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Topic: Joel (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-08 Preaching-Must Hear to Answer a Call: You mentioned that you have a hard time understanding the passage in Romans 10 about those who must hear-have you come to any new conclusion? [Romans 10:14-18, Joel 2:32, Isaiah 52:7].
2024-06-04 Recovering from Sexual Sin Before Marriage: Cannot God repair all failures of one's past? [Genesis 2:24, Joel 2:25].
2024-05-15 End Times Revival: Would you elaborate on the idea of an "end times revival" has to come before Jesus returns? [Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:17].
Four Horseman: Could you talk about the symbolism of the "Four Horseman" in Revelation and the possible correlation of the Pale Horse to the rise of Islam?
2024-04-12 The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: How is the Holy Spirit different in the Old Testament in contrast to now? [Genesis 41:48, John 20:22, Acts 19:2, Numbers 11:29, John 14:16-17, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:39, Acts 2:4, 1 John 3:24, 1 John 4:13, Romans 8:9, Ephesians 5:18, Ephesians 1:13].
2024-04-05 Speaking in Tongues Today: Does Joel 2 refer to speaking in tongues today? [Joel 2:22, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:1-4, 1 Corinthians 1:7].
2024-03-28 Mary Not Allowed to Touch Jesus: Why didn't Jesus allow Mary to touch Him after he resurrected ("Touch me not")? [John 20:17].
The Eclipse & the Second Coming: What do you think about the emphasis on visions and dreams about the coming April 8th eclipse suggesting the return of Christ afterward? [Joel 2:31. Ezekiel 32:7-8].
2024-01-30 Female Prophets: Are there any female prophets in scripture? [Acts 21:9, 1 Corinthians 11:5, Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:15-21, Matthew 18:21].
2024-01-02 Eschatology, Israel, & Zechariah's Prophecy: In contrast to how Zechariah 10-12 is often used to support a conquering IDF (Israel Defense Force) and that it is all about the end times, how should I understand it? Rec: Verse-by-verse lectures in Zechariah. [Zechariah 11:12-13, Zechariah 12:10. Zechariah 13:1, Zechariah 13:7, Zechariah 11:4-17, Matthew 26:31, Matthew 27:3-10, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:9, Isaiah 32:15].
2023-11-21 A Great Revival in End Times: Am I missing something because I can't find anything in scripture about the often predicted "Great Revival" that is supposed to come before Christ's return? [Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:16-21].
End Times Upon Us: Do you think we are near the end and Jesus' Second Coming? [Acts 1:6, Matthew 24:46].
2023-10-30 Apocalyptic vs Literal Language: Are these good examples of the contrast between apocalyptic language and historical or literal language within the Bible itself? [Judges 4-5, Acts 2:17-21, Joel 2:28-32].
2023-08-15 Gift of Prophecy: Caller disagrees with Steve about his view of the modern-day gift of prophecy [Acts 2:17, 1 Corinthians 14, Ephesians 4:11, Joel 2:28].
2023-05-17 Manifestations of the Holy Spirit: Is the Holy Spirit the same in the Old Testament continuously from the beginning through the New Testament? [Joel 2:28, Romans 8:9, 1 Corinthians 12:7].
2023-05-11 Evangelism Tracts and Comic Books: Do you think that your comic books are good tools for evangelism and discipleship?
Sinner's Prayer: Don't you think there is implication of a "Sinner's Prayer" in Romans 10? [Romans 10:9-13, Joel 2:32].
2023-03-28 Forgiveness Not Owed to Repentant Sinners: Does Joel 2 suggest that God may not forgive repentent sinners? [Joel 2:13-14, Jeremiah 11:14].
"Carnal" or "Carnality" in Scripture: Is "carnal" a word used in scripture? [Romans 7:14, Romans 8:5-6, 1 Corinthians 3:1-3].
2023-03-10 Citing Steve Gregg: How do you prefer to be identified when cited? (Christian, non-Calvinist, Amillennial, Non-Dispensational, Charismatic).
Holy Spirit-Old vs New Testaments: How did one experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Old vs New Testaments? [Numbers 11:25, Joel 2:28, John 7:37].
