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Topic: Gideon

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Episode Topic Audio
2022-07-04 Fleeces before God: Would you share your personal story of putting fleeces before God about about the girl who you would marry?
Demonic Forces at Work: What other forces, other than demonic forces, could have been at work in the experience of all your fleeces set before God?
2016-03-04 Gideon's Battle of 300 Men & Sons of God: Do you think the battle that Gideon had with only 300 men was prophetic? [Judges 7:13-19]
Sons of God Manifestation: Is there going to be an elite group of people in the future who become fully mature men "Sons of God" in the future? [Romans 8]
Repenting after Death: Is there a verse that says there is NO chance of repentance, salvation after death? How are we responsible for what Adam did? Isn't he going t obe in a lot more trouble than us for the trouble he caused us? [Hebrew 9:27]
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