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Topic: Christian Entertainment

Showing 1 to 50 of 61.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-21 Radio: "The Jesus Christ Show:" What do you think about "The Jesus Christ Show?"
2024-01-29 Television Program "The Chosen": Do you know much about the television series "The Chosen" and the actor who played Jesus (Jonathan Roumie) being involved in some kind of cultic activity? Rec: Gospel of John (movie).
2023-11-01 Disobedient Hebrews: Did the Hebrews (Jews) neglect almost everything that God had commanded throughout their history?
Music in the 1970s: Did you ever jam with Phil Keaggy in the 1970s?
2023-10-16 Chuck Girard (Christian Musician): Have you heard of Chuck Girard?
Fallen Angels: Where are the fallen angels now? [2 Peter 2:4].
2023-09-18 Application for Herod's Temple: Have you heard of the "Immersive Herod's Temple" app, which allows you to walk through a 3-D digital environment of his temple?
2023-08-28 Documentary "Days of Noah": Have you seen the documentary "Days of Noah" and if so, what do you think of it?
Seventh-Day Adventists: Could you talk about the beliefs of the denomination Seventh-Day Adventism? [Romans 14:5].
2023-07-25 Other Radio Q&A Shows: What was the name of the other radio show where the answers are real short? Rec:
2023-07-17 Endless Genealogies: What does "endless genealogies" mean? [1 Timothy 1:4].
Baptism & Regeneration: Why don't evangelicals see baptism as part of regeneration?
"Sound of Freedom" Movie (Criticism) What do you think about the criticism of the movie, "Sound of Freedom?"
2023-07-03 Movie: "Sound of Freedom": Steve recommends the movie "Sound of Freedom," the true story of Tim Ballard who is bringing child-trafficking to light.
2023-06-28 Relaxation & Entertainment: How do you relax and use your free time - in a way to glorify God?
2023-04-28 The Movie-"Nefarius": If you saw the movie, "Nefarius," what did you thin of it?
Christian Parents Attending a Gay Wedding: Would you attend your child's gay wedding? [Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:18-24, Matthew 19:1-9, Ephesians 5:31-32].
2023-04-13 Jesus Revolution-Greg Laurie & Chuck Smith: Caller encourages listeners to see the movie, even though he doesn't care for the teaching of Chuck Smith and Gregg Laurie.
Struggle Between Flesh & Spirit: When Paul looked to the Old Testament for instruction about the struggle between the flesh and spirit, should we then use the New Testament in the same way? [Romans 7-8, Galatians 5:17, Romans 8:4f].
2023-03-21 Jesus Revolution, Chuck Smith's Error about the Second Coming: Having just seen the movie, "Jesus Revolution", are you familiar with the false predictions of Chuck Smith regarding the coming of the Lord in the early 1980s?
2023-03-10 America's Revolution: Was the American revolution a just war?
Movie "Jesus Revolution": What did you think of the movie "Jesus Revolution?"
2023-03-02 "Spirit in the Sky": Are you familiar with the song from the 70s, "The Spirit in the Sky"?
Movie "Jesus Revolution": Is the movie "Jesus Revolution" a re-release or is it a new one?
Resurrection & Reincarnation: Was resurrection and reincarnation considered at the church council's about whether to keep it as foundational doctrine? [2 Corinthians 5:10, Hebrews 9:27].
2023-02-27 Jesus Revolution Movie: What did you think of the "Jesus Revelation" movie?
Walter Martin: Did you know Walter Martin? Was he part of the Jesus Movement?
2023-02-09 Caller Comments on Previous Calls: Comment on previous calls about a gay marriage and the series "The Chosen."
2023-02-08 Christian Movies & Television: What do you think of "The Chosen" and "The Passion?"
2023-01-19 "The Jesus Revolution" (movie): Steve talks about the new movie coming out soon called "The Jesus Revolution" and recommends it positively.
2022-11-21 Movie-"The Jesus Revolution": Have you heard about the movie "The Jesus Revelation?"
2022-10-31 Marriage of the Lamb & End Times Predictions: What do you think about a movie "Before the Wrath" that represents the rapture as linked to the "Marriage of the Lamb" and ancient wedding custom, and indicates the exact timing of the rapture event? [Revelation 19:7-9, Acts 1:7, Mark 13:32, Matthew 24:36].
2022-10-27 The Television Show "Chosen": Comment about the producers of the show "Chosen?"
Long Lives Recorded in Genesis: Could you comment on the long lives of people recorded in Genesis? [Pslam 90:10].
Jesus Calls Mary "Woman": Is there something significant about it when Jesus spoke to his mother and called her "woman?" [John 2:4].
2022-10-25 The Television Show; "The Chosen": Regarding the controversy about in the television show, "The Chosen" and their proposal to present Jesus saying that He "is" the Law of Moses, rather than "fulfilling" the Law of Moses, what are your thoughts?
2022-08-19 Christian Music: Why should the devil get all the good music?