2022-09-07 Israel's Special Standing: Caller disagrees with Steve's view of Israel not having special standing before God, especiallly noted in Revelation and Ezekiel. [Romans 10-11, Romans 11:1-5, Hosea 1, Ezekiel 37, Romans 11:26, Joel 2:28-32].
2022-07-11 Books of I John: Caller shares more about the books of I John.
Futurist vs Partial-Preterist: Don't you think that one can over-spiritualize the way the images are understood in the Olivet Discourse? [Matthew 24, Luke 21, Luke 17, Mark 13,Hebrews 8:6].
"Never Before and Never Again" Hyperbole or Not?: Discussion of the use of hyperbole in scripture, particurlary "never before and never again", when it does happen again. [Matthew 24:21, Ezekiel 5:9, Exodus 10:14, Joel 2:25-26].
2022-07-05 Coming Worldwide Revival: Do you expect a worldwide revival before the coming of the Lord? [Joel 2].
Economic Wealth Given to Believers: Does the Bible actually teach that God will transfer economic wealth from the unrighteous to the righteous in the end times? [Proverbs 28:8].
2022-05-30 Animal Souls & Heaven: Caller makes a case that animals have souls and will be in heaven. [Joel 1:20, Job 38:41, Revelation 16:3, Ecclesiastes 12:14-14]
2022-05-02 The Word "Saved" in Scripture: What were the people in biblical days thinking when they heard the word, "saved"? [Matthew 24, Matthew 19::16-26, Joel 2:2, John 8:31-32, Matthew 1:21, Acts 2:21].
2022-03-29 "Pouring Out the Spirit" & the "Last Days": Is the verse about the "pouring out of the spirit" in the last days rferring to end times or 70 A.D.? [Acts 2:17, Joel 2:2, Joel 2:28-32, I Corinthians 10:11, I John 2:18, I Peter 1:20, Hebrews 1:1, James 5:3, Malachi 4:5-6]
2021-12-29 Animals Described Like They are People: Could you talk the description of ants and badgers being like people? [Proverbs 30:24-28, Joel 2:2]
2021-12-08 "Double Fulfillment" or "Mountaintop" Prophecy: Would you comment on "Double Fulfillment Prophecy" and "Mountaintop Prophecy"? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 8:1-10, Matthew 1:23, 2 Samuel 7:12-14, Joel 2:28-32].
2021-11-11 Joel & Last Days Revival: Is Joel speaking of a last days revival when he speaks of a "former and later reign" in Joel 2? [Joel 2:25-32].
The Holy Spirit's Role in One's Faith: Is the Holy Spirit the one who initiates one's faith in God, or do people initiate it themselves?
2021-08-06 Holy Spirit (Old vs New Testaments): Are Old Testament saints regenerated like the New Testaments saints are? Do we have the Holy Spirit the same way? [John 3:5 I John 4:13, I John 3:24, John 7:39, Romans 8:16, Acts 2:17, Joel 2:28].
2020-12-09 Charismatic Movements that Go Too Far: The movements of New Apostolic Reformation, Joel's Army, Manifest Sons of God, seems to be teaching that Jesus is 'just' a man, can you comment? [Joel 2].
2020-12-03 Laws on our Hearts: Who is Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31, and what laws are being written on the heart ? [Jeremiah 31:31, Jeremiah 23:3-33, Joel 2:32, Romans 10:13].
Establishing the Law: What does it mean when scripture says we "establish the law"? [Romans 3:31-4:3, Genesis 15:6, Galatians 5:4].
2020-12-02 Out of You Will Flow Living Waters: What scripture is Jesus talking about "out of you will flow living waters"? [John 7:37-39, Zechariah 14:8, Joel 2:18, Hebrew 12:23, Ezekiel 47].
Ezekiel's Temple: Do you think the the vision of Ezekiel's Temple is actually more symbolic than literal? [Ezekiel 40-48, Hebrews 8-9].
2020-11-16 Double Fulfillment Prophecies: Caller shares his thoughts on double fulfillment prophecies. [Revelation 18, Ezekiel 9, Joel 2, Romans 5:12, I Corinthians 10:6, I Peter 3:20-21].
2020-11-12 Prophet with Elijah's Spirit: Who is the prophet with Elijah's spirit? [Matthew 17:11-13, Malachi 4, Matthew 11:12-14].
Two Elijahs & the Great Tribulation: Isn't there two different Elijah's since scripture indicates that the second won't come until the great tribulation? [Joel 2].
