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Topic: Modesty

Showing 1 to 23 of 23.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-02-01 Modesty Standards from the Old Testament: Does this verse in Isaiah about baring one's legs suggest the general standard for modesty today? [Isaiah 47:23, Isaiah 20:4].
Calvinist's Total Depravity: Does Galatians 5:6 prove the Calvinist "Total Depravity" Doctrine (that we cannot choose God because we are dead and without ability to love)? [Galatians 5:6].
2022-10-21 Modesty-Bathing Suits & Speedos: Is it sinful to wear a speedo to the beach?
2022-08-17 Modesty: Regarding modesty, what parts of the body need to be covered? [Romans 14:13-23, Exodus 28:42].
2021-12-22 Headcovering & Angels on a Women's Head: What does it mean when the Bible says that a woman should have her head covered and there are angels on her head? Recommended topical article on "Headcoverings". [I Corinthians 11:10-16, Genesis 6].
2021-04-07 Jewish Prayer Shawl (Tallit): Should we be wearing the Tallit (Jewish prayer shawl)? [I Corinthians 11:16, Deuteronomy 22:5, Numbers 6].
2021-01-05 Judging by Appearances: Does one's dress, language, music preferences, etc. change when one is saved, and how does it related to judging by one's appearances? [John 7:24, Romans 12:2]. (Same caller as 3rd caller.)
2020-08-10 Christians Using Vulgarity: Is being concerned about believers use of vulgarity focusing on a minor concerns or is it an offense to God? [Matthew 12:36, Ephesians 5:3-4, Ephesians 4:29, Matthew 23:24, Matthew 7:24-27].
Modesty in Clothing: Could you comment on inappropriate or provocative clothing worn by believers?
2019-08-27 Head Coverings & Angels: Can you claify what is happening in about the head coverings, and "the sign of authority" on women "because of angels" in I Corinthians 11 [I Corinthians 11:10, 14].
2019-08-13 The Movie, "Silence": Did you see the movie,"Silence"? Do you think he did the right thing to compromise?
Modesty: How does one determine what is modest? [I Corinthians 8:9-13].
2019-03-27 Dress for Church: How should you dress when you go to church?
2019-03-18 Jesus's Appearance: Why is Jesus depicted as a soft looking man when He would likely be darker and buff? Does this misrepresentation cause people to stumble?
2019-01-18 Women Required to Wear Dresses: What is your opinion of a church that requires that the women wear dresses all week long? [Deuteronomy 22:5].
2018-06-14 Provocative Dress: Young women wear provocative dress to church and are causing men to stumble.
2018-04-05 Jewelry: What is your belief about wearing jewelry of crosses & the like?
2018-01-16 Prophecy & Head Coverings: Can you talk about Head Coverings & prophecy that Paul was talking about in 1 Corinthians 11, especially involving women. [1 Corinthians 11:3-16]
2018-01-08 Head Coverings: What do you think about going to a church that is insistent on women wearing Head coverings & being silent in the church?
2017-09-13 Women wearing Pants: Besides modesty, is there anything that says women need to only wear dresses & not pants? [Deuteronomy 22, 1 Corinthians 11:14-15, 1 Timothy 2:8-10]
2017-04-12 No Jewelry: Can't wear gold, does that mean any type of jewelry? [1 Peter 3:3]
2016-04-29 Sunday-Best for Church: DOes it say anywhere in the Bible that we have to dress up for church?
2015-09-14 Graven Images & wearing a cross on a necklace: Is wearing a cross on a necklace considered worshipping a "graven image"?
Prepping or Storing Food: Are you a believer in storing/prepping of food, etc. for a time of trouble?
2015-02-18 No Idols or Castings: Doesn't it say somewhere in Matthew about not having any idols, castings, so are we allowed to have jewelry of crosses, churches having crosses?
2015-02-12 Attire in Church: Does it dishonor God to come to church in casual clothing? Is it biblical or mandated that we have to come in our best clothes?
2013-06-13 Modesty: What is the duty of the Christian regarding modesty in dress?
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