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Topic: Open Theism (Openness Theology)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-14 God's Love from Eternity Past: How should I understand the idea that God loves every individual in eternity past, even before they existed (outside of time)? [Galatians 1:15-17, Jeremiah 1:5].
2024-03-11 Abraham & Isaac (Openness Theology): Does the story of Abraham and Isaac teach about omniscience and that decisions aren't always made in advance (as in Openness Theology)? [Genesis 22:12, Genesis 18:21].
2023-11-07 Prophecies that Did NOT Come True: Some Openness (Theology) believers suggest that prophecies don't need to necessarily come true. Could you talk about the prophecies in Ezekiel that didn't exactly come true as they were prophecied? [Ezekiel 26:3, Ezekiel 26:7, Ezekiel 16:12-14, Genesis 22:12, Genesis 18:20, Genesis 3:9].
2023-09-07 God's Foreknowledge: Does God know everything in the future, or just all the possibilities and the possible people that will exist, because He is beyond time? [Amos 3:7-8].
2023-04-24 Why Test if God is Omniscient?: If God already knows the outcome, why does He have to test people-like when He tested Abraham? [Genesis 18:20].
2022-08-24 Open Theism: What is "Open Theism"? Is it heresy?
2022-06-29 God's Foreknowledge: Does God know everything from the beginning to the end? [Luke 22:54-62, Matthew 26:69-75].
2022-06-29 Openess Theology: Is the story of Moses not a good example of God knowing what people are going to do?
Moses: How old was Moses when he went to Egypt and when they came out?
2022-02-11 God Changes His Mind: Can God change His mind? [Proverbs 21:1, Genesis 18:21, Exodus 32:14].
2022-01-11 Open Theism & Other Views of God's Omniscience: Do you hold to the classical view of the omniscience of God because of scriptural evidence, or because of the classical tradition?
2021-08-31 Open Theism: Would you talk about "Open Theism"?
2021-08-26 "Open Theism" vs Omniscience: Could you expound on "Open Theism", in contrast to my view of God's omniscience?
2021-05-05 God's Foreknowledge: Shouldn't have God known in advance that Adam would need a helpmate, and that mankind would fail and He would need to send the flood?
Chuck Girard & Alisa Childers: Are you familiar with Alisa Childers, Chuck Girard's (Love Song) daughter?
2020-12-04 God's Knowledge Limited: Since God tests us, is His knowledge limited in some way, so that He doesn't know the outcome of the test?
2020-10-19 God Changes His Mind: Would you talk about the all-knowing God who changes his mind in scripture? [Jeremiah 18:8, Genesis 3:9].
2020-09-02 If God Knows My Future, How Am I Accountable?: If God knows my future, then how am I accountable for where I end up?
2020-08-27 God Knows Past, Present & Future: If God knows all things, the beginning and the end, then, how can He regret the choices people make? [Isaiah 46:10, Genesis 3:9, Genesis 4:9, Genesis 18:16-33, Genesis 22:12].
God's Preordaining Everything: Does God not knowing some things throw a monkey wrench into the concept of God preordaining everything (Calvinism)?
Making a Donation: Do you have a phone number to make donations to? How do you spell Temecula?
2020-08-03 Openness Theology - God's Foreknowledge: Would you discuss Openness Theology and God's Foreknowledge (knowing the future)? [Isaiah 40-49].
2019-10-10 Open Theism or Does God Know the Future: What is your view of "Open Theism" and what convinces you that God knows the future? Could it be left undecided by God intentionally? [Isaiah 46:10].
2019-05-03 Foreknowledge & Freewill: If God knows everything we will do, how is that freewill? Open theism discussed.
Two Witnesses (Revelation): Did Jesus know everything? Can we know absolutely who the two witnesses were in Revelation?
2019-03-12 Omniscience: Does God choose not to know everything? How does this fit in with "openness theology"
2019-02-07 Anthropomorphism of God: Sometimes God acts like He doesn't know something or that He's sorry for doing something. Do these give credence to the fact that He might not know everything? [Genesis 6:6,
Righteous People Don't Need a Savior: So was Jesus saying that the righteous people don't need a Savior? [Luke 5:31-32]
2018-06-08 Open Theism: Is Open Theism true or not where it's possible that God doesn't know everything that's going to happen in the future?