2020-09-11 Mindset of the Early Church about "the Last Days": What was the mindset of the early church regarding the "last days"? [2 Timothy 3:1-9, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17].
2020-08-27 Isaiah Talking about Modern or Ancient Times: How can these verses in Isaiah be about ancient times? [Isaiah 66:23-24, Joel 2:28, Matthew 11:28-30, Luke 3:6, Mark 9:48, Isaiah 60-66, Isaiah 40:3-6].
Double Fulfillment in Joel 2: Do you think that the verbage in Joel 2 indicates a double fulfillment? [Isaiah 66:23-24, Joel 2:28].
2020-08-27 Isaiah Talking about Modern or Ancient Times: How can these verses in Isaiah be about ancient times? [Isaiah 66:23-24, Joel 2:28, Matthew 11:28-30, Luke 3:6, Mark 9:48, Isaiah 60-66, Isaiah 40:3-6].
Double Fulfillment in Joel 2: Do you think that the verbage in Joel 2 indicates a double fulfillment? [Isaiah 66:23-24, Joel 2:28].
2020-08-26 Time of Great Trouble (Tribulation): Does these two verses about a time of great trouble relate to each other? [Matthew 24:21, Daniel 12:1-4, Exodus 9, Joel 2, Daniel 10-12, Revelation 22:10].
2020-07-10 If We Fail God in Helping Another Come to Christ: What would God do with us, if we were responsible for someone's salvation, and we didn't do what we needed to do? [Matthew 18:6, Luke 17:2].
God Loves Me More than Anything: What verses would you say would be the best support the idea that God loves us and really wants us to be saved more than anything? [John 3:16, I John 3:16, Romans 5:8-10].
Great and Terrible Day of the Lord: What is the "great and terrible day of the Lord" in Malachi? [Malachi 4:5-6, Deuteronomy 28, Leviticus 26, Joel 2:31, Acts 2, 2 Peter 3:10-12].
2020-05-05 Defining the meaning of "Last Days" by Scripture: Can you help me how the scriptures be understood differently than relative to the end times? [Isaiah 2:2, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 42, Isaiah 54, Micah 4:1-4, Ezekiel 39, Joel 2:28, Hebrews l:1, I John 2:18, James 5:3, I Peter 1:20, Hebrews 12:22, I Corinthians 10:11].
2017-02-24 Peter's Sermon Quoting from Joel: In peter's sermon, where does it say in Joel what he was quoting about the Holy Spirit & what was this talk about hell or fire, etc? [Acts 2, Joel 2:28-29]
2015-09-15 Jewish ancestry: Caller wanted to discuss the religion or culture of the Jewish nation, especially Judah.
2013-04-24 Day of Pentecost: Was the "Day of Pentecost" discussed in the Old Testament? [Acts 2:16-21, Joel 2:24, Isaiah 28:11, I Corinthians 14].
2013-03-14 "Sons & Daughters Will Prophesy": What does the word "prophesy" really mean in this passage "your sons and daughters will prophesy? [Acts 2:17, Romans 8:14, John 4:19, Joel 2:28].
Women Preaching: What do you think of women getting up in church and preaching? [Acts 2:17, Joel 2:28].
Women in Authority: If a woman started a group at church, and runs it, is it going against the scripture in I Timothy 2 about women in authority? [I Timothy 2:12, I Corinthians 14:34].
2013-03-14 "Sons & Daughters Will Prophesy": What does the word "prophesy" really mean in this passage "your sons and daughters will prophesy? [Acts 2:17, Romans 8:14, John 4:19, Joel 2:28].
Women Preaching: What do you think of women getting up in church and preaching? [Acts 2:17, Joel 2:28].
Women in Authority: If a woman started a group at church, and runs it, is it going against the scripture in I Timothy 2 about women in authority? [I Timothy 2:12, I Corinthians 14:34].
2013-01-30 Calling People Fools: (Phone cuts in & out) What did Jesus mean by calling people fool & being in danger of Hellfire yet people are called fools in the Bible. [Matthew 5:22]
Pentecost a Fulfillment of Joel: Caller doesn't think Pentecost was a fulfillment of Joel, but Steve explains that it was. [Acts 2, Joel 2]
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