and current political issues:
Sick Family May be Cursd: What do you think about someone telling a family suffering sickness, is under some kind of curse? [I Peter 4:12].
2020-10-23 Jesus Confronting Sinners: Do you think that Jesus would have confronted and corrected sinners when they were being inappropriate, or would He have removed Himself from them? [John 3:16-17, I Corinthians 5:12].
2020-10-02 Cursing Those That Teach Others to Fly: Steve revises his answer on a call from the day before about there being no verse about "cursing people who teach others to fly", where he indicated there was no such verse. [Ezekiel 13:20].
2020-10-01 Curse to Those that Teach People to Fly: Where is the verse, "Cursed are they who teach my people to fly" and is this in reference to the rapture?
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