2018-04-18 God Changing His Mind: Can God change His mind? Anthropomorphic dialogue
2018-03-22 Boundary Lines for the Millennial Temple: My dad thinks that they are setting the boundaries for the Temple that is going to be built during the Millennium. Is that indeed talking about the same thing as this future temple that they think is going to be built? [Ezekiel 43:10=11]
Open Theism: What is God's foreknowledge? Does God know the entire future?
2018-02-19 God's Knowledge: What did God mean when he told Abraham "now I know that you fear me" with regard to Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son?
2018-02-15 Open Theism: Can and will God change His mind causing the course of things to be altered?
2017-12-28 Alpha & Omega: How can God be the end? How does He know what's happening in the end? What happened to eternity? [Revelation 22:13]
2017-12-27 Calvinism: Calvinism & he shares how he is no longer thinks as strict about it, but you don't have to be a Calvinist to recognize that God always knows the future.
2017-10-26 Predestination Exists: Caller thinks predestination exists because God knows everything.
Doctrine of Hell: Where does the doctrine of hell come from?
2017-03-27 Open Theism: What was the doctrine called where God doesn't know all the future?
2017-03-23 Open Theism: You don't believe in open theism, what about God changing His mind? [Jeremiah 18, Exodus 13:17-18]
2017-03-21 Openness Theology: God's foreknowledge, predestination, God changing His mind, does prayer really change things?
2017-03-10 Open Theism: What prevents you from being an open theist?
2016-12-16 Time: Trying to understand the concept of time, God being outside of time. Calvinism seems to accept this idea, it going along w/ their beliefs
2016-06-14 Open Theism: Can you please talk about Open Theologyope (Theism)?
2016-02-17 God Knowing Everything: Does God really know EVERYTHING (open theism) because what about instances like God testing Abraham & saying, "Now i know that you fear Me"? [Genesis 22:12]
2016-02-05 Open Theism: Open Theism, free will, God's omniscience & caller tries to link john 19:11 with free will. [John 19:11]
2016-02-04 Greg Boyd: Are you familiar with Greg Boyd on open theism? Have you his book about the Sovereignty of God & our free will, called, "Is God to Blame?"?
2015-04-21 Open Theism: Are there just some things that God does not know? Such as, Why the Tree of Knowledge if He knew Adam & Eve were going to eat it? Why the Abraham & Isaac test? [Genesis 3:4-7]
2014-07-07 Pre-tribulation Rapture: We shouldn't divide over eschatological differences, but it's the love of Christ that is the really important, essential thing!
Open Theism: Did God dispense w/ SOME of His omniscience so He could truly give people Free Will?
2014-05-07 Open Theism: What are your arguments for why you don't think Open Theism is biblical?
2013-12-18 God's Will Being Changed by our Prayers: Do our prayers really change the way God will act sometimes? [James 4:2]
God knowing People won't become saved: Does God know some people are going to be born who never knew about Him?
2013-09-19 Open Theism: Caller is reading a book about Open Theism & wondering what Steve thinks of it.
Tithing: Are we supposed to still pay tithe? [1 Corinthians 6:2]
2013-08-29 Abraham's Test with Issac: Why did God have Abraham go through with the test of whether he'd sacrifice his son or not since He already knew what he'd do? [Genesis 22:1-19, Genesis 3:8-9, Genesis 4:9, Genesis 18:20-21]
2013-06-27 Open Theism: Please give the best arguments for & against "Open Theism"?
2013-04-18 Why did God Create all This?: If God knows all and knows how it all plays out in the end, then what is the point of all the suffering?
2013-03-01 Sovereignty & Foreknowledge Defined: Regarding the sovereignty of God, did God know everything and how everything will turn out (Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence)? [Isaiah 46, Isaiah 45:12, Luke 12:7, Matthew 10:29-30].
2013-02-11 Greg Boyd & Open Theism: I was wondering what your thoughts about Greg Boyd's view on Open Theism.
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