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Topic: Famine

Showing 1 to 4 of 4.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-12-03 Gap Between 69th and 70th Weeks of Daniel: Regarding the 70 weeks of Daniel, isn't it unnatural to place a large gap between the 69th and 70th week?
Earthquakes & Famines: Why are earthquakes and famines mentioned in prophecy? [Matthew 24, Luke 21:20].
2020-09-10 The Curse on Adam & Eve: Was only Adam cursed? And was Eve not cursed because of the coming Messiah? [Genesis 3:14-17].
The Famine of the Word in Amos: Could you help me understand when the famine of the Word in Amos occurred? [Amos 8:11].
2016-06-27 Book of Mormon Restoring Truth: Mormon claim this predicts the state of the church before the book of Mormon came about, a famine of "The Word" before they came along. [Amos 8:11-12]
2013-10-21 God Providing Everything but So much Suffering: I know it says somewhere in the Bible that God will provide, but why all this suffering & people with lack of stuff? [Philippians 4:19, Matthew 6:33]
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