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Topic: Songs or Hymns (Sing, Singing)

Showing 1 to 49 of 49.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-05 Disrespect if Not Standing During Worship Music: What do you think about the disrespect of those in church not standing during worship music at church?
2024-05-31 Musician Sold Soul to Devil: How should we think about a musician who sold their soul to the devil in trade for talent?
2024-05-14 Applause at Church: What do you think about applause after worship music at church?
2024-01-02 The Trinity: Are these verses referring to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (The Trinity), with one verse referring specifically to the Holy Spirit? [John 1:1-5].
The Devil, Creativity, & Music: Is the Devil also creative and also able to make music, or did God make everything? [John 1:3].
2023-10-02 Theme Song (for The Narrow Path): Is there a downloadable file for your theme song? Go to the website and look under the "Resources & links" tab. The song, by John Marr, is called "Like Arrows Do" and is on YouTube.
2023-08-29 Instrumental vs Non-instrumental Worship Music: What are your thoughts on instrumental music during church worship? [Psalm 150, Psalm 33:3, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16-17, James 5:13-16, 2 Kings 3:15, Revelation 14:2, Genesis 4:21, 2 Corinthians 5:17]
2023-07-19 Whistling-Introduction to "The Narrow Path" Radio Show: Is that you that is doing the whistling at the beginning of the show? The musician writer/whistler is Jon Marr
Dichotomy or Trichotomy (Body, Soul, Spirit): What is your take on the body, soul, and spirit (dichotomy or trichotomy)? [Hebrews 4:12, 2 Corinthians 4:16, 2 Thessalonians 5:23, 1 Corinthians 14:14, Matthew 26:40-43].
2023-06-13 Worship Music: Caller shares concerns about worship music and continuing to buy the music of some of the bands that are misusing the funds.
2023-06-06 Playing Certain Worship Music: Do you think it is wrong to use certain worship music (from NAR, Hillsong & Bethel), because it is said it may be a damaging gateway?
2023-04-19 Church Splitting Over the Music of Hillsong & N.A.R: What do you think about our church splitting over using the music from Hillsong and NAR (New Apostolic Reformation)? What is the truth about them? Is it unethical to use their songs?
2023-04-06 Non-instrumental Church of Christ: What do you think about objection to instruments to accompany singing because it wasjust David's preferences? [Amos 6:5, Ephesians 5:19-21, Colossians 3:16, James 5:13, Revelation 14:1-4, Genesis 4:20-22].
2023-03-02 "Spirit in the Sky": Are you familiar with the song from the 70s, "The Spirit in the Sky"?
Movie "Jesus Revolution": Is the movie "Jesus Revolution" a re-release or is it a new one?
Resurrection & Reincarnation: Was resurrection and reincarnation considered at the church council's about whether to keep it as foundational doctrine? [2 Corinthians 5:10, Hebrews 9:27].
2022-12-28 Satanic Messages in Old Records: Do you think that Led Zepplin actually intentionally planned a Satanic message when playing "Stairway to Heaven" backward?
2022-12-28 Playing Old Records for Hidden Messages: Caller comments on playing old records at slower speeds instead of backwards.
Temple Worship After 70 A.D.: Did the Jews continue to have sacrificial worship in the temple after 70 A.D.?
Jews Wearing Black: Why do religious Jews only wear black?
2022-12-28 Led Zepplin & "Stairway to Heaven": Caller comments on the rumor about Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven" giving Satanic messages?
Giving to the Needy in a More Personal Way: Do you think that it is more gratifying to give personally to those in need rather than giving to organizations to do so?
2022-12-22 Christmas Songs: Do you have a top 5 Christmas songs or hymns?
2022-11-17 Bethel Church-"Reckless" Love: What do you think of the Bethel Church titling a song "The Reckless Love of God"?
2022-11-17 Music in the Church: Do you think that there is a place for music in church? [Psalm 150, Ephesians 5:19, James 5:13, Colossians 3:16].
2022-09-19 Theme Song of The Narrow Path (Whistling Song): Is that you whistling on the introduction? Or a friend of yours?
Appreciation for "The Narrow Path" Radio Program: Caller appreciates the unique educational value of the radio program.
Levels of Heaven: What is the "third heaven", or the various levels, in heaven? [2 Corinthians 12:2, Revelation 4:1].
2022-09-02 Worship Music: What constitutes appropriate worship music for church meetings?
2022-08-19 Christian Music: Why should the devil get all the good music?
2022-08-19 Worship Music: Comment about the nature of worship music and the various styles, often seemingly overly self-focused in today's churches.
2022-08-12 Keith Green: Was Keith Green as intense as he appeared?
Take Up Your Cross & Deny Yourself: Could you expand on the verse "take up your cross & deny yourself?" [Luke 9:23]. [Editor's Note: After the break, Steve corrects
2022-06-14 Worship Team: How much should I be concerned about the way our church does the time of worship?
2022-04-28 Non-instrumental Church of Christ: Could you talk about the beliefs of the "Non-instrumental" Church of Christ? [Genesis 4:21, James 5:13, Colossians 3:16, Ephesian 5:19].
2022-04-25 The Narrow Path Theme Song: What is the whistling tune at the beginning of your show (title and artist)?
Cremation: What do you think about cremation, particularly in light of a friend who converted to Judaism?
