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Topic: Burden(s)

Showing 1 to 8 of 8.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-28 "Bear the Burdens": What does it mean to "bear the burdens" of others? [Galatians 6:2, Hebrews 12:15].
2023-06-30 Trespasses & Bearing Anothers Burdens: Are the trespasses mentioned here the same as the burdens in Galatians 6:1-2? [Galatians 6:1-2, Mark 12:30-31, Matthew 25:36-40]
Accidental Trespass vs Intentional Sin: would there be any difference between an accidental trespass and an intentional sin in how you might try to restore someone? [Galatians 6:1-2].
A.W. Tozer & Mystic Fredrick William Faber: In Tozer's book, "The Pursuit of God", he seems to be endorsing a mystic by the name of Fredrick Faber. What do know about him?
2023-04-27 Holy Spirit's Intercession in Prayer: How does the Holy Spirit intercede for us in prayer and in our groans, as described in Romans 8? [Romans 8:26-27, John 16:27, 1 John 5:14, Acts 2:4].
Praying to the Holy Spirit: Should we pray directly to the Father, rather than the Holy Spirit?
2023-04-11 Take Up Your Cross: Could you comment on Jesus saying that we "should take up our cross" and yet He had not yet died on the cross? [Matthew 16:24, Luke 14:27].
2021-12-09 Burden is Easy, but Count the Cost: Why did Christ say, "My burden is easy, my yoke is light", but also we must count the cost? [Matthew 11:30, Luke 14:28, Galatians 2, Philippians 4:13].
Millennium & Wars on Each Side: Could you talk about the suggestion that there are two wars, like book ends, on either side of the millennium? [Revelation 19-20].
2021-08-03 "My Yoke is Easy": What is meant by "my yoke is easy"? [Matthew 11:28, Matthew 23:4, Galatians 5:22, Romans 5:5, Romans 13:10, Luke 1:37].
2016-07-12 The Weaker Vessel: Are women the weaker vessel? In what way are they? [1 Peter 3:7]
2013-04-22 Despising One's Father: I think I really despise my father and I no longer want to, what do you suggest I do to unload this terrible burden? [Exodus 20:12].
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