2022-08-19 Worship Music: Comment about the nature of worship music and the various styles, often seemingly overly self-focused in today's churches.
2022-08-12 Keith Green: Was Keith Green as intense as he appeared?
Take Up Your Cross & Deny Yourself: Could you expand on the verse "take up your cross & deny yourself?" [Luke 9:23]. [Editor's Note: After the break, Steve corrects
2022-07-21 The Jesus Movement: Did the "Jesus Movement" happen in the south, too?
Steve Gregg-Radio Host: Did you ever sit in as a host on "To Every Man and Answer"?"
2022-07-19 Other Christian Broadcasters & Teachers: Doo you listen to Christian radio? Are you familiar with Alistair Begg and Steve Brown? If so, what do you think of them?
2022-06-02 Finding Alternate Fellowship-Other than the Mega-Church: What does one do if they really find the mega-church experience (entertainment) is leaving one wanting? How do you find fellowship in a good church?
Professional Clergy & Institutional Church: Is the structure in the modern church model, with paid clergy, really what it should be? Recommended topical lecture; "Some Assembly Required."
2022-03-28 Intermediate State of Believers: What is the current state of those believers who have passed away? [2 Corinthians 5:8, I Thessalonians 4].
Transported to Heaven: Do you think that the transport to heaven is instantaeous or do they travel there? Could ghosts be the unbelievers that don't go instanteously?
The Television Show "The Chosen": What do you think of the show "The Chosen"?
2022-03-14 Guest; Paul Clark (Musician from 1970s): Paul Clark and Steve discuss the Jesus movement in the 1970s. Contact info:
2022-03-14 Witnessing to Hollywood: How do you (Paul Clark-guest Christian musician) witness to those that have experienced fortune and fame? Contact info:
2021-12-21 "Gospel of John" Movie: Could you clarify which movie on the "Gospel of John" you like? The Gospel of John, 2003, with Henry Ian Cusick as Jesus.
Free Will and Predestination: Can one believe in both "free will" and "predestination"? [Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:3-5].
2021-10-11 Singer-Songwriter Don Francisco: Do you know the singer-songwriter Don Francisco and if he is doing anything now?
Lost Tribes of Israel: Do you know anything about the Lost Tribes of Israel (Black Hebrew Israelites)? [Genesis 10, Lamentations 5:10, Song of Solomon 1:6].
Jewish (Israelite) Tribal Identity: When did the Jewish (Israelite) tribes get lost?
2021-09-10 "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis: What do you think of the book, "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis?
Language at the Tower of Babel: Do you think that the language at the "Tower of Babel" was the same as "speaking in tongues?"
Television Series, "The Chosen": What do you think about the television series, "The Chosen?"
2021-09-08 Rock Music in Church Service: What do you think that using popular rock music, like "Bohemian Rhapsody", in a church service?
2021-08-25 Famous, Popular & Controversial Christians: How could some of the more famous, but questionable, popular Christian figures, get to the level they are if it is not from God? [Isaiah 8:20].
2021-06-29 Modern Worship & Performance: Am I just being an old fogey, because of my disappointment with some of the modern worship music and the performance emphasis?
2021-04-07 Charles Stanley & Michael Youssef: What do you think about Charles Stanley and Michael Youssef?
2020-12-15 Bob Dylan's Christian Influence: Do you know what happened to Bob Dylan and his walk after he made his Christian albums?
2020-01-31 Biblical Movies: Do you think Biblical movies like those of Cecil B. DeMille, and posting of The Ten Commandments, is actually a good influence?
2020-01-28 Apostasy & Christian Entertainment: Have you ever seen the "Apostasy Report"? What do you think about pastors and theologians that seem to align themselves to some of the popular Christian entertainers that don't really seem to be exemplary believers:
2019-10-07 Christian Television: Have you ever been interviewed on Christian television network shows?
Street Ministry: Have you ever witnessed on the street, holding up signs?
New Age Higher Consciousness: Have you ever reached a higher state of consciousness?
2019-05-24 Wood, Hay, Stubble What if we have a pastor who has a church service that is designed to entertain? {1 Corinthians 3:15}
2018-03-21 Playing Pool & Smoking Pot: I love to play pool, is that a sin? What about smoking pot?
2017-03-15 The Movie, "The Shack": If you saw the movie "The Shack", what do you think about it?
2016-07-19 Christian Band Music: Are you familiar with the Band from the 70s by the name of “Free Fair" (Fare?)?
2016-07-01 Enjoying Pleasure: What kind of pleasures are we referring to here in 2 Timothy? Are we talking about evil pleasures or about pleasure-seeking, & if it's the latter, how does it reconcile with 1 Timothy 6:17? [2 Timothy 3:1-9, 1 Timothy 6:17]
2016-05-02 Gold Dust: Do you have any response as to what I should say to my nephew about Jewels & Gold Dust having nothing to do with anything that Jesus would do?
2016-04-11 Christians supporting secular Entertainers: Should we be supporting non-Christian or anti-Christian performers & entertainers, idolizing them?
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