2022-01-26 Singing, Praying, or Worshipping Loudly: Our pastor encourages us all to be very loud in our worshipping and prayer, but I am rather quiet by nature. Am I wrong not to want to participate loudly?
2021-11-16 The Narrow Path Theme Music: Is the theme music for The Narrow Path radio program a gospel song? Link found at, called "Like Arrows Do".
Little Children, Young Men, Fathers: Why does Paul write to three different groups (little children, young men, fathers) in I John? [I John 2:12-14].
2021-10-21 Whistling at The Narrow Path: Is that you whistling in the song at the beginning of the show? The song is by Jon Marr, and it's called, "Like Arrows Do" and is at the website.
Book of Enoch: Is it possible that the Book of Enoch was actually written by Enoch?
Donating to "The Narrow Path" Ministry: How do you donate to "The Narrow Path" ministry?
2021-10-11 Singer-Songwriter Don Francisco: Do you know the singer-songwriter Don Francisco and if he is doing anything now?
Lost Tribes of Israel: Do you know anything about the Lost Tribes of Israel (Black Hebrew Israelites)? [Genesis 10, Lamentations 5:10, Song of Solomon 1:6].
Jewish (Israelite) Tribal Identity: When did the Jewish (Israelite) tribes get lost?
2021-10-01 Worshipping as a Non-Charismatic: Is it wrong or unbiblical for me to worship in a very non-charismatic way, like not waving my hands and reading the words of songs, rather than singing them? [Psalm 22:22, I Timothy 2:8, Psalm 63:4, John 4:24]
2021-09-16 Whistling on The Narrow Path: Where does the whistling song come from on your show? The full song is posted at under the tab called resources.
Steve Gregg vs John MacArthur: Caller comments that he no longer listens to John MacArthur and only listens to Steve. Steve Doesn't recommend listening to only one teacher.
Tithing for Christians: Could you go over the biblical view of tithing for Christians? [Luke 14:33].
2021-05-05 God's Foreknowledge: Shouldn't have God known in advance that Adam would need a helpmate, and that mankind would fail and He would need to send the flood?
Chuck Girard & Alisa Childers: Are you familiar with Alisa Childers, Chuck Girard's (Love Song) daughter?
2021-05-04 Praise Songs Overly Romantic: Don't some of the songs sung to Jesus sound overly romantic and maybe a little feminine?
"Turn the Other Cheek Not Masculine": Could you respond to the idea that we are not to just "turn the other cheek", but are to get angry as Jesus did and remain strong, masculine men? [Matthew 5:38-40].
2021-01-19 Buying Steve's Books: Any advice, as I am having trouble buying multiple copies of your book?
Compromised Writers of Worship Music: As a worship leader, I have learned some negative things about some of those that write and perform songs I have used before, any advice on helping me decide if I should use them anymore?
2021-01-14 Critical Nature-Blessing or Curse: Can you help me sort out the blessing and curse of having a critical nature? [Ephesians 4:15, Revelation 2-3].
Worship Music & Song: What do you think about a lot of the current worship bands, music and songs, coming out now? It seems rather self-centered. [James 1:17].
2020-11-04 The Narrow Path Theme Song: Is that you playing the guitar and whistling?
2020-10-16 Other Religions in Contrast to Christianity: Are there other religions that have the joy, the psalms, the benevolence, that the Christian faith has? [Romans 5:3].
2020-05-27 Songs in Revelation: Is the book of Revelation full of worship songs [Revelation 14].
2020-04-29 Church of Christ Bans Singing: Is the Church of Christ a cult because it bans singing?
2020-03-11 Kenosis Theory & the Bethel Movement: Because of my concern about the Bethel movement and Bill Johnson's teaching, I am trying to sort out the "Kenosis Theory"? [Philippians 2].
Hillsong Music Bans: Do you think it is an over-reaction to not ban singing of Hillsong music?
2020-03-09 Worship Service in Church: What form of worship should take place in church, when worshipping in Spirit & Truth? What should it look like on a Sunday morning as far as the raising of hands, singing, and so on? [John 4:19-24, 5:42, Isaiah 29:13].
2019-07-02 Forgiven Sin: Can sin in progress be forgiven, or do you have to complete the sin and ask for forgiveness when it is done?
2019-06-06 Satan Being Loosed: The binding of Satan and a thousand years of peace is described in Revelation, but why is Satan let loose for a little while at the end of the millennium? [Revelation 20].
Whistling in the Theme Song: Is that you playing the guitar and whistling at the beginning of your show?
2018-12-31 Angels Singing: Is there anywhere in the Bible where it talks about angels singing in the Bible? What about in the book of Job? [Job 38:7, Revelation 4-5, Revelation 5:9, Revelation 4:10]
2018-07-31 Musical Instruments in the Church: Caller believes we are not allowed to use instruments,
2018-07-31 Losing your Faith: Just repent, start obeying Jesus again, if you find yourself start falling away.
Acapella Music: Caller thinks it's Church History that the church didn't use musical instruments for the first few centuries, but it was just for singing & making melody in their hearts.
2016-05-10 Tattoos: Were the tattoos in the Old Testament taoing about permanent tattoos or also the kind that can be washed off? [Leviticus 19:28]
Church of Christ & No Instruments: The Church of Christ doesn't use musical instruments, why not?
2013-12-13 Angels Singing: The caller was told that the angels can't sing. Is that true?
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